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The Prestige 08-05-08 06:55 PM

I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Ok, I am aware that dissing certain genres, actors and directors generally elicits a strong response from it's fans of the 'frat pack' particular. However, my goal is to be completely honest in my posts even at the risk of sounding pretentious and snobbish, which I most certainly am not.

I simply can't stand comedy films. Will Ferrell films are the worst offenders, imo. Not only is he completely unfunny are by the number 'comedic', but the guy has zero charm. Actually, i'll take that back - Adam Sadler is worse than him. How people can find a guy that shouts at stupendous levels funny is beyond me.

Romantic comedies don't help as a hybrid genre too. I find the entire genre and it's goals an oxymoron. They're not funny the majority of the time and theres hardly any distinction or fresh ways of revamping such a genre.

I'm a much bigger fan of dark humour. Like seriously dark humour. Humour that's unexpected and deliciously daring yet nuanced gets my funny bones tickling. American Psycho, for example, is a PROPER comedy to me. It's incredibly funny and not in a fart gag sort of way, but with malicious intent and daring humour. A brilliant spin on an otherwise bleak book.

Obviously, there are SOME comedies that are an exception. I laughed a lot more than I normally would have while watching Knocked Up. Seth Rogen wasn't bad at all, and i'm thinking his chemistry with Katherine Heigl helped make it an adequate comedy. However, that's the only one I can think of that generally charmed me. Evil Dead 2 and Mick in Wolf Creek are worth a mention, too. But like I said, those films rely on dark humour, specially the latter.

Maybe it's just me. It might be that I need a degree of seriousness in the films I watch. So lets have it I only with these thoughts or are there people that agree with me? Feel free to disagree. Negative rep spreeing is so 2007. ;)

Holden Pike 08-05-08 07:19 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films
Who gives a crap?

The Prestige 08-05-08 07:25 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 451903)
Who gives a crap?
You clearly do. At least enough to make a response.

A little word of advice, Pike..if you don't 'give a crap' then it's simple: Do not post in the thread you 'don't give a crap' about. See, not so hard now, is it? :rolleyes:

Holden Pike 08-05-08 07:33 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Perhaps I didn't make myself clear? Your post title and approach are ridiculous. Are we supposed to defend "comedy" to you, which is patently ridiculous because it's such a broad term to begin with. If Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler movies are how you're going to define comedy, fine, but obviously you've put a massive limitation from the outset. You dismiss Romantic Comedies out of hand without even going as far as your Sandler & Farrell comment in at least narrowly defining what it is your limited view considers a Romantic Comedy, which for anybody who is even somewhat film literate means everything from Bringing Up Baby to What Happens in Vegas but for all we know you are again talking about only a small handful of titles you've bothered to watch.

If you had bothered to use the search function you would see there are numerous existing threads where people express their tastes, favorites and most hated for comedies in general and Romantic Comedies more specifically. But, why bother with that when you can simply make a silly post that's only there to get a reaction but spark no sort of real discussion? Are MoFoers supposed to come in here and try to talk you into liking comedy?

And so I repeat: who gives a crap?

Used Future 08-05-08 07:45 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.

The Prestige 08-05-08 08:12 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 451905)
But, why bother with that when you can simply make a silly post that's only there to get a reaction but spark no sort of real discussion? Are MoFoers supposed to come in here and try to talk you into liking comedy?
Stop getting upset just because i've made you look a right idiot. It happens when people try to get all high and mighty and smokescreen their insecurities by randomly blasting reasonable topics.

So you're trying to say that i've made this topic to get a negative reaction from people? Even if I wanted to do such a thing, making a topic like this would be a pretty silly way to go about it. :/. How you came up with that, I don't know.

That was the first post of what I had hoped to be an indepth discussion on the nature of comedies. My aim was to see why people found so and so funny and if i was one of very few who felt a certain way about them.

I purposefully didn't go deep into Romantic Comedy because I was saving it for when the topic developed into a full fledged discussion, like most people do, Pike. I've seen a lot of them. I had to since I am an ex film student.

You're clearly not smart enough to know when a discussion is taking place, and you never will be, Pikey boy. You're not ready yet. No matter how much plagerism and copying and pasting you do from other sites, you will never be ready for a bloke like me. I'm not JRS and I don't care how long you've been on this site, boy. As long as you continue to type wong, I will continue to expose you as a sly trouble maker.

And where did I suggest that I wanted people to convince me to like comedy? My intentions are pretty clear from the last questions of my post, so you're wrong there too, lol.

Holden Pike 08-05-08 08:18 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451912)
Stop getting upset just because i've made you look a right idiot.
Yes. Clearly this is what happened. Havest thou a mirror, perchance?

That was the first post of what I had hoped to be an indepth discussion on the nature of comedies.
Excellent work, as always. We've missed you so. Quick, somebody grab jrs before he leaves.

You're clearly not smart enough to know when a discussion is taking place, and you never will be, Pikey boy. You're not ready yet.

No matter how much [plagiarism] and copying and pasting you do from other sites, you will never be ready for a bloke like me. I'm not JRS and I don't care how long you've been on this site, boy. As long as you continue to type [mistyped the word "wrong", but ironically enough meant incorrectly], I will continue to expose you as a sly trouble maker.
Yes, clearly I'm the one who doesn't know what they're talking about and I'm the trouble maker.

Lennon 08-05-08 08:22 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451912)
You're clearly not smart enough to know when a discussion is taking place, and you never will be
Humble too.

The Prestige 08-05-08 08:30 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike (Post 451915)
Yes. Clearly this is what happened. Havest thou a mirror, perchance?

Excellent work, as always. We've missed you so. Quick, somebody grab jrs before he leaves.


Yes, clearly I'm the one who doesn't know what they're talking about and I'm the trouble maker.
You don't know what you're talking about. If you did you'd know the distinction between a discussion and an argument *shrugs*.

Also, of course I wanted to spark a reaction. Otherwise it'd have been pointless making a thread in the first place, you genius you.:D

Anyways, I feel we've digressed since Pikey tried to get fresh only end up looking arkward.

Anybody have any interesting responses to my original post?

Used Future 08-05-08 08:48 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
This is the funniest thread I've ever read on MoFo, I can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the good work fellas';)

Bill 08-05-08 08:54 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
So, if you don't like comedies... does that mean you have no sense of humor? That sounds about right.

Yoda 08-05-08 09:18 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Wow, you've been back less than a day and you're already calling someone an idiot. Tread lightly; we give out lots of second chances here, but aren't so big on thirds. There won't be a warning, either.

That said, Holden's basic point is right: what, exactly, are we supposed to be discussing here? Why you say you don't like comedies? Are we supposed to try to convince you to like them? I don't see what sort of actual discussion this is supposed to bring about. You say you wanted to talk about the "nature of comedies," but I'd suggest you re-read your first post and tell me if that was supposed to be obvious to anyone but you. It's mostly just a rant, and frankly, it reads as if it was designed to provoke people. Holden already said pretty much all of this already, and you ignored most of it.

The only actual reply I can muster is that I think your initial post is pretty bizarre, and I think dismissing an entire genre of film is ridiculous on its face, but there's no way to actually argue the point, nor would it be particularly enjoyable to do so.

Slug 08-05-08 10:00 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
I simply can't stand comedy films.
No problem.
I don't think I've met someone who didn't like comedy films before.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
Will Ferrell films are the worst offenders, imo.
His humor is minimal.

Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
Adam Sadler is worse than him. How people can find a guy that shouts at stupendous levels funny is beyond me.
Reminds me of Jerry Lewis.
Not very funny.

I think Robin Williams or Steve Gutenberg may be even more unfunny.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
Romantic comedies don't help as a hybrid genre too. I find the entire genre and it's goals an oxymoron. They're not funny the majority of the time ...
I agree.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
I'm a much bigger fan of dark humour. Like seriously dark humour.
I tred to find a definition of dark humor, but sadly couldn't find one.
Black humor is defined as...
black comedy
–noun comedy that employs morbid, gloomy, grotesque, or calamitous situations in its plot.
Here is an example of black comedy.

I like it.
Is it funny?
Hmmmmm. I don't no.
Not laughing funny.
Major "King" Kong riding a nuclear bomb to oblivion, from the film Dr. Strangelove, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.

The 1964 film Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb presents one of the best-known examples of black comedy. The subject of the film is nuclear warfare and the annihilation of life on Earth.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
Obviously, there are SOME comedies that are an exception.
I love humor.
Laughing, practical jokes etc.
I never laughed once during Blazing Saddles.
No time for Sergeants, I will.
I guess, humor and comedy are really in the eye of the beholder.
A fish called Wanda?

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

Humor is reason gone mad.
Groucho Marx

uconjack 08-05-08 10:38 PM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
I think Comedy can be an acquired taste. I didn't like Chaplin, the Marx Brothers or WC Fields on first viewings. Now I love them all.


Some Like it Hot

Slug 08-06-08 12:02 AM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by uconjack (Post 451955)
I think Comedy can be an acquired taste. I didn't like Chaplin, the Marx Brothers or WC Fields on first viewings. Now I love them all.
You're right uconjack.
I was like that with Billy Crystal.
City Slickers won me over.
That movie is funny.

Originally Posted by uconjack (Post 451955)
Some Like it Hot
This movie grows on me.

Iroquois 08-06-08 12:11 AM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
That's got to be the third time in about the past week or so I've read someone on here call American Psycho a funny movie. I mean, I can see the humour in it but genuinely laughing at it? I can't really imagine it.

Envy 08-06-08 12:25 AM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by uconjack (Post 451955)
I think Comedy can be an acquired taste. I didn't like Chaplin, the Marx Brothers or WC Fields on first viewings. Now I love them all.


Some Like it Hot
What a coincidence, was just going to recommend to him Some Like It Hot!

Prestige, I don't find Will Ferrell the least bit funny. Although, I do find Adam Sandler quite funny. Him yelling & screaming is quite entertaining.

Out of all the more recent films I've seen, Knocked Up and Get Smart definitely top it off. But they are nothing compared to Some Like It Hot.

Some more comedy films that may appeal to you are the Monty Python flicks, always found those hilarious.

I'm one of those people that usually laugh when other people don't, and vice versa; a strange sense of humour you could say. But seriously, you saying you don't like any comedy films, and based on your prime examples, I guess you haven't seen many classic comedy films. To sum it up, majority of the comedy films seen nowadays are absolutely horrible, and completely braindead. Dodgeball is a horrible movie, Anchorman sucks, and American Pie also sucks..

I haven't seen any of Marx's flicks, and I think I'm going to rent Duck Soup.

WSSlover 08-06-08 02:43 AM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by The Prestige (Post 451901)
Ok, I am aware that dissing certain genres, actors and directors generally elicits a strong response from it's fans of the 'frat pack' particular. However, my goal is to be completely honest in my posts even at the risk of sounding pretentious and snobbish, which I most certainly am not.

I simply can't stand comedy films. Will Ferrell films are the worst offenders, imo. Not only is he completely unfunny are by the number 'comedic', but the guy has zero charm. Actually, i'll take that back - Adam Sadler is worse than him. How people can find a guy that shouts at stupendous levels funny is beyond me.

Romantic comedies don't help as a hybrid genre too. I find the entire genre and it's goals an oxymoron. They're not funny the majority of the time and theres hardly any distinction or fresh ways of revamping such a genre.

I'm a much bigger fan of dark humour. Like seriously dark humour. Humour that's unexpected and deliciously daring yet nuanced gets my funny bones tickling. American Psycho, for example, is a PROPER comedy to me. It's incredibly funny and not in a fart gag sort of way, but with malicious intent and daring humour. A brilliant spin on an otherwise bleak book.

Obviously, there are SOME comedies that are an exception. I laughed a lot more than I normally would have while watching Knocked Up. Seth Rogen wasn't bad at all, and i'm thinking his chemistry with Katherine Heigl helped make it an adequate comedy. However, that's the only one I can think of that generally charmed me. Evil Dead 2 and Mick in Wolf Creek are worth a mention, too. But like I said, those films rely on dark humour, specially the latter.

Maybe it's just me. It might be that I need a degree of seriousness in the films I watch. So lets have it I only with these thoughts or are there people that agree with me? Feel free to disagree. Negative rep spreeing is so 2007. ;)
I feel the same way, Prestige. However, some of the Charley Chaplin movies are an exception. Laughter can be and often is difficult to get, especially for me, at least in part due to hard-wiring differences that I won't elaborate on. I tend to lean toward action-packed films, and I even don't mind a certain amount of blood, guts and gore, when there's a point or points to be made, or if it's an integral part of the story or plot of the movie(s) in question. However, if the film in question is oversaturated with blood, guts and gore, or if it's done for the heck of it, then I'm turned off by it.

I, too need a good degree of seriousness in the films I watch, although West Side Story is sad, exuberant, funny, etc., all at once.

king_of_movies_316 08-06-08 06:00 AM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
To "the presige" i completly agree with you!!!!

I could not of said it better my self. I can't stand comidies. Movies such as "You Don't Mess with the Zohan" or any other Adam Sandler flick in genaral (exept for Anger Manegment and Click, which were not funny but just interesting). When ever i see commidies (normaly with friends) i actualy don't laugh.

I agree with you though Dark Comedy is funny. Mick from Wolf Creek, had a phycotic nature which was funny it was also funny how he laughed while killing poor english back-packers. I also found the opening scene in the movie 25th Hour pretty funny.

I can't stand cheap forms of comedy such as fart gags or the classic kick to the balls.

I like witty humor (such as Oceans 11). Since i'm an avid horror fan the movie Cabin Fever was quit funny to me. Not all the gags were funny but the in-direct gags were pretty funny.

So although most people can't see this from your point of view, i completly agree with you.

btw i have never liked Holden Pike, i would tell you what i think of him but you cant realy swear on this forum.

Holden Pike 08-06-08 06:47 AM

Re: I can't bring myself to like 'comedy' films.
Originally Posted by king_of_movies_316
btw [I] have never liked Holden Pike, [I] would tell you what [I] think of him but you [can't] [really] swear on this forum.
Never liked me?!? Not in the whole six weeks you've been here? Say it ain't so, Joe. Say it ain't so.

Very well, you make me sad. BTW, you can really curse if you want, though with your total lack of spelling and typing skills it'll hardly matter. Probably just a lot of fiukjwad and aishools. Which is an unintentional commidie of errors.

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