How Do You Become a Devil Worshipper?


will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I love how all these satanist leaders look like Satan.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I think that the first step in becoming a devil worshiper is to start worshiping the devil...pretty simple.

Hail Satan!

"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I found another celebrity who belonged to the Church of Satan (maybe)... Sammy Davis Junior!

Sudoku Blackbelt
Have you tried looking for a "Devil Worshipping For Dummies" book? I bet that'd be useful.
"A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer" ~ Comedian Mitch Hedberg (1968-2005)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I admit that I didn't read the entire thread, and I honestly have no clue why I'm posting this (and you'll hate me now that I did), but the easiest way to become a devil worshipper is to just think you're better than everybody else and deserve every single thing you want. Oh *****, I'm a Devil Worshipper too!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier
While we're on the subject, does anyone hate how heavy-metal music is often associated with Devil worshipping? I remember Marilyn Manson was interviewed once regarding the whole Columbine shooting and how he was one of the influences to it because the shooters alledgedly listened to him. He simply said that he makes rock music for a living and raised points regarding the oversea bombing that happened during Bush's presidency. In general, I just hate how heavy-metal/Gothic-esque type of music is associated with being devoted to the Antichrist and how it's shunned for being a bad influence. These musicians have a level of intelligence to them and they aren't all brainwashed bad influences in the rock biz as people make them out to be.


I admit that I didn't read the entire thread, and I honestly have no clue why I'm posting this (and you'll hate me now that I did), but the easiest way to become a devil worshipper is to just think you're better than everybody else and deserve every single thing you want. Oh *****, I'm a Devil Worshipper too!
I thought that was how to spot an Englishman.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
While we're on the subject, does anyone hate how heavy-metal music is often associated with Devil worshipping? I remember Marilyn Manson was interviewed once regarding the whole Columbine shooting and how he was one of the influences to it because the shooters alledgedly listened to him. He simply said that he makes rock music for a living and raised points regarding the oversea bombing that happened during Bush's presidency. In general, I just hate how heavy-metal/Gothic-esque type of music is associated with being devoted to the Antichrist and how it's shunned for being a bad influence. These musicians have a level of intelligence to them and they aren't all brainwashed bad influences in the rock biz as people make them out to be.

All I know is when I was trying to find devil worshipping songs for this thread it is all heavy metal. Those country music people don't seem much interested in singing about the virtues of Satin. It is all boring stuff like God, country, and liquor. Okay, the liquor part is okay.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
While we're on the subject, does anyone hate how heavy-metal music is often associated with Devil worshipping? I remember Marilyn Manson was interviewed once regarding the whole Columbine shooting and how he was one of the influences to it because the shooters alledgedly listened to him. He simply said that he makes rock music for a living and raised points regarding the oversea bombing that happened during Bush's presidency. In general, I just hate how heavy-metal/Gothic-esque type of music is associated with being devoted to the Antichrist and how it's shunned for being a bad influence. These musicians have a level of intelligence to them and they aren't all brainwashed bad influences in the rock biz as people make them out to be.

Of course, those bands are society's scapegoat. The average City Council Meeting has far more threats to Society than any Metal Band. The problem with city council meetings is that the council will do whatever they want unless somebody tries to play chess with them and get them in a stalemate. It's just such a pain in the ass that so many destructive things happen automatically "under the radar". I guess that means I should go to my boring city council meetings and get arrested trying to stop them from doing "their duty".

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
While we're on the subject, does anyone hate how heavy-metal music is often associated with Devil worshipping? I remember Marilyn Manson was interviewed once regarding the whole Columbine shooting and how he was one of the influences to it because the shooters alledgedly listened to him. He simply said that he makes rock music for a living and raised points regarding the oversea bombing that happened during Bush's presidency. In general, I just hate how heavy-metal/Gothic-esque type of music is associated with being devoted to the Antichrist and how it's shunned for being a bad influence. These musicians have a level of intelligence to them and they aren't all brainwashed bad influences in the rock biz as people make them out to be.

just a small correction, it was Clinton that was in the Whitehouse that bombed teh crap out of somebody during the Columbine thingy.

Also Tripod, this happened before your time, but i think you'll get a kick out of it.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

God, those rockers in the 80's sure knew how to look stupid and sexy at the same time. Dee Snider looks like a blonde poodle woman there, yet I totally feel his erotic, masculine presence. WHY don't guys like that exist anymore? Guys in their 20's, 30's, not these guys who are now in their 50's and 60's.