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The People's Republic of Clogher
There's too much to do, full stop.

At the moment I'm renovating Skyhold and clearing up my party's personal quests - All optional but since I 100%'d the previous games I fancy doing it with this one too.

In other Bioware news, remasters of the original Mass Effect trilogy are 'likely' according to news from Gamescom. I'd imagine that wouldn't happen until after Andromeda gets released early next year.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

What's funny is that for some reason I never thought I'd like the Dragon Age games, which is why I never played the first one until late 2013/early 2014. But those games were 100% up my alley, so I don't know what I was thinking in the years before then.

It was the same thing with Skyrim. I was super late to the party on that game because I didn't think I'd like it.
The moral of the story is that I'm a bad judge of my own taste haha.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I was sold on Origins pretty early on. It had a real Baldurs Gate vibe (unsurprising considering who made it) but without feeling dated.

I found II hugely disappointing but didn't hate it nearly as much as most of the internet seemed to.

Well the Survivor games over, and my new timesink is gonna be Enderal, a new game that uses the Skyrim engine....but not the Skyrim game. Yeah its really a new game, beyond Requiem which is a game overhaul.

Started it, and can tell its an Adult storyline, (they say the S and F word ) and the graphics are magnificent.....

Enderal Website

Skyrim Nexus fully dubbed English Download.............8 GB!

A system of cells interlinked
Just finished Episode Two of Life is Strange.

Sad. I go to bed now...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Let the night air cool you off
I watched a let's play of that game thinking I would just watch until I got a taste of it. I got sucked in and watched almost all of the game.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
I guess platformers have their "Steam" now. The world still wonders how Amazon makes money.

The People's Republic of Clogher
PSN is going up in price so it's time to stock up on those prepaid cards that are being sold at the current price.

EDIT - Talking of PSN...

Some people are saying it's fake. Some people would, I guess.

I prefer mine, to be honest, and I'm someone who loved the PS2 and PS3 slims. The PSOne, of course, is the (mini) daddy.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Speaking of PSN... Do you actually think it is worth it? I just don't see the point, unless you want multiplayer.

In other news. I got hand-me-down Fallout 4 and MGS: a Man and his dog and horse heading my way.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
DAMN, $69.99 now for Canadians? What the hell man.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The People's Republic of Clogher
I reckon PS+ will be worth it if Sony improve download speeds and the quality of the monthly + games, otherwise I might resort back to free.

In other Sony news, they're finally releasing an official usb dongle for the Dualshock 4 to be used on PC. Playstation Now, their game streaming service, is also coming to PC.

For those of you thinking that this will be a great way to play Playstation exclusives without owning a console, have a look at the game selection. Hopefully it improves down the line.

DAMN, $69.99 now for Canadians? What the hell man.
This, plus the fact that new games are now typically $79.99 makes me glad I haven't upgraded to the current generation yet.

I'm hoping that by the time I get around to buying an XBone or PS4, all the good games will be semi-affordable. I still have a backlog of games from the last few console generations to play (plus a pile of Steam games), so it's not like I need new games. Horizon Zero Dawn looks pretty though.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I only bought my PS4 a couple of months ago and the price decrease in older AAA games pleasantly surprised me. The PSN sales are reaching Steam levels of discount too.

If this new PS4 slim is real (and it looks to be so, considering the lengths Sony are taking to delete videos purporting to show it) don't be surprised to see it accompanied by a meaningful discount, with the upocoming Neo being priced in line with the launch original PS4. It's nowhere near as powerful as the Xbox Scorpio so I can't see how Sony could get away with charging top dollar for one.

Then again, their sales lead this gen might mean they think they can get away with charging what they like.

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is, so far, everything I'd hoped - A complex, self-serious stealth/action/rpg hybrid trying to go for the Big Messages but humorously failing because of a complete lack of self awareness.

I really like it.

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…

Deus Ex Mankind Divided is, so far, everything I'd hoped - A complex, self-serious stealth/action/rpg hybrid trying to go for the Big Messages but humorously failing because of a complete lack of self awareness.

I really like it.

Mine should be here any minute!

Shoutout to Golgot. Colin and Greg @ KindaFunny did their 10 best PS4 games to date and Mad Max was Colin's #7. It really conveys the desolation and absoluteness that is the end of the world, was one of his main takeaways.

The People's Republic of Clogher

Mine should be here any minute!

Shoutout to Golgot. Colin and Greg @ KindaFunny did their 10 best PS4 games to date and Mad Max was Colin's #7. It really conveys the desolation and absoluteness that is the end of the world, was one of his main takeaways.

Keep in mind that the voiceover in the final cutscene of the opening/tutorial level says "Activate the Sphinx Unit" and not, as I thought I heard, "Activate the sphincter".

The plot to this game makes me giggle enough as it is.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Shoutout to Golgot. Colin and Greg @ KindaFunny did their 10 best PS4 games to date and Mad Max was Colin's #7. It really conveys the desolation and absoluteness that is the end of the world, was one of his main takeaways.
Zombie gameplay and dead-eyed NPCs will do that

But yeah, it did have that bleached bone thing going on
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

I had 5 Swatches on my arm…
Booted up Deus Ex (not like I'm going to play it or anything) to clear any downloads or assorted hoo-twah. Noticed on the extras screen, "Deus Ex: Human Revolution re-cap video". That will be the first thing on my list. The only thing that I remember is that the news anchor lady is not really a news anchor lady...and that I could never figure out what side of the fence your boss sat on.

The People's Republic of Clogher
That recap is pretty good (and 12 minutes long) for refreshing my memory of a game that I played over half a decade ago. I'd say it's good enough for people coming to the series for the first time, too.

Right now I'm liking it better than I did Human Revolution, which was a fine game. They're practically identical in terms of gameplay - You could technically Rambo everywhere but the game's 'two or three bullets and you die' approach guides you into stealth and exploration - but Mankind Divided is a lot slicker. The clever persuasion system is practically the same and you've still got far less ammunition than a well financed government agent should have.

Much like Futuredetroit and Futureshanghai, Futureprague has a ratio of air ducts per person which is well above average.

The PC version is a bit of a pig to run, although it's not as bad as some people are making out - Who'd have thought that a 970 wouldn't be able to run the game at 60 with all the settings maxed out? Quite a lot of people did, evidently.

What I'm seeing is a game that can scale with the hardware you have, provided you meet the recommended specs. If you're a weirdo running dual 1080s then max it out, if not then don't. Same as it ever was.

The reddit generation seem to have forgotten this...