Favorite Decade for film and your top 10 from that decade


What is your favorite decade for movies and your top ten movies from that decade?

Mine is definitely the 1970's. It seems there was much more creativity and originality. My top 10 are in no particular order.

Taxi Driver
And Justice For All
The French Connection
Apocalypse Now
A Clockwork Orange
Dog Day Afternoon
The Deer Hunter
The Godfather
Dirty Harry

Don't really have a favourite decade. 1960's and before i've not seen enough from to make any sort of judgement and even 1970's to present i haven't seen enough foreign language films to make any sort of judgement. The 70's probably has my most favourites though so i'll do them:

01.Taxi Driver (Martin Scorsese, 1976)
02.The Godfather (Francis Ford Coppola, 1972)
03.The Exorcist (William Friedkin, 1973)
04.Eraserhead (David Lynch, 1977)
05.Aguirre: The Wrath of God (Werner Herzog, 1972)
06.A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick, 1971)
07.Apocalypse Now (Francis Ford Coppola, 1979)
08.The Jerk (Carl Reiner, 1979)
09.The Godfather Part II (Francis Ford Coppola, 1974)
10.The Last Waltz (Martin Scorsese, 1978)

70's hands down.

1. Taxi Driver (all time fav film)
2. Apocalypse Now
3. The Rocky Horror Picture Show
4. Stalker
5. Dirty Harry
6. Blazing Saddles
7. Dawn of the Dead
8. Eraserhead
9. The Godfather
10. Thriller: They Call Her One Eye


1. The Thing
2. Clue
3. The Shining
4. My Favorite Year
5. Akira
6. Aliens
7. Blade Runner
8. Raiders of the Lost Ark
9. Scrooged
10. Planes Trains and Automobiles

The most loathsome of all goblins

1) Bringing Up Baby
2) The Adventures of Robin Hood
3) The Thin Man
4) Scarface
5) Only Angels Have Wings
6) Tarzan and His Mate
7) Dodge City
8) After the Thin Man
9) Dinner at Eight
10) Grand Hotel

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Blix the Goblin

I nominated this for a Hall of Fame and it went over horribly. Wish you were a member, great film.
Blix, you should join the next Hof we do. Have you seen the Hof movie threads?

BTW, love your list!
I'm not the biggest fan of Bringing Up Baby but I respect it.
The rest of the movies on your list, are all favorites of mine. Though I have yet to watch The Thin Man

2) The Adventures of Robin Hood
4) Scarface
5) Only Angels Have Wings
6) Tarzan and His Mate
7) Dodge City
8) After the Thin Man
9) Dinner at Eight
10) Grand Hotel

Yah, definitely. I've enjoyed his/her posts (you're a guy right?).

Here's the 11th that i hosted with Bringing Up Baby as my nom, all of the reviews (most at least) are linked in the first post if you want to read any of them - https://www.movieforums.com/communit...ad.php?t=46753

This might just do nobody any good.
Mines the 70s but aside from Taxi Driver at #1, I don't know that I can make a satisfying top ten list (for me, at least).

The most loathsome of all goblins
Yah, definitely. I've enjoyed his/her posts (you're a guy right?).

Here's the 11th that i hosted with Bringing Up Baby as my nom, all of the reviews (most at least) are linked in the first post if you want to read any of them - https://www.movieforums.com/communit...ad.php?t=46753
Yes, I am a red-blooded American male. I know the avatar throws people off lol

I've hesitated to join before because I don't understand these newfangled Hall of Fame thingies so I'm afraid to commit. So someone starts a thread, anyone who joins adds a movie, and everyone who is taking part has to watch all of the movies, right?

Yes, I am a red-blooded American male. I know the avatar throws people off lol

I've hesitated to join before because I don't understand these newfangled Hall of Fame thingies so I'm afraid to commit. So someone starts a thread, anyone who joins adds a movie, and everyone who is taking part has to watch all of the movies, right?
What is your avatar from?

Yeah, there's a kind of unnoffical schedule to keep 20 of these popping up at once but that sounds pretty lame so pretend that isn't a thing. Everyone who joins nominates a film, they watch said films and post their thoughts: doesn't matter if it's a full review or a short paragraph just as long as you've gotten your thoughts across, it's up to you and after you have seen every film you send the host a ranked list. It's not as mechanical as that sounds though haha, there's plenty of discussion and you should join one.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I'm a 90's kid, but could easily have picked 70's or 80's.

Off the top of my head,


1) Goodfellas
2) Heat
3) The Insider
4) Unforgiven
5) Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
6) The Big Lebowski
7) Fargo
8) Terminator 2
9) 12 Monkeys
10) Being John Malcovich

and many more...........

The most loathsome of all goblins
What is your avatar from?
Yeah, there's a kind of unnoffical schedule to keep 20 of these popping up at once but that sounds pretty lame so pretend that isn't a thing. Everyone who joins nominates a film, they watch said films and post their thoughts: doesn't matter if it's a full review or a short paragraph just as long as you've gotten your thoughts across, it's up to you and after you have seen every film you send the host a ranked list. It's not as mechanical as that sounds though haha, there's plenty of discussion and you should join one.
Sounds fun, I'll take a look.

80s for me:

1 The Terminator
2 Aliens
3 Raiders of the Lost Ark
4 Lethal Weapon
5 Back to the Future II
6 Fright Night Part II
7 A Nightmare on Elm Street
8 The Naked Gun
9 Splash
10 The Fog

The 90s

1. Boogie Nights (1997)
2. Good Will Hunting (1997)
3. The Big Lebowski (1998)
4. Fargo (1996)
5. American Beauty (1999)
6. Fight Club (1999)
7. Se7en (1995)
8. Silence of the Lambs (1991)
9. Jurassic Park (1993)
10. Miller's Crossing (1990)

I don't actually wear pants.
My favorite is probably the '00s because of all of the quality Korean films. Here's a rough top ten of the decade:

1. The Good, the Bad, the Weird
2. No Country for Old Men
3. My Sassy Girl (2001)
4. Noroi the Curse
5. Bittersweet Life
6. Sweeney Todd Demon Barber of Fleet Street (2007)
7. Memories of Murder
8. Joint Security Area
9. Blood Rain
10. Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

I own more movies from the 80s and the 90s on Blu-ray, but most of my all-time favorites come from the 70s.

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
King Kong
Taxi Driver
Close Encounters
Star Wars
Dawn of the Dead
Apocalypse Now

To my taste, there is no decade full of great movies more so than the 1940's, although the last half of the 1930's was close. There easily could be 30 more on this list:

Citizen Kane - 1941

The Maltese Falcon - 1941

Casablanca - 1942
Shadow of a Doubt - 1943
Double Indemnity - 1944
The Third Man - 1945
The Big Sleep - 1946
Arsenic and Old Lace -1946
The Killers - 1946
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 1948
