Why Hello


Hello, some of you might know me, some of you might not.

A bit about myself. Well i love playing ice hockey and also surfing in the sea. I have a fantastic fiancee, with our frist baby due in july.

My fav shows include scrubs, the oc, one tree hill and futurama. My fav movies are horror movies, however i also like action, comedy, war and sci fi.

But yeh nice meeting you all and i might stick around

You are awesome. Whos your favourite character?

And thank you for the qelcome. Just wondering when can i have images in my sig?

We actually don't allow signature images here; way too cluttery, and the forums that allow it can have some crazy load times. Sorry! We try to keep the focus on the discussions, anyway.

Not sure if I have a favorite Scrubs character. I think Sarah Chalke/Elliot is probably the most impressive from an acting standpoint, but I think the Janitor probably has the best lines-to-laughs ratio. It really depends on my mood, though if forced to pick at gunpoint, I'd either be the Janitor or J.D. The only one I'm certain it wouldn't be is Carly -- I can take or leave her most of the time.

Ah right ok no worries then.

Yeh elliot prob is the best actress in scrubs. But yeh its hard choice for me between JD and perry, both are awesome, and i love their relationship in the show together its classic. Also perry wears a detroit red wings jersey, my favourite team

Why did everyone from other sites seem to follow me and Swan when we joined? Welcome to MoFo, BTW Fry.

Cory told me about it, so i thought it join and check it out. Not here to cause any problems just here to talk about movies and stuff.

Also is swearing allowed here or not?

Not. Save for some of the milder swear words.

There are some good general guidelines on the Rules page (found in the header), and, alongside it, the Help page.

He's called Tequila. He's a tough cop.
That's the worst and most out of place welcome sign I've ever seen.

Welcome, by the way.
"Travis Bickle: Loneliness has followed me my whole life, everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man."

Ask me a question, any question: Grill a MoFo: Dill-Man

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Welcome Fry, you've come to the right place! Hope you stick around!
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg