I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.


One could argue that, among the various types of movies, musicals are the least like real life and therefore less "serious." People often make jokes and do funny things in day-to-day situations that often make other people laugh. But never in all of my years have I known anyone ever to burst into song or dance in the middle of a normal conversation.

That aside, you have your reasons for feeling as you do and you have the right to like or not like something, no matter how anyone else feels about it. Lord knows, I'm out of step with most of the folks in this forum most of the time. I tend to dismiss most of today's comedies because I feel they are aimed at the teens and 20-somethings who think bodily functions, the F-word, and someone dropping his pants (old burlesque routines) are as funny as it gets. Most of today's comics and comedies are too broad and too low for my tastes, but I do like writers who can produce a funny script and actors who can deliver funny lines with finesse.
The last sentence in this post says it all...in a nutshell, rufnek. It's the sign of the times, unfortunately. I, too, am out of step with most of the people on this forum, and on most forums, generally, due to my overall outlook. Charley Chaplin and afew other comedians were able to deliver funny films overall with lots of finesse. Humour today, unfortunately, is much cheaper, coarser, cruder and meaner, overall, and it happens in the movies as well as on and off-line. Slapstick comedies, which have all too often included the "pie-in-the-face" routines have also turned me off. I never much liked the three stooges, either, for that matter. Musicals to me, although this is another issue, mostly work better on stage, although West Side Story, imo, is a rare exception to that.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Let's see. Modern comedies suck. That's a 50/50 proposition. I take for granted that they all suck, but then I watch one or two, and I realize that some are worthwhile (no names, though).

However, since you instigated the topic and left yourself hanging in the wind like an ignoramous, I will post these, so everybody can henceforth call me an idiot too, even in Alaska.

City Lights

Sherlock, Jr.

Safety Last

My intention is not to criticize anyone. It's to open some people's eyes to the difference between different forms of comedy. I enjoy these kinds, so I hope you do too, no matter how many times you've seen them.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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