Passable performance from an actor you hate.


Jamie Foxx as Motherf**ker Jones in Horrible Bosses.

Foxx is one of the most, if not the most, overrated actor of our time, but he was actually very funny in that one. Besides that, I hate that motherf**ker!

Jamie Foxx as Motherf**ker Jones in Horrible Bosses.

Foxx is one of the most, if not the most, overrated actor of our time, but he was actually very funny in that one. Besides that, I hate that motherf**ker!
I must add that I got so pissed off when Quentin Tarantino cast him in the leading role for Django Unchained -I was hoping he'd cast Will Smith.

I know for sure I will love that movie, and maybe...just maybe, I might find Jamie Foxx's performance passable.

Bummer! I think Kate Winslet is superb. Did you watch "Reservation Road" or "Eternal Sunshine" or "Quills?"

I know it's been a few months since the above post was made, but I just wanted to point out that Kate Winslet wasn't in Reservation Road. That movie stars Joaquin Phoenix, Jennifer Connelly and Mark Ruffalo. Revolutionary Road, on the other hand, Winslet was in.

Both are good movies, have very similar titles and deal with really depressing subject matter but are very different otherwise.

I generally can't sit through Nicholas Cage movies. He always seems to wind up playing his characters in the same manner. However, I did enjoy Kick Ass. I was hesitant to see it due to him being in it. It was worth me getting over my silliness.

I generally can't sit through Nicholas Cage movies. He always seems to wind up playing his characters in the same manner. However, I did enjoy Kick Ass. I was hesitant to see it due to him being in it. It was worth me getting over my silliness.
The only thing of Cage's I find remotely watchable is Raising Arizona.

James Franco is my choice. The only thing of his I think is any good is 127 Hours. Even in Apes he showed substandard acting.

I generally can't sit through Nicholas Cage movies. He always seems to wind up playing his characters in the same manner. However, I did enjoy Kick Ass. I was hesitant to see it due to him being in it. It was worth me getting over my silliness.
Check out the following Nic Cage films if you have not:

I've seen Leaving Las Vegas. It was before the anger had developed. I feel bad because I don't know anything about him. Something about him just irks me for some reason!!

I was waiting to see a movie at the IFC theater once. Just sitting there, then I looked all around me and his movie posters were everywhere! I guess they were getting ready for a film festival for him or something. It upset me and I don't understand why. Silly, I know.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Check out the following Nic Cage films if you have not:

Also, Con Air should definitely be seen.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Because it's really bad, but not in the fun way that I enjoy. I was actually looking forward to it when it came out, even with Cage in it, because it looked like it couldn't fail. That was a lesson learnt.

Because it's really bad, but not in the fun way that I enjoy. I was actually looking forward to it when it came out, even with Cage in it, because it looked like it couldn't fail. That was a lesson learnt.

You are so, so wrong my friend.

Con Air is awesomely bad and hilariously funny. That horrible accent, omg. "Put. The. Bunny. Back. In. The. Box." And, in an awesomely good role, let's not forget Steve Buscemi.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
It's "Put the bunny BACK in the box".

Sorry, but when people quote Con-Air wrong, I have to jump on it.

It's a thing I do.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I don't remember asking you a ******* thing!
Will Farrell in Stranger than Fiction. He bugs the crap out of me in most of his comedies, but this one had him show his tamer side, and was very enjoyable without forcing a joke every five seconds.

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier
Dane Cook in Mr. Brooks. Dane Cook's stand-up is as funny as watching paint dry, but seeing him take on a serious role was surprising but worked.

Not a fan of Nicole Kidman but she did a great job in Dogville.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Jim Carrey's role in The Cable Guy was the most surprising role for me. Love everything with Carrey and hated Cable Guy but over the years I've come to think it's one of his finest. Disturbingly funny.

As for the thread's question: I dislike...

Mark Walhburg/berg/whatever, only role he did that was passable was in Boogie Nights. Stick with Donnie, he's a much better actor.
Shia Lebeouf/Labeofoef/whatever, Holes was about it. Since then he just pulls a funny face, does his trademark 'whow!' scream and flares his nostrils while going all wide eyed and confused looking.
Nicholas Cage, only good role was Raising Arizona, maybe even The Rock, he carries the comedy well but since then he's gone all one-trick-pony-serious and lends himself to absolutely anything... ... if it has a cameraman, he's guaranteed to be onboard.