The MoFo Voice Thread


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Dude, that's beautiful. It's hard to imagine that voice coming out of your body. I thought all opera singers had to be fat. I'm gonna go all Fitzcarraldo now and build you an opera house deep in the Peruvian jungle.
Thanks man!!! Yeah, it's a common mistake. There's a very specific type of repertoire (Wagner Operas especially) that need the singer to have a big body so it has power and stamina needed, but usually opera singers don't need to be fat. In fact, most of the famous singers of today look more like supermodels than singers! A good image is now more than never an advantage!

neiba!!!! That's great stuff right there! Awesome to finally hear that singing voice we've heard so much about.
Thanks buddy, I appreciate that!

Some months ago, I said I was going to post a recording of me singing! Well, here it goes:

It's a russian folk song called Farewell Happiness! It was the last song of my 30-minute final bachelor exam last month! It was really a special time for me because it was the last 2 minutes of 4 incredible years and I was feeling a bit unfocused right before I started singing this but I think it turned out ok! It was a very special way to end a very special time!

Hope you like it
that really is beautiful Neiba. You're such a talented lad!

Warning: I sound like a teenage boy.

I tried to do the Kubrick rant, but I realized there is no explanation needed. Everyone sensible knows that he's one of the greatest directors, if not artist, to ever exist.
You don't sound like a teenage boy to me, your voice is nice and deep

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I hope to get a microphone soon to record my voice. Hopefully I can set it up correctly and not blow up the computer.

As you know I am a man but have a slightly high pitched, soft voice like a woman's. My voice has had me mistaken for a woman many times.

Would like you all to hear it. it's soft and sweet and would think you would enjoy hearing it.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I'm making a movie, maybe more of an exercise... I have hours of video in the same settings, just looking for voices. I'm going to mute the video, and insert voices. I'm not even going to ask you what to say, you can create the dialogue, but it will be a 2-way dialogue. I plan on taking what you give me, and inserting it to the video that makes most sense, or whatever is funny. I plan on using a lot of "internal voices" - as the main setting is in a convenient store. There's always what's being said "Have a nice day" but the true feelings inside.

I would put my e-mail address on here, but I know there's a lot of guests/visitors and would hate be spammed, as I've had the same e-mail address for over 20 years.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible

Felt like sharing one of my latest recordings today. It's not perfect cause it is a live recording (from a phone) but I really like this song!

Miss Vicky enticed me into this. Anyway, here is my sort of Geordie accent.
I'm gonna need you to make some books on tape for me.

I've had a bit of a sore throat lately, so I'm not gonna record anything right now, but here's a link to an old one:
(You already heard it, CiCi)

Call Miss Vicky

Like an angel CiCi . Don't listen to these racists i could hear you perfectly after two or three re-listens

You've been pronouncing it Came-o?? I told you months ago it's because my surname is Cameron, have you been referring to our former PM as David Came-oron?

I see what you did there.

In any case, Glaswegians are damned difficult to understand too. You Scotsmen may as well be speaking a different language sometimes.

Seriously? I've never heard someone complain about the way a Glaswegian speaks and it not being about the accent and/or the slang. Me and JayDee should get you on Skype or something together and just talk in slang throughout

No, no Numbnuts. When I called your voice sexy I was referring to how deep it is.

The slang and the accent are what make it seem like a foreign language. I never would have gotten through Sweet Sixteen without the subtitles so yeah, talking to you two on Skype? I'd be so confused. Not that I'm saying I wouldn't be up for the challenge.