The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


Trouble with a capital "T"
In Washington state, EVERYONE is nuts for the Seahawks, except me...

I should have voted for the Olympics but I don't consider that a TV show, though I do like watching them.

Let the night air cool you off
I watched Monday Night Football religiously from 1970 to about 1975 and through the '80s when the Rams were on. Haven't had much use for it since. But it was fun entertainment when I was younger. Frank Gifford seemed a little straight as an announcer, but that was partly a put-on, I believe. Dandy Don Meredith was flaky and funny and a perfect foil for the Human Mouth, Hohw-ward Co-sell. Of course, Howard was the first person to sometimes report on some breaking news while the game was going, like John Lennon's death.
You still watch any football, Mark? Does not having a team in L.A. bother you?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
In Washington state, EVERYONE is nuts for the Seahawks, except me...

I should have voted for the Olympics but I don't consider that a TV show, though I do like watching them.
My sister just moved up your way. I am hoping to visit next summer and hit a Mariners game.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You still watch any football, Mark? Does not having a team in L.A. bother you?
I tend to watch the playoffs and some college football. I can still get excitement and entertainment from it sometimes, but I'm not all that interested anymore because - yes - no rooting interest.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I lived in Arlington, TX for a few years. and I was only minutes away from Texas Stadium where the Dallas Cowboys played at the time. I think I was the only person in the state at the time who wasn't a football fan.

If you think your college town is bad, try living in the Dallas Cowboys backyard, and not being a football fan. I think that's the textbook definition of "Hell on Earth".
Oh, I lived in Gainesville during the Tim Tebow era. It was absolutely ridiculous.

Also, I waited tables for awhile when I was in college. There was a game in progress and a customer asked me the score. I told him that I wasn't paying attention and I didn't like football. He complained to the manager about me that I had a bad attitude and need to learn how to support my community.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
In Washington state, EVERYONE is nuts for the Seahawks, except me...

I should have voted for the Olympics but I don't consider that a TV show, though I do like watching them.

Here in New York, more than half the people here are die-hard New York Yankees fans. It's almost as bad as living in Dallas Cowboys territory. (But at least the other half of the people here are New York Mets fans, so it's not all bad. )

I like watching the Olympics, but I wouldn't consider them a TV show either. It's more of a special event.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Oh, I lived in Gainesville during the Tim Tebow era. It was absolutely ridiculous.

Also, I waited tables for awhile when I was in college. There was a game in progress and a customer asked me the score. I told him that I wasn't paying attention and I didn't like football. He complained to the manager about me that I had a bad attitude and need to learn how to support my community.

When I went to college at Hofstra University, I lived on campus, and my window overlooked the field where the New York Jets practiced. My friends always wanted to come to my room so they could watch them practice, but I would have been happier if the Jets found a different place to practice.

When I lived in Texas, I worked in a computer store selling systems, and one day we had a customer that nobody would help, so I went over to help him. After I sold him a system, everyone in the store came over to me to find out what he said, what he bought, and anything else I could tell them about him, but I couldn't figure out what was the big deal about selling a computer system. (After all, it was a computer store, and we did that all the time.)

I don't remember his name, but apparently the customer was a star player on the Dallas Cowboys at the time, and everyone in the store was afraid to go over and talk to him.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
My list so far:

3. Dragon Ball Z
25. C.S.I.

So, one is a one pointer and the other a really non-loved anime... Going great till now!

I'm a football junkie, but I consider Monday Night Football a sporting event, not a television show. If I voted for it, then why not also vote for Sunday Night Football? Or the Superbowl? My whole list would've been sporting events if I had gone down that road.

Monday Night Football has definitely lost its luster from the over saturation of other televised games. I remember MNF being a bigger deal when I was younger. I'm an Eagles fan, and my mom would always let me stay up late to watch the game if they played on Monday night, but my memories of those games typically involve heartbreaking defeats to the Dallas Cowboys, my most despised team. If I remember correctly, though, it was on Monday Night Football that Donovan McNabb executed that amazing play where he scrambled behind the line of scrimmage for like 15 seconds or more, evading multiple tacklers, then completed a deep bomb down the field to Freddie Mitchell or James Thrash or one of the other bum receivers he had at the time. And it was against the Cowboys, too, making it even sweeter. As a die-hard Eagles fan and staunch supporter of McNabb, my all-time favorite player, that's one of my favorite plays ever, right up there with the epic 4th-and-26 against the Packers in the playoffs.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I lived in Tallahassee during that era. Gator flags everywhere. I HATED IT!
You would have thought that boy walked on water and crapped gold.

I remember this one girl having a Tebow melt down in Gator City because her boyfriend wouldn't shut up about him. I felt like having one or two myself during that time.

I remember hearing his name on The Simpsons and it made me furious.

You would have thought that boy walked on water and crapped gold.

I remember this one girl having a Tebow melt down in Gator City because her boyfriend wouldn't shut up about him. I felt like having one or two myself during that time.

I remember hearing his name on The Simpsons and it made me furious.
And then he crapped out in the NFL.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
When I lived in Texas, I worked in a computer store selling systems, and one day we had a customer that nobody would help, so I went over to help him. After I sold him a system, everyone in the store came over to me to find out what he said, what he bought, and anything else I could tell them about him, but I couldn't figure out what was the big deal about selling a computer system. (After all, it was a computer store, and we did that all the time.)

I don't remember his name, but apparently the customer was a star player on the Dallas Cowboys at the time, and everyone in the store was afraid to go over and talk to him.
Apparently I have a million of these stories. Sorry, but it feels good to commiserate.

Where I worked everyone wanted to wait on the football players. I always gave up those tables because I didn't care.

One time I walked up to a table and one guy points to another guy with him and says "do you know who you are about to wait on?" like I was about to be bestowed this great honor. To be fair to the football player, he was really embarrassed and apologized to me and ended up being really nice. His friend was a jerk though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yeah to say we place unwarranted importance on sports in this culture would be an understatement. I can't imagine getting star struck in any situation though. Maybe if I met Kate Upton.

I’m just the espresso
Yeah to say we place unwarranted importance on sports in this culture would be an understatement. I can't imagine getting star struck in any situation though. Maybe if I met Kate Upton.
I took a 'Which Supermodel Are You?' quiz earlier today and got Kate Upton.
I am Kate Upton.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Apparently I have a million of these stories. Sorry, but it feels good to commiserate.

Where I worked everyone wanted to wait on the football players. I always gave up those tables because I didn't care.

One time I walked up to a table and one guy points to another guy with him and says "do you know who you are about to wait on?" like I was about to be bestowed this great honor. To be fair to the football player, he was really embarrassed and apologized to me and ended up being really nice. His friend was a jerk though.

Yeah, I have a bunch of these stories about guests at the comic conventions. Many of them walk through the dealers room looking for stuff to buy, and they usually expect big discounts because they're celebrities. Some of them make more money in a day than I make in a month, but they think that I should give them a discount?!