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Last Activity: 15 minutes ago

Miss Vicky

MoFo's Resident Bitch
33,739 POSTS



14¾ years HERE

I love movies but often my tastes in them don't match up to those of other "movie buffs." I'm also highly opinionated, so if I offend you, sorry (or not? Depends on who you are.) Biography
Northern California Location
Besides movies, I love music (mostly classic rock) and fiction writing. I'm currently working on my first novel. Hopefully I'll finish it in this liftetime. It's only been almost two decades in the making so far. Interests
Veterinary receptionist/assistant Occupation

Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 1752
  1. 07-09-20
    Did you get the message I sent
  2. 07-08-20
    Oops!!! 😖
  3. 07-08-20
    do you have discord?
  4. 07-03-20
    Nah I’m not bothered of course, although I have no idea whether the other people who comment on my reviews get annoyed or not. Probably more confused than annoyed😂
Joker   10/05/19
In Phoenix's hands Arthur Fleck feels like a fully realized human, albeit one who is deeply damaged and distur

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