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12¾ years HERE

Happily married man Biography
Boston Location
Movies, music, sports, going out, animals Interests
Driver and small business owner Occupation
Showing Comments 125 to 128 of 131
  1. 07-01-14
    Yeah I would never recommend "Tumbling Doll of Flesh" to anyone.... I know only a few people who enjoy things like that... I have many disturbing films.... similar to that.
  2. 06-09-14
    I can't remember if you have seen Stroszek or not, if so, how did you like it? I'll probably watch Nosferatu next, and I know you liked that
  3. 06-05-14
    Hi. .can i ask how can i be able to watch a movie from this site?
  4. 05-28-14
    I hope you saw this thread:

    The 2014 MoFo Prom!!!

    You are using a Carrie avatar, afterall.
Christiane F.   8/08/20
Even people who would normally be called extras, they are just people that happen to be caught on film

The Irishman   12/01/19
You have to wonder if this was a swan song of sorts for the director and some of the cast, and with the way th

The Aviator   10/08/18
Going into it this time, one thing that piqued my interest was how they portrayed the filming of Hell's Angels

Pan's Labyrinth   7/15/18
This and The Shape of Water are two of the best looking movies I've ever seen

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