Lost (Possible Spoilers)


The Adventure Starts Here!
No, that wasn't a flashback scene. That was what I considered a possible future if they get off the island.

I didn't mind that flash forward. (BTW, the name of the funeral home was a dead giveaway for that one:

Hoffs/Drawlar = Flash Forward.

Love that little bone they threw us.

I assumed for certain that his dad was (still) dead. Just because a drunk, high Jack says something doesn't make it literally true. Plus, if that bald guy was the new head of surgery -- well, wasn't that Christian's position? Didn't he replace the now-dead Christian, and he's only meeting Jack now because Jack has been away on an island for the past X months?

I saw that whole flash-forward bit as a possibility but not a certainty, much like Desmond's flashes, that can be 'righted' or changed in some basic form (although some parts remain intact).

I think now that it wasn't Sawyer's funeral. I think Kate ends up with Sawyer in the flash-forward (if she's already with someone, my guess is that it's Sawyer and not some totally new person so fast). I keep coming back to either Ben or Locke. Why would Jack go to Ben's funeral? Because he's regretting not listening to Ben and realizes now that he was right about the island? (A stretch, but possible.)

What I liked about the flash-forward was that it confirmed what I'm beginning to think for ALL the Losties: They are all better off staying on the island. Do any of them really have life any better back home? The only thing they're missing are creature comforts. Their relationships are purer and healthier on the island. They have true friends and loves there -- people they are willing to die for.

They have purpose. They have meaning there, as individuals and as a group. They are healthier -- both because of lifestyle changes and the fact that the island heals. The island is where they're working out their issues.

The flash-forward showed us just how shallow their lives back home will again become as soon as they're back. It may be familiar territory, but it's no longer home for most of them. I'd been thinking this for some time now, and I can't think of a single Lostie for whom it wouldn't hold true. To see the show's writers play it out for us in miniature just makes it all the more true.

Oh, one more thing about the emotional nature of the obit Jack read: Perhaps Ben's cancer came back, thus reminding Jack that he couldn't heal Ben like the island could. Or perhaps Locke (or someone else) committed suicide due to similar depression at being back. The death of just about any Lostie would probably hit most of them hard. It's the aloofness of Kate that is the key, and that narrows it down. Which is why it can't be Sawyer's funeral.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Also (sorry!), it's fascinating to think who might be just about to stream onto the island at any moment. Who was that on the satellite phone if it's not Penny's boat? Was Ben right?

P.S. I'm surprised they showed us Walt in all his pubescent glory. Reminded me of just how long the show's been on the air in real life. But I suppose Locke could have seen a future Walt. Not surprising on this island, right?

The Adventure Starts Here!
As for them "making it up as they go along," well ... to some extent, every TV show does that. If you watched the producers talk about Lost in several special episodes with names like Lost: The Answers, you'll see that they do have their basic course mapped out. They at least do know the secrets of this island, and as I've gone back and rewatched some much earlier episodes, I'm amazed at how well pieces and parts still do fit together now with earlier seasons. There is a focus here that is clear once you listen to the producers talk about the show in some detail.

What happens along the way in terms of this or that character getting hurt or dying might morph or shift based on writers' whims along the way, but the basic focus of this amazing island doesn't change.

The Adventure Starts Here!
One more P.S. to Godsend: The producers have said repeatedly that they are not in hell or purgatory. That's been their stance since season 1. If they did an about-face on that one now, they'd have a small mutiny on their hands.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Um, guess what? Windows media cut off the very last part of Lost for us. So the last thing I saw was lock in a stare down with Jack.


I'm going to watch it at ABC.com today if they have it.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Oops, and here I posted without spoiler tags here because, well, that's part of the thread title and I assume folks who come here have seen the whole episode. I hope we haven't ruined the ending for you. Definitely try to see the ending ASAP! It adds important information.

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
Actually I was trying to find out what happened. *L*

I've seen it now. It makes me want Jack dead more than ever. I still like John Locke. I still can't stand Kate. I still like Sawyer.

I'm not terribly informed on WTF happened. Those slimy SOB's kept it pretty veiled.

The episode overall was pretty good. I'm very surprised they kept me interested through the season. I thought for sure I'd quit watching this season. Season 2 just really wasn't good for me but I have to admit this one has been much better.

Walt sure has grown.

I really want to know who died.

I think it is probably Juliet.

When Kate says, "Why would i go?" its like shes saying "Why would I go, shes YOUR former lover not mine"
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

The Adventure Starts Here!
It definitely has to be someone Kate would NOT want to pay her respects to. If we go by only the information we have right now, that severely narrows it down.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Well the season finale hit us and I must say it was good, not overly GREAT, but good. I will try to tackle not only this episode, but the entire season.

Jack Almighty

As soon as I saw Jack with the scruff and gruff I thought of Carell from Evan Almighty. It also made me wonder why he would have such a big beard back home and only a 5 O'Clock shadow on the island every time we see him.

The Performances

This season has showcased the best performances from everyone involved. Sawyer gave the best performance for a single episode with his encounter with his father, followed closely by Jack by this episode. It was indeed a good performance which I think is overlooked by the fans. Best performances of the season. Ben, no doubt. It was so fun watching him slowly lose control of his people in the last few episodes and Emmerson nailed it. I hope he gets some recognition at the Emmy's. I did enjoy Juliet, but not as much as everyone is praising her for. She did a good job at keeping me in the dark about which side she is on.

Desmond was right

A lot of people were thinking that Desmond was lying to Charlie about his death, but the episode showed exactly what Desmond predicted. He flipped the switch and water rushed in. I will admit that I did think Charlie was going to live this time. His heroic exit was unlike anyone else on the show. Shannon was simply shot, Eko was killed by smokey, Boone from injury in plane fall, Ana and Libby both shot....Charlie was the only one who selflessly gave his life for the saving of others. It was nice. This hits me as double edge sword. As a fan of the character, I did not want to see him go, as a fan of the show, he needed to.

Charlie could have:

1: Let the water rush in, there was enough space for some time to let them get the gear on, and make an effort to escape.

2: After water has rushed in, swim out the window, try and get to top. Good swimmer or not, try at least.


Charlie had to die in order for Desmond's flashes to be true, he needed to stay in the room to let Desmond know it WASN'T Penny's boat.

I'm sad at the fact that the letter he wrote is gone....either lost in the water, or washed away off the paper. She has no chance of knowing she was number one. Des never read it. That makes Suspect a sad Panda.

Clues To The Twist

As stated before, the funeral parlor was an anagram for Flash Forward. Which is what the big twist was. Another bit that gave a big clue, a cell phone fanatics must have spotted this, Jack's Cell Phone. The show takes place in 04, this "flashback" had a cell phone that did not hit the market till 06. Obvious clue to the time line.

She's preggos. Yup Sarah, Jack's old lady is pregnant. If this was a flashback.

"You don't know what I've been through" is a line spoken by Jack, I immediately thought of his experience on the island, not in his past with his wife and father.

These things led to me knowing it was a flash-forward and not a flashback.

Mikail is Ben's Bitch

Sorry, but it's true, this guy does EVERYTHING Ben asks him to, does he question it, once and is easily lied to by Ben, then he's back to serving his master. I like the character, but this episode turned me off. Maybe it was his total stupidity in following "orders" or the fact that he killed Charlie...or maybe the fact that the guy is like the Terminator. He's been shocked, with blood spurting out his ears, beaten to a pulp by Locke, shot with a harpoon gun, Obvious battles before with his missing eye (which looked kick ass with no patch) and then a grenade explodes right next to him. I honestly believe him to be dead, but you never see the death. The key thing in TV/Movies/Comics....is if you never SEE the death, 75% of the time they are not dead.

Too Convenient

Was I alone in thinking that Penny on the intercom transmission was too convenient? You mean to tell me she was sitting at her desk waiting to make contact?

There is only one possible explanation I can possibly come up with. In the end of Season 2, the location of the island was visible, two guys in the Arctic somewhere found it, for how long who knows, but Penny knows WHERE Desmond is, how to get there is another thing entirely. When Charlie flipped the switch and Danielle's distress call finally hit airwaves, it's possible that she picked up on it, for that short time it was on. Since she already knew where the island was it's easy for the transmission to be captured by her. So she heard it and tried to make a call. Right??? Possible??? Possibly....but who knows.

The Looking Glass

I must say the best scenes in that episode were with everyone in the Looking Glass. It was intense, exciting, saddening, funny...it had everything. I love how the first two seasons were all about The Hatch, this season is nowhere near it. It just shows how much advancement the show is actually making.

First Kiss

Jack and Juliet's first kiss??? And right in front of Kate??? wow, then he says I Love You to Kate? What's going on there....The whole love aspect of LOST is playing out and should wrap up. Unfortunately it won't, as we see in the flash forward.

Alex & Mother

This was their first encounter, Ben is even the one who tells Alex that Danielle is her mother. What would you say to your daughter after 16 years of being separated? "Will you help me tie him up". Funny.


Poor guy is made fun of and is not allowed to come with Charlie...and now Sawyer. Yet he is the one who saves the day.

Jin, Bernard, Sayid

Did you think they were dead? I did at first, but then I remembered that Ben is a manipulator. He would make it seem that they are dead without actually killing them. Guess what, that's what happened.

Jin can't shoot for crap, at least he shot a couple of the others and Sayid, even while tied up is still bad ass, killing a man with his legs. WoW.

Of course it would be Bernard who talks, he's not Rambo you know, he's just a dentist.

Radio Tower

I've been waiting to see the radio tower since Season One, finally got to see it this time....meh.


He is getting older and it is getting more apparent. I hope the writers don't try and include it as some time thing, and just let things run it's course. It was nice seeing him "help" Locke out of the grave. To me it was the smoke monster helping him. Remember in Season One when the monster appeared itself to Locke, he said it was beautiful. Well, it seems the monster picks and chooses who it likes and who it doesn't. Eko had a murderous past, Locke had a sympathetic past.


This guy REALLY REALLY does not want to leave this island. I don't blame him either. Back home he is a nobody. He lost Helen, his dad conned him and left him without the use of his legs. People constantly tell him he 'can't do things. On the island he is somebody. He is finally the important person he wanted to be and he does not want to lose it. He blows up the sub, kill Naomi. I don't know why he would just walk off like that.


Who is she really? Is Ben telling the truth, if he is how does she know? Could she be a part of DHARMA trying to get back to the island after the purge? That would be my guess. Should be interesting to see who is coming for the "rescue".

the future

So who's who in the future? Who's in the casket, who is Kate with? so on and so on. I have my theories, but as does everyone else and we won't know what is what until NEXT YEAR!!!

One thing is for sure, the person in the casket is a man. I originally thought it was Juliet, but after examining the paper, it says it was a man, also the name started with a J. James Sawyer? John Locke? Is the man Kate is with Sawyer? Or someone else, did Sawyer do something to her to make her NOT want to see the casket. Why would I go? Whoever it was, it hit Jack hard. Maybe everyone who made it back has been dying one by one. That would be interesting.

I don't think it was the best LOST finale, but it was better then every other show's finale. Heroes and 24 both blew chunks. It has fans talking that's for sure. But it doesn't have them asking What's In The Hatch, like Season One did. Which was a big cliffhanger.

I'm sure there is more I'm missing, but this is One Fan's Thoughts for now...
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I've always really liked the character of John Locke. However, I do not understand why:

He couldn't kill his father.

He could kill Naomi.

He couldn't kill Jack.

Oh and BTW, you don't want to leave the Island. That's simple. Don't. Who's gonna make you?

The moments between Alex and Danielle were pretty great! I loved those! I noticed Alex didn't run to her BF.

I knew Jin and Sayid weren't dead. No way they'll kill off two of their most popular characters. That would hurt ratings big time.

Yeh, the whole don't see them die thing always at back of my mind so knew the three weren't dead. Liked how Charlie came to terms with his death, even though i'm sure he could have survived or tried. Mikhail is quite cool, shame he was the one to kill Charlie though.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
I haven't read anything else on this thread yet but I just now watched the finale I recorded 2 days ago.

I did NOT expect that ending!

I was bitchin' to my friend during the show about Jack using a Razor cellphone in his 'flashback' since they weren't even around 3 years ago but then the writers go and do this!
Seems they made a point of showing us the phone as maybe a hint but no one could expect that twist.

Just when the show started to lose some of the magic it began with 3 years ago they go and do this.
Nice job.

Definately the best episode of the season (I'd give Desmond's time travel 'do-over' ep second place) and I can't wait to see what happens in season 4 now.

By the way, Charlie can NOT be dead!
I refuse to believe it!

It was a stupid meaningles death since he could have ealily run out the door and shut it from the other side.
What was he thinking..."This is my chance to die and fulfill the prophecy of our rescue"?

(also, I'm assuming that it was Locke's funeral in the 'flash-ahead')

Fear the Probe!

i agree with the Charlie thing

Yeh, as i said, Charlie dying was him letting himself die. He's come to term with the fact he was going to die all Season and just let it happen.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
You can't lock the door from the other side, so the water would have rushed in.

I'm thinking he let himself die in order to get Claire saved. He knew that if he survived this one, he would die later on, Desmond told him that he HAS to die. This was his only chance of getting Claire and the baby rescued.

A system of cells interlinked
Just watched it on my DVR. I really liked it, but found it to be pretty somber. The losties need happy times.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Just watched it myself.

Phenomenal episode, the best since the premiere. Oddly enough, both are boots/reboots of the series. I hope, in retrospect, Lost's creators aren't at the top of their game only at the bookends, so to speak.
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