The MoFo Top 100 of the 80s: Countdown

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I still need to see all of the Star Trek films. Is it possible to start watching them without knowing anything about the TV series or the Star Trek universe?

Haven't seen Glory yet, but probably will in the future.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Is it possible to start watching them without knowing anything about the TV series or the Star Trek universe?
Yes, but if you don't know about it, you may want to skip the first and start with this one.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I saw The Wrath of Khan when it came out, but I'm just not interested in those kinds of movies. I've never even seen the show.

I haven't seen Glory, but will at some point.

I've absolutely no interest in anything Star Trek.

Glory is a fantastic film, beautiful to look at and very moving. One of the few war films I enjoy and #7 on my list.

My List
4. Beetlejuice (#87)
7. Glory (#70)
8. Heathers (#85)
10. National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (#80)
12. The Goonies (#77)

Let the night air cool you off
Also, what's with these people who haven't seen Glory? Do they not show it in history classes anymore?
My history teacher showed us Schindler's List and Dances with Wolves. My Spanish teacher showed us Los Increíbles.

My history teacher showed us Schindler's List and Dances with Wolves. My Spanish teacher showed us Los Increíbles.
I remember being shown Glory at least a couple of times in school when studying the American Civil War. First time was probably 8th grade, second time at some point in high school. I don't think we ever watched Dances With Wolves and I know we weren't shown Schindler's List.

In Spanish we had to watch Selena. It was also in a Spanish class that I first watched Toy Story

Exterminate all rational thought.
2 more great movies. Neither on my list, but still very good films. Star Trek II is the best one of that series, and Glory is just a solid movie!

24/32 seen
3/25 my list

I've never seen Glory. Not even in school. It's not a film I know much about.

Star Trek II, though, I have seen. Own it, in fact. But it was a blind buy and I didn't think it was that great. I like Star Trek IV.

Yeah, that first Star Trek movie... I remember thinking it was a strange bore.