

I really don't care for race base arguments. Try and steer clear of them. I think people get into one camp or another and become bias. I try to take each situation as an individual event/problem. However this hashtag really bothers me.

For one the person who started it has become twitter famous. I mean the first thing on her bio says "#Oscarssowhite creator". Which makes my eyes role that she is proud of that. She is getting interviews off it as well. Seems like it is advantageous for her to keep it going so she can get her 15 seconds. Which is the opposite of what you want a movement to do.

On top of that I don't think it's the Academy's problem. The problem is there is not enough quality roles and movies for African Americans to shine. Which is a lack of writers, directors and people running the show in Hollywood. Some of that is not enough people of color are interested in this type off art and more they just don't get the chance. I mean who really had a chance this year Straight Outta Compton (they did get a screenplay nom), Creed (think would have gotten more Oscar love if they pushed the release back). Idris Alba, Samuel Jackson, MBJ, Gary Gray, Ryan Cooger where the only serious threats I can think of. And I most certainly think a few of them deserved noms.

And to top it all off if I were black I would feel cheapen if I got nominated or won with that hashtag going around. I want to win on my own volition and merits. Not to mention the hashtag feels like a slight against Asian and latinos and other minorities. As well as making the nominees feel guilty about being nominated when they should be elated.

Here are a couple categories:
Last 7 director winners:
Woman, white male, Asian, white male, Asian, Latino, Latino and Probably Latino this year.
Last 9 Supporting actress winners:
black, white woman, Latina, black, white, black, white, black, white

Listen nobody is a fool it is still too white. But it's not the Academy's problem. I'd be the first to applaud an all black or latino or Asian Oscars if the performances of the year justified that. Anyways my 2 cents, am I out of bounds in not liking this "movement" at all.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Every year there is a similar movement on twitter, and to be honest, I feel like people are creating a problem where there isn't one. The nominations are reserved for the best performances of the year regardless of ethnicity, nationality etc.
Yet it looks as though they want to reserve a nomination for a white actor, another for a black actor and so on, and it just seems a bit mad . People should be there based on merit, and if it happens that the nominees are predominantly white, so be it, there are plenty of talented workers across all fields in the film industry who belong to an array of minority groups, and chances for them to take the opportunity to grab a nom will inevitably arise again, based on their talents alone.

Heck, actors from minority groups were winning Oscars back in the 1930s when racial prejudice was a substantial problem, so I don't think racism within the Academy is a problem at all.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
People there on merit? Have you seen the Oscars? You'll think the best people win next.
They're meant to be anyway But yeah, what J-Law is doing there this year baffles me, I feel like they're making her into the next Meryl Streep, where they'll nominate her for anything even if the film is crap

They've made some horrendous decisions in recent times too (Sandra Bullock) but largely they do quite well I think!

I don't get how people can simultaneously complain that the Oscars are all about politics and then turn around and say that voting is always based on merit. Not saying anyone here is doing that, but I'm seeing it.

There's definitely a problem in Hollywood, no doubt about it. We don't have enough people of color in front of the camera or behind it, and I don't think it's because they're not interested in this industry. It's a predominately white industry that seems intent on sustaining its whiteness.

Having said all that, I don't think we can discount the Academy's role in all of this. I'm not suggesting that the Academy is intentionally snubbing people of color or anything, but the fact that the Academy is so white is telling. I really do think there's a correlation, and that if the Academy had more people of color, then movies and performances that may resonate more with those racial and cultural groups could be nominated.

Middle aged/old white men are the vast majority of the Academy voters. It's not really a surprise, especially when there's so few on screen black actors in roles which would/might merit an Oscar that there aren't many nominated/winners.

Listen nobody is a fool it is still too white. But it's not the Academy's problem. I'd be the first to applaud an all black or latino or Asian Oscars if the performances of the year justified that. Anyways my 2 cents, am I out of bounds in not liking this "movement" at all.
I find that racist...

Don't people realize that the Oscars and film-making in general was started by whites? So of course there will be more white people involved in Hollywood film-making than other people of color. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out!

This whole thing is the equivalent to saying: "Hey rap music is too black, let's start nominating white and Asian rappers so that we can alienate the people who had the biggest hand in making it. #Rapsoblack!!!"

Trouble with a capital "T"
Last time it was Al Sharpton claiming whites were racist, which is a racist statement in itself. We even had a thread about it.
Al Sharpton planning protest at Oscars

I said this:
If we look at the numbers of black actor nominees and winners vs the percentage of black Americans...what do we get? This pretty much tells the story.

At the Academy Awards in the 21st century.

10% of all acting nominees were blacks
14% of all winners were blacks
12.6% of the US population is black

Doesn't sound like the Academy Awards are racist to me.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
We shouldn't feel the need to nominate people of colour out of obligation to diversify. We award the performance and the character, not the race.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I find that racist...

Don't people realize that the Oscars and film-making in general was started by whites? So of course there will be more white people involved in Hollywood film-making than other people of color. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out!

This whole thing is the equivalent to saying: "Hey rap music is too black, let's start nominating white and Asian rappers so that we can alienate the people who had the biggest hand in making it. #Rapsoblack!!!"
lol and basketball was started by whites....

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
We're still a ways away from a Netflix movie getting a nod....
In my review I mentioned how politics will probably stop this film from getting a nomination, when in all honesty it deserved at least two.

I find that racist...

Don't people realize that the Oscars and film-making in general was started by whites? So of course there will be more white people involved in Hollywood film-making than other people of color. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out!

This whole thing is the equivalent to saying: "Hey rap music is too black, let's start nominating white and Asian rappers so that we can alienate the people who had the biggest hand in making it. #Rapsoblack!!!"
The highest-selling artist in hip-hop actually IS a white dude (you can probably guess who, lol). There are actually quite a few successful white rappers. Besides, I don't think the fact that Hollywood was largely started by white people is an excuse for why it's still so dominated by white people (particularly in the technical fields).

Last time it was Al Sharpton claiming whites were racist, which is a racist statement in itself. We even had a thread about it.
Al Sharpton planning protest at Oscars

I said this:
I don't think it's fair to compare the statistics of Academy Award winners with the black population of the U.S. when so many nominated actors are from outside of the U.S.; the stats should be compared to the global black population.