Which iconic film trilogy is the best overall?


Which trilogy?
7 votes
Star Wars
4 votes
The Godfather
13 votes
The Lord of the Rings
6 votes
The Dark Knight
2 votes
7 votes
1 votes
Toy Story
37 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
I'd go with Dollars and The Dark Knight, although the Bourne Trilogy is probably the most consistent in terms of competence. It's consistently good but never great. Dollars is the greatest overall but it doesn't really keep much of a story going.

John Wick would probably be a strong contender if they'd make a third one. It's a shame that the 3rd Godfather kind of stinks on ice, otherwise we'd be looking at the trilogy to top all trilogies.

I'd go with Dollars and The Dark Knight, although the Bourne Trilogy is probably the most consistent in terms of competence.

John Wick would probably be a strong contender if they'd make a third one. It's a shame that the 3rd Godfather kind of stinks on ice, otherwise we'd be looking at the trilogy to top all trilogies.

Coppola admitted he only made the 3rd Godfather because he was skint.
He had absolutely no interest in making it a good film.
It was a payday, nothing more, nothing less.

Bourne can't count as it's a pentalogy.

Anyway... LOTR, all the way.
Impossible books to follow or make into movies... yet Jackson and his team actually did it.

Evil Dead Trilogy is amazing.
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- CM Punk

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I still haven't seen all of the Godfathers, or all of the Lord of the Rings yet, but I should. The only one I saw where I thought all three were really great was The Dark Knight one.

Toy Story comes close but the second one I remember being only good, and not great. I will have to watch it again.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I voted for Dollars. That does mean Clint Eastwood/Spaghetti Westerns...right?...I hope so! I've seen all three and they keep getting better!

Star Wars
...Not a huge fan, but the first three were fun.

The Godfather...I don't get the love for these? I've seen the first two and not real interested in seeing the third.

The Lord of the Rings...The first was good, the second sucked so much that I didn't care to watch the third one.

The Dark Knight...Not seen these, and not real interested.

Bourne...Not seen these either, and also not real interested.

Toy Story
...Watched a half hour of the first one and shut it off, not interested in seeing anymore.

Keep your station clean - OR I WILL KILL YOU
Star Wars - One of the best trilogies, New Hope is amazing, Empire is magnificent, Jedi is pretty good.
The Godfather - Only seen the first one, it's pretty amazing but I can't judge it as a trilogy.
The Lord of the Rings - First one is great, two and three are masterful, in love.
The Dark Knight - Really like the first, love the second, don't remember the third. I wouldn't personally call it one of the best trilogies, just a really good one with an amazing middle film.
Bourne - Never seen a single one oops.
Toy Story - Great first film, the second one even better, the third is a masterpiece.

For me it would be between Toy Story and Lord of the Rings with Star Wars inching closer.

people vote lord of the rings, but for me too much talking and nothing happening in lord of the rings... there is too much talking something that i don t really enjoy in series or movies, same goes for game of thrones, too much talking and no action happening

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Probably Bergman's Vertical Trilogy.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Star Wars - 1st OK, 2nd good, 3rd almost bad
The Godfather - need to rewatch, didn't like them as a kid (and I'm not a fan of Mafia films in general)
The Lord of the Rings - 1st good, 2nd good, 3rd bad
The Dark Knight - 1st almost bad, 2nd bad, haven't bothered with the last
Bourne - all are somewhere between OK and good, don't remember them well enough to be sure which is which
Dollars - need to rewatch, didn't like too much as a kid (Once Upon a Time in the West >>> Dollars)
Toy Story - haven't seen any

So as a trilogy it looks like a draw between Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings and Bourne.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
I'd go with Dollars and The Dark Knight, although the Bourne Trilogy is probably the most consistent in terms of competence.

John Wick would probably be a strong contender if they'd make a third one. It's a shame that the 3rd Godfather kind of stinks on ice, otherwise we'd be looking at the trilogy to top all trilogies.

Coppola admitted he only made the 3rd Godfather because he was skint.
He had absolutely no interest in making it a good film.
It was a payday, nothing more, nothing less.

Bourne can't count as it's a pentalogy.

Anyway... LOTR, all the way.
Impossible books to follow or make into movies... yet Jackson and his team actually did it.
I mean the original first 3 Bourne movies.

Matrix should be on this list, maybe even Back to the Future.
There's only one good Matrix film and while the Back to the Future series is OK its not great. Only the first one is actually really good IMO.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
Well, I don't agree. BTTF is THE great trilogy, so this poll is rather silly. I mean, those awful Nolan Batman movies, really?
I don't think so.
Lots of people who don't share your sentiment. I didn't base the poll on what I liked, I based it on what critics liked.

And are you joking? BTTF is nowhere near an "iconic" trilogy in popular culture. Neither is Bourne but it's far more consistently made.

Growing up, I never knew what Lord of the Rings was. I knew it was to do with Wizards and stuff, so I figured the "rings" were just sort of challenges, or tests, or something ... Rings of Fire, maybe. But it never piqued my curiousity and it wasn't until just a few years ago that I watched the first movie and got what it was about. The movie was very charming, very quaint and I liked it a lot. I fell in love with Éowyn in Two Towers, but the rest of the movie was just OK, to me. Kind of boring, really. And Return of the King just seemed like a big mess to me. Everything to do with Frodo and Gollum, when they finally reach the lava pit was extremely disappointing. The way it was directed, how everything was handled ... a real let down.

Like when Gollum's in the lava, his CGI nature was really apparent and unconvincing. The movie then refused to end ... multiple times. And so, the Hobbit movies are out and I tried giving it a go, in case the magic (if you will) of the first LOTR movie was recaptured and ... it was not. It seemed like everything about this franchise just slid downhill on a greased ass and I can't tell you how irked it made me. I'm of Irish decent and really get into Celtic Art and as an Artist, I was very interested when I heard about Alan Lee's involvement and previous watercolors and all that. I like that earthy kind of look and style and it was just there to support a floundering series. I've never been into Fantasy & Magic, really. Just here and there, a little bit. Now, I understand why ...

I voted The Godfather trilogy, and I'd have Dollars second. I also would have Star Wars and Dark Knight ranked high. I like Bourne but it's not at the same level. I only saw the first Lord of the Rings movie and didn't like it, and I didn't like any of the Toy Story movies.

Lots of people who don't share your sentiment. I didn't base the poll on what I liked, I based it on what critics liked.

And are you joking? BTTF is nowhere near an "iconic" trilogy in popular culture. Neither is Bourne but it's far more consistently made.
No I'm not joking. If you seriously think the BTTF trilogy isn't iconic, you're off your trolley, mate. If you want to run polls, it might behoove you to have a fricking clue what you're talking about to begin with. The BTTF trilogy is one of the most successful, loved and iconic trilogies ever; that's not an opinion, that's a statement of fact. Leaving it off because you personally don't like the sequels is just...

Trouble with a capital "T"
No I'm not joking. If you seriously think the BTTF trilogy isn't iconic, you're off your trolley, mate. If you want to run polls, it might behoove you to have a fricking clue what you're talking about to begin with. The BTTF trilogy is one of the most successful, loved and iconic trilogies ever; that's not an opinion, that's a statement of fact. Leaving it off because you personally don't like the sequels is just...
Yup BTTF is iconic all right. I might have voted for that one.

The choices seem massively random to me too. Star Wars and Bourne are no longer trilogies. If the argument is that the later movies don't count because the originals were at least intended to be trilogies, then where's Scream and Indiana Jones?
I'm sorry, but this seems less like a "most iconic trilogy" poll and more of "which of these trilogies that I like do you prefer" poll.

The choices seem massively random to me too. Star Wars and Bourne are no longer trilogies. If the argument is that the later movies don't count because the originals were at least intended to be trilogies, then where's Scream and Indiana Jones?
I'm sorry, but this seems less like a "most iconic trilogy" poll and more of "which of these trilogies that I like do you prefer" poll.
I was thinking the same thing when I didn't see Indiana on here.