Is it just because we have thoughts that we all FEEL as though we could write a movie


I feel as though i could.
I know it would be difficult, i know it would take forever, but i just FEEL as though i could do it, i just FEEL i could get a decent outline put down, I just FEEL I could.
But i probably wont.

Do you FEEEL as though you could?
And is this just because we all have minds?
And so because we think in words and pictures, we are deluded into thinking we could get them out of us, and put them down in writing?

A system of cells interlinked
I wrote a short film, which was fairly easy to do. Getting the film made, however...that's another story.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

that's what she said...
I think almost everyone who is passionate about movies feels as though they could write something that would make a great movie. Especially because we've all seen so many films and our minds have quite the imagination after being exposed to thousands of other ideas.
Nicolas Cage
^to be in 14 movies in the next two years^

I think it's mostly delusion, at least insofar as "write a movie" means "write a really good movie." Clearly, way more people think they'd be good at than actually are. That's the one immutable fact of the situation.

I've gotten a depressing crash course in this reality through running, which a lot of (careless) visitors have mistaken for M. Night Shyamalan's official site. Many email me thinking I'm the director, and talking to me about their (literal) dreams and ideas, and how perfect they'd be for his next film. There are a whole lot of people out there who think their ideas are fabulous and special and unique--enough that they can't all be right.

My general feeling is that when someone understands something more (IE: movies) they start to think it's easier than it is. But when they understand it even better, they realize how hard it actually is. I think the expert and the beginner understand how tough things are, and the guy who knows a little about it is most likely to play down its difficulty.

I'd also suspect that a lot of people who think they can write a good script really just mean that they can write a script that would really appeal to them, and that's a pretty important distinction.

Its tge biggest goal in my life to sell a screenplay. I've tried writing a few screenplays. Working on one right now. I think a lot of film fans have. I've never finished one though, it's not because I don't know Where to go, but I start hating everything about it. Something I thought was brilliant when I look back I just can't stand what I wrote down.
I'm Only 15 though so I've time.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I think it's mostly delusion, at least insofar as "write a movie" means "write a really good movie." Clearly, way more people think they'd be good at than actually are. That's the one immutable fact of the situation.

I've gotten a depressing crash course in this reality through running, which a lot of (careless) visitors have mistaken for M. Night Shyamalan's official site. Many email me thinking I'm the director, and talking to me about their (literal) dreams and ideas, and how perfect they'd be for his next film. There are a whole lot of people out there who think their ideas are fabulous and special and unique--enough that they can't all be right.

My general feeling is that when someone understands something more (IE: movies) they start to think it's easier than it is. But when they understand it even better, they realize how hard it actually is. I think the expert and the beginner understand how tough things are, and the guy who knows a little about it is most likely to play down its difficulty.

I'd also suspect that a lot of people who think they can write a good script really just mean that they can write a script that would really appeal to them, and that's a pretty important distinction.
I never think it would be easy, but if you read some scripts, American Werewolf In London comes to mind, they are so deceptively simple, yet brilliant.

thanks for all your replies.
i have an idea for the opening of the Freddie Mercury biopic, it is a visual sequence, not so much a script.
will write it in that section.