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Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 19
  1. 01-14-22
    Hard to believe no one has felt the need to replace this picture:
  2. 06-05-19
    Thanks man. I only wasted an hour trying to get the frames right, before I gave up
  3. 06-05-19
    You new avatar is sixteen shades of awesome.
  4. 02-04-19
    Whoops, ignore my comment. It was *me* who didn't know what thread they were in.
doubledenim has not chosen any favorite movies yet.
Predator   8/14/16
The opening assault on an *insert any generic bad guy camp you have seen from any action movie* is a necessary

The Drop   7/28/15
Bob (Tom Hardy) keeps bar at his cousin's Marv (James Gandolfini) bar in Brooklyn

Ex Machina   4/26/15
The majority of the film revolves around Caleb and his interaction with Nathan and AVA

Falling Down   1/15/15
Falling Down is a film about a man (William Foster) who finally snaps, when he cannot bear the perceived injus

doubledenim has not joined any clubs.