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The People's Republic of Clogher
I'll definitely be donating above and beyond the minimal tier, and I might talk myself into one of the fairly lofty ones. I've backed plenty of Kickstarters enough to just get the game in question, but it's rare they have one for something I like this much, so I might make an exception and stretch for one of those higher goals.
You're in good company.

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

If done right, this could be something spectacular.

"We talk to writer Rob Auten about how the team plans to translate a complex cinematic classic into a new kind of RPG. A videogame adaptation of Francis Ford Coppola’s dark take on the Vietnam War, Apocalypse Now, is on the way—at least by around 2020 if the development team meets their Kickstarter funding goal.

When I talked to lead writer on the project, Rob Auten, he assured me that he and the rest of the team are aware of how easily such an adaptation could go wrong. Without an inordinate attention to detail, the characters, from Willard to Kurtz, might behave like pizza parlor animatronic imitations of their talented Hollywood counterparts. And licensed games have a stigma as existing for the purpose of capitalizing on a namesake.

But the team is confident they’re capable, and have support from Francis Ford Coppola and American Zoetrope to back them up.

Montgomery Markland, who led the Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera Kickstarter campaigns is serving as Director, and Auten has plenty of experience under his belt, penning both Gears of War: Judgement and Battlefield: Hardline. Legendary RPG designer Josh Sawyer (Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity) is also on call as a consultant for gameplay design.

Apocalypse Now is in such an early stage of development that it’s unclear exactly what those hands are working to create. So far, the team has built an early prototype that demonstrates the tone and potential angle for the rest of the game (where some of those screenshots are from), but it's far from representative of the final shape. What we do know is that it’ll be in first person from the perspective of Captain Benjamin Willard and that it will feature familiar scenes from the film, but won’t lift the structure and sequence outright. Most curious of all is how exactly the game will play.

“It's not a conventional war game in any way,” Auten told me, “It's much more driven by relationships and by tension.”"

The People's Republic of Clogher
I was holding one of those controllers in my hand not half an hour ago.

SNK were great, if you liked fighting games and Windjammers, and if you don't you're some kind of gaming deviant.

I would like to the see the business model behind it. IRL it made no Fn sense.

The People's Republic of Clogher
UniBIOS for de win!

In effect what they were doing was offering the public arcade boards in cart form, and arcade boards ain't cheap. Visually and aurally, their games were a cut above everyone else's in the console market but they were playing to a very small crowd.

Incidentally, I was one of the four people outside of Akihabara to own a Neo Geo Pocket.

Haven't started RE yet, in light of having a RE get together tonight. Looking forward to it, seems most have enjoyed their time with the game. Will be playing in a pitch black basement with plenty of opportunities for weird sounds.

So the RE event went well, due in no small part to a bevy of great food and chocolate cake (Bill Cosby). There was one minor hiccup that may have created a fracture in a friendship that has survived many issues and political differences in the current climate of the U.S.

I have a friend who does not invert Y. What sort of savage doesn't invert Y. The most natural of motions. When you look up, you pull back on your head. When you look down, you press your head forward. The denim compound will definitely be raising security protocols and introducing extreme vetting for future guests.

If you don't invert Y, please keep it to yourself. This is the only thing I will be extremely prejudice about and judge you on.

And then I found this ...

is what happens when you don't host the images you share.

The People's Republic of Clogher

I've always put it down to the first experience I had with 3D games were space/flying ones like Elite and Carrier Command - You pull back on the stick to go up.

People who invert their mouse, though? Sickos.

What do you get if you cross Crusader Kings with Tinder?

Reigns, you big silly!

It's an excellent, tricky little game. On phones and Steam.
Just wanted to say, I bought this awhile ago, and just got around to playing it yesterday...and you're right, it's fantastic. Love this game. I've probably played a few hours already, and it does a really excellent job of allowing you to get better, without it ever becoming boring or predictable.

I still feel like the "combat" (such as it is) is kinda random, or at least it's nature is eluding me so far, but it has a really nice mix of wrinkles that make it a lot of fun to play over and over. And obviously, it's very well written, if that's the right word.

Highly recommended.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
So the RE event went well, due in no small part to a bevy of great food and chocolate cake (Bill Cosby). There was one minor hiccup that may have created a fracture in a friendship that has survived many issues and political differences in the current climate of the U.S.

I have a friend who does not invert Y. What sort of savage doesn't invert Y. The most natural of motions. When you look up, you pull back on your head. When you look down, you press your head forward. The denim compound will definitely be raising security protocols and introducing extreme vetting for future guests.

If you don't invert Y, please keep it to yourself. This is the only thing I will be extremely prejudice about and judge you on.

And then I found this ...

That's funny. I always invert but wasn't sure if it was the norm. I'm convinced it's not as its not the default. I'm glad there are people like us, if inverting goes I won't be able to play anything on a controller.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I find this really creepy for some reason.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

The mouse invert stuff is chinese to me, it just so happened to be attached to a great pic.

Of all the Fo's, I would have laid odds that Master Minio would have been the last one to find the pic creepy.

That last part with the backward glance is pretty funny though.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Just wanted to say, I bought this awhile ago, and just got around to playing it yesterday...and you're right, it's fantastic. Love this game. I've probably played a few hours already, and it does a really excellent job of allowing you to get better, without it ever becoming boring or predictable.

I still feel like the "combat" (such as it is) is kinda random, or at least it's nature is eluding me so far, but it has a really nice mix of wrinkles that make it a lot of fun to play over and over. And obviously, it's very well written, if that's the right word.

Highly recommended.
I've not tried it yet, but the person who recommended Reigns to me has told me to get Solitairica (and here).

Be warned, it's a phone battery killer and my phone's battery is rubbish. I bought it for PC in the Steam Christmas sale.

I've downloaded a few I hadnt gotten to as steals off the Xmas Steam sale. So currently on

WatchDogs -- LITERALLY "meh" I have a hard time playing this game. Its fun in a very basic sense, but outdated, and on the PC... meh.

Far Cry 3 - its dated, but playable with a large number of personal mods. Im at the end where I go play cards with Hoyt, and Im loath to finish, so I havent played it in days. This is me. Play til the final boss fight, and not play for a year or so.

Witcher 3 - GREAT GAME. I've logged so many hours I shame myself. I do have play/life balance tho -- and since Im a completionist, I've been playing it for months, avoiding going to the city where Yennefer is, because I dont feel like dealing with Geralts personal drama as opposed to just playing the game. This game DESERVED a GOTY award. Stunningly beautific, and painstakingly well-written -- oh for the days when we can have one of these with a female protagonist!

Prototype 2 - I called myself finishing the first game before moving on to this one... but I couldnt. I reached a brick wall in P1, and was like "forget it." I know P1 is old, but P2 really improves upon P1. I think the storyline is a little thin, but it always struck me as mindless fun-- flying around the city wreaking havoc on the establishment. I just always hate that our player are always unsavory dudes...

got on sale, yet to play:
-Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
-Just Cause 3

To get back to and finish:
- LA Noire
- Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Ed
- Risen 2
something witty goes here......

Hope you enjoy Deus Ex. The series is being put on the shelf in favor of Tomb Raider.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
So the RE event went well, due in no small part to a bevy of great food and chocolate cake (Bill Cosby). There was one minor hiccup that may have created a fracture in a friendship that has survived many issues and political differences in the current climate of the U.S.

I have a friend who does not invert Y. What sort of savage doesn't invert Y. The most natural of motions. When you look up, you pull back on your head. When you look down, you press your head forward. The denim compound will definitely be raising security protocols and introducing extreme vetting for future guests.

If you don't invert Y, please keep it to yourself. This is the only thing I will be extremely prejudice about and judge you on.

And then I found this ...

I literally use that explanation to people who question my sanity when I tell them I play inverted. It's EXACTLY like your head!!!!!

I also use the helicopter control stick for dumb people who still don't get it. If you want to go up, you pull back dammit!!!!
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The People's Republic of Clogher
It's heartening to see the amount of good, normal people here who use their controllers properly.... but I know an awful lot of weirdos folks who don't invert their Y.

People brought up on 2D platformers, I bet.