The Decade So Far: My 51 Favorite Movies from 2010-16

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This might just do nobody any good.
I think its easy to judge the sequel for having only the bare bones of a plot but it certainly doesn't hurt. Still The Raid is pretty great, pure, action.

Seeing it's cast in The Force Awakens made me want to watch Gareth Evans directing a spin-off.

I like Prisoners too, though there are maybe three better Villeneuve movies from this decade. Gyllenhaal does great work. Apparently it was his idea to keep his character a mystery and it makes it all the better. Jackman's predilection for theatricality is put to good use as well. Hope he brought some of that to Logan.

Fury Road is awesome. Not sure what else I can add to it.

Never finished The Hobbit. I think I said all could with a previous entry.

Nightcrawler is also good. Like Michael Mann and Paul Schrader got together after watching Taxi Driver. That's my favorite from Gyllenhaal.

The grand finale!

5. The Rover (2014)

I can't tell you how underrated this movie is! A harrowing yet amazing and immersive film about a lone man wandering a post-apocalyptic wasteland looking for his stolen car. It has one of the most emotional endings I've ever seen, and is also one of my favorite endings of any movie. Here's what Quentin Tarantino himself had to say about this film:
"A mesmerizing visionary achievement. The best post-apocalyptic movie since the original Mad Max. With the one-two punch of 'The Rover' and 'Animal Kingdom,' David Michod proves himself to be the most uncompromising director of his generation."

4. The Town (2010)

My favorite crime movie of the decade so far. The Town imo will always be Ben Affleck's masterpiece. It has a a rich and engaging story along with some awesome robbery and shootout scenes. Affleck is great in of course but I thought Jeremy Renner stole the show in this one. Reminiscent of great crime films like Heat and The Departed, I think this one ranks right up there with the best crime films of the 2000s.

Birdman (2014)

A tour de force that is one of the more unique BP winners of the decade. Birdman has an interesting plot with a washed-up superhero actor trying to regain the fame and glory he used to have by doing a broadway stage play in NYC. Every actor involved did an amazing job in their respective roles. The long takes and jazz drum score were awesome touches as well. All these elements came together to create an amazing film!

2. Zootopia (2016)

After quite a few impressive films such as Tangled, Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, and Big Hero 6, I really thought that Disney couldn't top any of those. I had high hopes for Zootopia after reading about it and seeing the trailer, but had no idea that I would like it quite as much as I would. This, to me, embodies everything that is great about Disney; a rich and imaginative world, great and likable characters, great humor, and underlying themes with great meaning. This is definitely top 3 on my favorite Disney chart, and also one of my favorite animated movies ever. Now Disney will have to come out with something really good to top this one!

1. The Revenant (2015)

And here it is... My favorite movie of the decade so far. This is the best looking movie I have ever seen, and much of that is due to the phenomenal cinematography of Emmanuel Lubezki. You can practically feel the chill of the North American frontier throughout the film, with its authentic locales and brutal story. The basic plot is based on true events, a trapper named Hugh Glass is attacked by a grizzly bear but survives, then the man who was assigned to look over him, John Fitzgerald, kills Glass' son and abandons him in the middle of the freezing wilderness, and Glass needs to survive on his own. Even though a lot of the elements are changed and/or added to add dramatic effect (it was actually summer in the real events; it was in the Dakota plains, not the rocky mountains, Glass never had a son etc.) but I thought it made the story that much greater! I feel like I have written too much already but let me just say that from beginning to end I was entranced by this film, Leonardo and Hardy were outstanding and this film was robbed of the BP win last year!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good job False Writer!

I loved the cinematography in The Revenant and I liked what you wrote about it, I agree too. I thought DiCaprio was excellent, but Tom Hardy blew me away with his fine performance. I loved that they filmed in the cold icy winter, really made the film special.

Congrats on a great countdown

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I think I like The Town more than most folks, but I don't think it would crack my top 25 from this decade.

Zootopia and Revenant are two movies I'll be seeing very soon.

Birdman is just ok for me.

Grats on the list - some I love, some I like, some I don't really care for, one I simply couldn't watch more than about 15 minutes of and quite a few I've not seen ..... just how a list should be imo

Thanks all!

Grats on the list - some I love, some I like, some I don't really care for, one I simply couldn't watch more than about 15 minutes of and quite a few I've not seen ..... just how a list should be imo
I'm curious... what was that one you couldn't stand?

I'm curious... what was that one you couldn't stand?
End Of Watch - the editing was far too frenetic. I always try to finish a movie I've started but for me that one just wasn't possible..

Little Devil's Avatar
MC for the Great Underground Circus
Whiplash and The Witch for me.
You're more advanced than a cockroach, have you ever tried explaining yourself to one of them?

This might just do nobody any good.
The Rover is sublime. The last revelation is much more devastating than anything that comes before and that's really saying something. It (and Cosmopolis) made a Robert Pattinson admirer.

The Town is quite good. I wouldn't really put it in my top ten or maybe even 100 but I understand it's appeal. It definitely earns its place among silent classics like Thief or The Friends of Eddie Coyle.

As I've said before, I like Birdman less now but I still have great admiration for it. It's nice to know that something so strange, impressionistic can be as successful and Keaton deserved the Oscar.

Zootopia is in my top ten of last year. Makes hopeful to know children are growing up with these kind of films and messages (which have Disney on a roll recently).

Revenant is wonderful. My favorite Iñárritu. A John Milius film through Tarkovsky's lense. It's a bit excessive but I don't fault it for it. The environments are meant to tower over the characters and the struggle. It all returns to nature, in the end. In god's hands.

Now, just for ***** and giggles, here's my (hastily made) top ten of the decade:

1. Inside Llewyn Davis
2. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
3. Never Let Me Go
4. Silence
5. The Master
6. Mad Max: Fury Road
7. True Grit
8. The Tree of Life
9. A Most Violent Year
10. The Witch

Well, thanks, False Writer. This has been a great countdown. Great write ups as well. Lets see what the future of cinema holds for us this decade.

Love The Town and The Revenant, and I also thought Birdman was very good.

The Rover started out promisingly for me but just kind of fizzled out. I didn't like that teen actor in it.

Haven't seen Zootopia.

Good going on the whole thread bud

Very strong last five, those are all movies I enjoy, especially Birdman. The Rover does not get nearly as much attention that it deserves, it's great!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Prisoners, Nightcrawler and Birdman are all very good movies, but they aren't "favorite" movies for me.

I've only seen a small handful of movies from 2016 so far, but Zootopia is one of my favorites.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Didn't see (7) - Magnificent Seven, Tangled, Hardcore Henry, Dredd, Warcraft, How To Train your Dragon, Blood Father

Didn't care for(7) - The Rover, Hobbit films, A Million Ways to Die in the West, The Tree of Life, Sucker Punch

C - Green Room, Kings Speech, Spy, Frozen, La La Land, Take Shelter, Antman, Jungle Book

B - Argo, Spotlight, Deadpool, End of Watch, Civil War, Krampus, Grand Budapest Hotel, Hateful Eight, Raid 2, Hell or High Water, Mad Max, Birdman

A - Prisoners, Wreck it Ralph, 71', Witch, Django Unchained, Animal Kingdom, John Wick, Kingsmen, Hacksaw Ridge, Drive, Whiplash, Nightcrawler, Town, Zootopia, Revenant, True Grit

I'd recommend for you - Sicaro, Looper, The Salvation, Everest, Warrior, Blue Ruin, The Impossible, No Escape, The Hunter and Snowpiercer