Dark Phoenix


YES! Magneto is a bad guy... again!

Because why not?!
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The trailer made me cringe and burst out laughing several times. It looks like a terrible movie, but I'll watch it anyway because I like quite a few of the actors, so it's more for their sake than anything else. I actually do like Sophie Turner. It's a little funny to me that Mistique has such a prominent role just because she's played by Jennifer Lawrence, but I like Lawrence.

I wish it wasn't so cliche, but they have to sell tickets to plebs, so I get it.

Intriguing but I hope it's going to be a better movie than X-Men Apocalypse. Speaking of, why did they change the costume? I like their hero costume at the end of Apocalypse.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Sad that this will be the swan song for the X-Men franchise under Fox. Should have ended with Logan. This looks like generic crap in my opinion. More along the lines of Last Stand or Apocalypse than X2 or DOFP.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Sad that this will be the swan song for the X-Men franchise under Fox. Should have ended with Logan. This looks like generic crap in my opinion. More along the lines of Last Stand or Apocalypse than X2 or DOFP.
They were all generic and mediocre. Just like all the Marvel movies. They are nothing but glorified glamourised violence with zero substance. You can appreciate the talent of some of the actors, but there is not one single other praisworthy aspect to any of the Marvel movies. Everything about them from their Mary Sue characters, to their three act structure, and over the shoulder dialogue shots is generic and mediocre. They are commercials for toys and comic books. They are cash machines for corporations. They are mindless entertainment for the ignorant masses. Phoenix is just more of the same, and nobody cares if it isn't catered to your personal preferences.

If you don't like it go make your own movie, or read a book or something. There is no point in complaining about some talentless hacks cashing out on the popularity of characters they have the rights to, and you're not entitled to get a good movie from them. If you give them your money they will think they're doing the right thing and they'll make more. Corporations only speak the language of money. So if you don't want more of this "crap" then don't give them any money. If you do give them money then it's your own fault. Either way there is no point in complaining. Sorry if I'm coming across as harsh. I'm just being blunt.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
They were all generic and mediocre. Just like all the Marvel movies. They are nothing but glorified glamourised violence with zero substance. You can appreciate the talent of some of the actors, but there is not one single other praisworthy aspect to any of the Marvel movies. Everything about them from their Mary Sue characters, to their three act structure, and over the shoulder dialogue shots is generic and mediocre. They are commercials for toys and comic books. They are cash machines for corporations. They are mindless entertainment for the ignorant masses. Phoenix is just more of the same, and nobody cares if it isn't catered to your personal preferences.

If you don't like it go make your own movie, or read a book or something. There is no point in complaining about some talentless hacks cashing out on the popularity of characters they have the rights to, and you're not entitled to get a good movie from them. If you give them your money they will think they're doing the right thing and they'll make more. Corporations only speak the language of money. So if you don't want more of this "crap" then don't give them any money. If you do give them money then it's your own fault. Either way there is no point in complaining. Sorry if I'm coming across as harsh. I'm just being blunt.
I guess you're part of the ignorant masses since you've already stated you're going to see this movie? I like half the entries to this series, so it's totally within my right to be able to complain about how this looks. If you want to give me millions of dollars and the rights to the characters, I will make a movie. I don't see how the hell that is an argument.

Since when did I ever say that I felt entitled to get a good movie? The whole point of making a movie is to make it good, no? Who goes out to make a sh*t film? Even if it is catered to the ignorant masses, at least they want to make it good for the potential of more films right?. There are entries in this series that actually tried to not be generic crap, in my opinion.

So please, get some sleep and lay off the medication.

Am a fan of the X-Films as well but not really looking forward to this after Apocalypse was such a let down.

It's gonna be tough for them to make another well received movie after Deadpool and Logan knocked it completely out of the park.

We've also still got movies based on X-Force, Gambit, Kitty Pride, Multiple Man, a 3rd Deadpool, Alpha Flight, Exiles, and a movie based on X-23 (basically a Logan sequel).

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
We've also still got movies based on X-Force, Gambit, Kitty Pride, Multiple Man, a 3rd Deadpool, Alpha Flight, Exiles, and a movie based on X-23 (basically a Logan sequel).
I'm sure all that is up in the air with Disney now.

I guess you're part of the ignorant masses since you've already stated you're going to see this movie? I like half the entries to this series, so it's totally within my right to be able to complain about how this looks. If you want to give me millions of dollars and the rights to the characters, I will make a movie. I don't see how the hell that is an argument.

Since when did I ever say that I felt entitled to get a good movie? The whole point of making a movie is to make it good, no? Who goes out to make a sh*t film? Even if it is catered to the ignorant masses, at least they want to make it good for the potential of more films right?. There are entries in this series that actually tried to not be generic crap, in my opinion.

So please, get some sleep and lay off the medication.
That is the funniest thing I've heard all week. Have a nice life.

Welcome to the human race...
So the trailer was out for a day and they pushed it back to June. An interesting development.

As for the film itself, I think I'll end up seeing it out of sheer bloodymindedness (already saw all the other ones, didn't I?) even though, as I noted elsewhere, I don't think I actually like the movies/franchise all that much (even series highs like X2 or DoFP don't hold up for me, never mind the lows that I doubt I'll ever re-watch).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

We could be lucky and that maybe that trailer was footage based on the "studio movie" and they've seen the backlash and are editing it back to what the director originally made.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Lots of hate for this one already. Give it a chance guys! X3 did a bad job handling the dark phoenix, maybe this one can do better and without Wolverine for a change.

They have delivered us 2 truly fantastic films with First Class and DOFP(of the newer ones), followed by a bit of a miss step with Apocalypse so lets see what they can do now.

We've gone on holiday by mistake

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Can someone with more X-Men knowledge hit me up.

Does Jean always have the Dark Phoenix power in her? I thought she got it while in space, which is a scene in this film apparently. Yet she used the Phoenix power to kill Apocalypse in the last film. This obviously takes place AFTER the events of that one due to Storm being there.

Does the cosmic energy awaken something?

@The Rodent