Movies You Like To Fall Asleep To


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For as long as I can remember, I've always had difficulty falling asleep. My mind tends to wander in the wee hours of the night, and trying to fall asleep in a quite room has never been an option for me. Background music helped a little bit, but not enough.

When I was 13 or 14, I discovered that putting on a familiar movie worked wonders for my anxious brain. The more familiar the movie, the faster I would fall asleep.

I've always assumed that this quirk of mine is a little strange and unusual, so I thought I'd open up to you MoFos and see if perhaps some of you know what I'm talking about.

My go-to night time movie is The Fellowship of The Ring. It's comforting to me for some reason, maybe because I've seen it 50+ times. I never seem to make it past The Shire...

"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
For a really long time I would put on The Fellowship Of The Ring also, I would fall asleep so quick, the music during the Shire part in the beginning just relaxed me and I would fall asleep.
I have not done that in a really long time, I think I'll give that a shot tonight. Thanks for reminding me of this filmgirl.

I'm the same. It's not a necessity but it's a habit i'm kinda re-replacing with reading but both habits certainly helps to relax my mind and ease sleep along. There was never a particular film, but more often that others would to be Transporter 2 or Arrested Development

The Simpsons distracts my mind long enough to fall asleep, mainly seasons 2-9. I think that has something to do with why I can recite line after line, I've been subliminally feeding my brain this stuff for years. Tried Seinfeld but the laugh track kept annoying me. There's a few flicks that'll do the trick as well. Dazed and Confused and Back to the Future are the first two that come to mind.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Up in the Air puts me in a relaxing/sleepy mood. Good movie though.
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These days it's much more likely to be a tv show, such as Friends or Cybill or documentaries like Wild China or Castle. Last year I went through a spell of falling asleep to The Thing From Another World. Them! was another a few years ago. Jaws, Convoy, JFK and Death Race 2000 were previous favourites, though.

Not that I can help it, but I for the life of me can't make it through Brazil.

I had a similar experience. After a bout of "Middle of the night insomnia" in which I would easily fall asleep, but wake up shortly thereafter, I decided to put on A Nightmare on Elm Street. I slept soundly for the first time in months. I continued falling asleep - and staying asleep - to that movie (of all movies!) for a couple of weeks.

I saw Star Wars and Lord of the Rings were already posted; I would have to agree with those because of the score playing in the background.

I would also have to add American Pop.

Actually putting on a movie for the sake of falling asleep to it?

I dunno. I'm a light sleeper. I could probably never fully fall asleep during such an experiment. I think I have dozed off during films but it's the kind of nap where I'm not fully asleep and I still hear the movie. What's so great about that?

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Movies that are on TV are the best I think. Generally because they are well known movies. Plus usually during the first commercial I am out.

The one movie that has always helped me fall asleep is Titanic, I don't know if I have a sixth sense about this stuff but I would always wake up at the part of the sinking of when Rose first called out Jack.

I don't like the idea of falling asleep during a film, even if it's one that relaxes you. I need to conserve my electricity
If I am watching a film and I do find myself to be proper tired then i'll just switch it off.

I don't like the idea of falling asleep during a film, even if it's one that relaxes you. I need to converse my electricity
If I am watching a film and I do find myself to be proper tired then i'll just switch it off.

I need something dull, melodic, tranquil... white noise, something in the background besides silence. Otherwise no beddy-bye time for this cranky kid.

I know Frankie said to relax... though my mind bounces and wanders on too many things at once and it hurts... it doesn't hurt so good. So give me that Lord of the Rings and a pillow please.