

Is this the 1st thread? Surprising in a way, but couldn’t find another thread.

Virus has finally reached Connecticut where I live. Every state with close proximity to us has the virus, but we managed to evade it for a while.

A friend who works at UConn Health Center told me yesterday that the hospital freaked out after a suspected case was brought in. Turned out to be a false alarm, but 2 people from New York State have brought the virus to Danbury & Bridgeport Hospitals.

Somber day at the cathedral mass yesterday. Archbishop decreed that the holy water fonts shall remain empty. No communion wafers on the tongue, only by hand. No touching anyone during the peace offering - waving only.

No hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol or wipes available anywhere. Turns out the Doomsday Preppers knew something after all.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Northern Italy is closed. All of Italy’s schools are closed. Churches are open, but there are no masses. Apart from China, Italy has the highest percentage of elderly vulnerable people - 25% of the population is 65+.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was thinking about making a thread about this as I've been following the news on the corona virus. Glad you did.

Here in Washington state we've had a number of deaths thanks to the gross mishandling of a nursing home where the staff knew a contagious respiratory disease was going around. So what do they do? They have a Mardi Gras celebration and invited family members and friends...and all the patients and guest are together in a big room having food. Meanwhile the staff wore face mask. Nuts!

Toilet paper is hard to find, there's no hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, face mask, all that kind of stuff has been cleaned out. The University of Washington suspended classes, and I'm guessing public schools will be closed here eventually too.

You ready? You look ready.
Yeah, this is precisely why I will never go on a cruise. Because when **** hits the fan every government is going to be incompetent and leave your ass in the petri dish. Relaxing? I don't think so.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Look at what New York State is doing! 100,000 gallons of this stuff is being churned out EVERY WEEK by prison labor. I have tweeted CT’s governor, Ned Lamont, to do the same! ASAP.

You ready? You look ready.
Yeah, I'm not a proponent of prison/slave labor. No matter the epi/pandemic, but NY has always had a bad track record in that regard, anyhow.

The trick is not minding
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.

A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.
I would not visit Thailand if you paid me. Their lack of animal rights is appalling. Gentle people, but they abuse their animals, including elephants.

Yeah, I'm not a proponent of prison/slave labor. No matter the epi/pandemic, but NY has always had a bad track record in that regard, anyhow.
This is not the time. I don’t give a damn who makes the stuff. Annoyed that NY has come up with this & CT has not.

Gonna sit down now & re-watch Contagion. Didn’t even know I own this & can’t remember a single scene (which does not bode well).

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.
Off topic but you mind me asking what parts you're visiting?

The trick is not minding
A bunch of us have a trip planned to Thailand this June/July and we’re monitoring the situation closely. Hoping they have it under wraps by then but one never knows.
Off topic but you mind me asking what parts you're visiting?
An island named Koh Samui

There's been at least one confirmed case in my town and it was a woman who had not traveled recently and had no known contact with anyone who had traveled. The hospital where she was is within walking distance from my house.

They've been quarantining Americans from China and people from that cruise ship at the air force base nearby.

Scary stuff.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The first confirmed case in my country was in my city. xD Now we're up to 17 confirmed cases in the whole country, and probably dozens if not hundreds undetected ones. When the case in my city had been confirmed, people stormed the stores to buy long-lasting products such as rice, pasta and canned food, so a shortage of such products was quite noticeable that day (i.e. empty shelves), but now everything seems to be back to normal after they'd been resupplied.

The hospitals in Poland need donations, because they don't have enough equipment. They were crying out loud there is not enough equipment after only one confirmed case in my city, so imagine what would happen if dozens cases were taken to the hospital at once. They have some plans that in case the isolation ward gets overcrowded, they will temporarily use other wards, but the health service in Poland is hardly standing on its feet, and it's hard to foresee what would happen if the virus really got out of control, which thankfully is not very likely but sadly still feasible.

Meanwhile, the President of Poland signed a statute to transfer 2 billion zloty a year for 4 consecutive years (which equals 8 billion in total) to the public TV which has become a disgusting Goebbels-level propaganda tube that attacks basically anybody who's not siding with the current government, symbolically showing the middle finger to all other needs of the country, including the opposition's demand to transfer this money to oncology wards to help fight cancer, and now --- to provide the equipment needed for the outbreak of Coronavirus. Yes, the equipment and the resources are there, but not quite enough.

Less optimistic predictions state that in two-three weeks we will have a second Italy here, but some people claim it will just blow over with no serious impact. It's really hard to say what future will bring, but all we can do right now is try to avoid big crowds of people, wash our hands often, and hope we will not fall sick.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

All of Italy now closed down.

Never heard or seen anything like this in my life before. And the world has dealt with worse diseases like Ebola or here in India we had the Nipah virus.

Well yeah, they're probably drinking it
Reminder not to send any NY hand sanitizer to Virginia.

All of Italy now closed down.
Is this true? Do you have a link?