The MoFo Top 100 Television Series of All-Time


Let the night air cool you off

The same rules for the movie lists are what we are using here:
  • Submit your ranked list of twenty-five titles, numbered 1-25 with no ties, to me via a private message with the title "[Your Username] - MoFo ‘TV List".
  • Series will be awarded points as follows: 25 points for 1st place, 24 points for 2nd place, 23 for 3rd and so on, all the way down to one point for your 25th placed series.
  • New members can send in a list as soon as they've been a member here for one month. This measure is taken so that the list isn't jerry-rigged by people who have been here for a week, and then disappear.
  • I am using IMDb for reference points, so anything listed as a TV series or miniseries is eligible
  • Make sure you are specific about which series you are voting for. For example: Specify between American or British Office. Each of the Blackadder series are listed separately so make sure to use the number. Dr. Who has two IMDb entries, so specify whether it's the older one or the newer one. If you have the titled with the year the show started it would be helpful.
  • Anyone who reveals their list before the countdown has ended will be disqualified.
  • The deadline for entries is September 30, 2014. That's two months after the 70s countdown. Plenty of time to review favorites, discover new ones, and order a list.
  • You have plenty of time to consider and submit your list, so no changing it once you've submitted it to me.

I will add some graphics if somebody wants to help me out here.

**** Even though it's not listed as a miniseries on IMDb, I am considering Fanny & Alexander eligible for this list since it was conceived as a television series. ****

Let the night air cool you off
Member Lists So Far

Miss Vicky
Sir Toose
The Gunslinger45
Holden Pike
The Sci-Fi Slob
R.P. McMurphy
Thursday Next
Citizen Rules
Sexy Celebrity
Derek Vinyard
Pussy Galore
Harry Lime

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Are current series required to have a certain number of seasons? I am thinking of Game Of Thrones specifically.

Let the night air cool you off
Are current series required to have a certain number of seasons? I am thinking of Game Of Thrones specifically.
As long as it's finished at least one season it's fine.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Each Blackadder counts as a separate series? Fantastic!

What is Blackadder exactly MV? I noticed you had a few of those characters in the comedy tourney. Could I find it easy? Im wondering if I should watch it before submitting my list. Im also considering Deadwood. I may finish Dexter, the first three seasons of that show is amazing but it lost steam and I didn't finish the final three seasons.Any other suggestions MoFos?

Just made a speculative list, but I'm going to let it breath for a little while so I don't regret it like I do my Comic Book Movies list. The top 15 are pretty secure though.

What is Blackadder exactly MV? I noticed you had a few of those characters in the comedy tourney. Could I find it easy? Im wondering if I should watch it before submitting my list.
Not sure where you're located, but it's available on Netflix streaming.

It's a British comedy series from the 80s that lasted four seasons, but each season is different from the rest.

The first series, from 1983, is set in medieval England, where Rowan Atkinson's Edmund is the bumbling, idiotic but scheming Duke of Edinburgh. Unfortunately, they didn't quite get it right with the first of the series and I advise all Blackadder virgins to skip this first season - either entirely or go back to it after watching the rest.

Blackadder II (1986), my favorite, sees a new Edmund Blackadder try to weasel his way into Queen Elizabeth's favor and into as much cash as possible, while making hilariously snide comments about the idiocy of those around him.

Blackadder the Third (1987) sees yet another in the line of Edmund Blackadders serving as butler to the idiotic, foppish Prince George (played by Hugh Laurie of House, M.D. fame). Mr. E. Blackadder spends his time trying to make, steal, or marry into piles of cash, abusing his dogsbody Baldrick, and making fun of everything French.

Blackadder Goes Forth (1989) sees yet another Edmund Blackadder - now a Captain in the British Army stuck in the trenches of the first World War. This Blackadder spends his time avoiding orders, shooting and eating General Melchett's beloved pet pigeon, Speckled Jim (and getting court marshalled for it), identifying German spies, entertaining the masses by producing slug balancing and Gorgeous Georgina acts, making fun of Charlie Chaplin, and basically trying not to die.

There's also a one-off reunion special from 1999 that features a modern day Blackadder who builds a time machine in order to impress his friends and win a bet. Only what was supposed to be trickery turned out to be a working time machine. He drifts through time and visits all of the previous incarnations, plus some pretty hilarious new ones.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Sounds a lot like Monte Python. Dont know why I haven't heard of it. Ill give it a go since its on Netflix. Thanks for the rundown.