The Videogames Tab


I'm going off of memory, but I remember a weird mix of being bombarded with mechanics and not being sure how it all fit together, and then feeling like my hand was being held through it at all. But maybe my tolerance for those things are low. I'm increasingly picky!

I see myself scaling back a bit. I'm getting way too many games and I don't have enough time to play them all. I got the new COD WWII game, but I never finished BLOPS3. That's a first for me, not finishing a COD campaign.

I have all these games and here I am playing either Rocket League or Fortnite.

Huge into the Fortnite right now.

My pal lives for Fortnite and streams it. Gonna go watch Gotham Gaslight and play CookedOver with another one tonight.

I just flat out don't have any time anymore. This President's Day weekend should offer some relief. NFS Payback still hasn't gotten that price cut either and I'm just gonna start rambling...

Just left Gamestop.

Inside they now have a retro games tower. At the very top, a single NES cartridge, sealed in a bag with no other contents.

Mega Man
featuring torn cartridge label


Like, that's not even the best one man.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Tomb raider 2013 Xbox 360

This was free on games with gold over a year ago. I did play it at that time for a couple of days. Not sure what my problem was but I couldn’t get into. Thought maybe it was to set peicy. Downloaded it again after having deleted it (still free) and I have been blown away. Love it! Playing on hard and coming from a couple of months of skyrim this is just great fun. The graphics, even playing on the old gen 360 are dazzling and the controls are snappy. The story is intriguing enough and the exploration enjoyable. Don’t really have a bad word to say about it. I’ve never played an uncharted game as I went the Xbox route and having ventured into the new/current at me but I understand there are similarities. What do people think comparing the two? What do people think of the next gen sequel? Anyway I’m going to keep going, probably a third of the way through although I’m taking my time.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Tomb raider 2013 Xbox 360

This was free on games with gold over a year ago. I did play it at that time for a couple of days. Not sure what my problem was but I couldn’t get into. Thought maybe it was to set peicy. Downloaded it again after having deleted it (still free) and I have been blown away. Love it! Playing on hard and coming from a couple of months of skyrim this is just great fun. The graphics, even playing on the old gen 360 are dazzling and the controls are snappy. The story is intriguing enough and the exploration enjoyable. Don’t really have a bad word to say about it. I’ve never played an uncharted game as I went the Xbox route and having ventured into the new/current at me but I understand there are similarities. What do people think comparing the two? What do people think of the next gen sequel? Anyway I’m going to keep going, probably a third of the way through although I’m taking my time.
Uncharted, for me, was always Tomb Raider with the shooting turned up and the puzzly platforming exploration (ie the bits I found interesting) turned way down, and it didn't surprise me when the Tomb Raider reboot was likened to Uncharted as, it too, had the exploration elements lessened in favour of action.

I liked the reboot, and liked its sequel quite a bit more because it's a little closer to what I remember Tomb Raider being.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Welcome to the human race...
Just finished the main storyline for Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. I suppose there's not too much to really say about it beyond the fact that it's a solid sequel to The New Order that builds on its alternate-history premise to do some remarkable world-building while also fixing some of the more notable flaws (it's funny how the wire-cutting tool from the last game has been replaced with a gun that you just shoot at a fence once to destroy it). Still undecided as to whether or not to finish the side-missions, though I might have to simply because...

WARNING: "New Colossus" spoilers below
I was not expecting it to end so soon or else I might have done the side-missions first

Still, on the other hand I might try playing Wolfstone 3D to completion.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
As the eternally late-comer, just finished my first playthrough of Horizon: Zero Dawn. Got the Frozen Wilds DLC ready to go and can't wait. The story was awesome, the different machines looked great and the backgrounds and enviroment looked beautiful. Plus, the side missions
and smaller jobs wasn't just the same old trudge through the same three or four things, but fun, different quests that added to the overall story.

What I got qued up after the DLC:

Witcher 3
Bioshock 2 DLC
Bioshock Infinate
Ezio collection
Plus alot of smaller games I bought from PSN during the holiday sales

Also, any of you played Nier: Automata? Heard great thing and want to try it, but have financial limitations and want to get the new Assassin's creed too.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Also, any of you played Nier: Automata? Heard great thing and want to try it, but have financial limitations and want to get the new Assassin's creed too.

We have a resident fanboy here.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
What, Assassin's Creed? Sure, I like it. It's fun. I skipped Unity but other than that I've played the other big installments. Very much the same thing at times, but I like the history and the free-roaming play style. I'm guessing I'm in the minority here?

The People's Republic of Clogher
I'll wait until a few reviews are out. The game's scope seems impressive but it's reminding me of Euro-RPGs like Risen - Just enough jank for me to be put off spending a lot of time with.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'll wait until a few reviews are out. The game's scope seems impressive but it's reminding me of Euro-RPGs like Risen - Just enough jank for me to be put off spending a lot of time with.
Aaaand the current top review on Metacritic opens with...

If you want a bug-free experience, don't get Kingdom Come.

Although the next line definitely does intrigue...

If you want an excellent, open-world RPG that feels like a hardcore version of an Elder Scrolls game, then don't hesitate...
I was getting something of a Beth flavour in more recent vids, in terms of finding mini-dramas embedded around the place, approachable from various directions. Will be intriguing to see how the reviews pan out.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

The People's Republic of Clogher
Well, Bethesda games are also buggy as flook but they've got that fantastic world building to pull them out of the fire.

If it's reminiscent of Gothic 2 and not Gothic 3, Two Worlds rather than Two Worlds 2, then I'm interested. Those games were rough but had masses of heart.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I finished RiME today. I enjoyed it. It's free this month with PlayStation Plus, I'd recommend it.

there's a frog in my snake oil
And so they spaketh, and it was true, the best bit about games will always be the glitches...

there's a frog in my snake oil

Ok I don't want this in VR, I don't want this in VR...

Floor plans for this year's E3 have been released...

I'm looking forward to seeing what Bethesda and Take-Two have in store. For Bethesda I'm going to say it's most likely their new IP Starfield. Take-Two might show us what Obsidian is up to for their upcoming RPG. We'll just have to wait and see. I'm stoked!

The People's Republic of Clogher
I finished RiME today. I enjoyed it. It's free this month with PlayStation Plus, I'd recommend it.
I'd initially dismissed Rime as a mish-mash of The Witness and a Team ICO game but downloaded it on PS+ last week and was really pleasantly surprised. Puzzle games like that really aren't my thing but this one is gorgeous looking, sounding and pretty natural and intuitive to play. I doubt I'll finish it, but I didn't finish The Witness either.

Or Myst.

The People's Republic of Clogher
More Sea of Teeeeeves stuff from Eurogamer in case anyone else is still on the 'but what else is there to do?' side of the fence.

I'm still asking "But what else is there to do after that?"

Still getting it, though I have no real option after signing up for 3 months of the Xbox game pass, the only game I've downloaded so far is the 360 version of XCOM Enemy Within...