Your Top 10 Favorite Actors


Leonardo DiCaprio

Jake Gyllenhaal

Kiefer Sutherland

Robin Williams

Robert De Niro

Marlon Brando

Tobey Maguire

Robert Downey Jr.

Sylvester Stallone

James Dean

... I'd name more, but I can only do 10.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
As of now...

(in no order)

Powers Boothe
Tom Cruise
Christian Bale
Robert De Niro
Edward Norton
Kevin Costner
Jeff Goldblum
Tom Hanks

As for these next two, they're not great actors (or any good at all, for that matter), but I'll currently watch anything with them in it.

Steven Seagal
Jean-Claude Van Damme
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
1. Heath Ledger
2. Cillian Murphy
3. Johnny Depp
4. Alan Rickman
5. Gerard Butler
6. Hugh Jackman
7. Ed Norton
8. Robert Downey Jr.
9. Christian Bale
10. Morgan Freeman
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
Really? I had high hopes for Zodiac but then I was disappointed. Downey was amazing in it of course, but I thought the whole plot line took a bit too long to develop. Then again it was based on a true story..

1 James Stewart
2 Alec Guinness
3 James Cagney
4 Marlon Brando
5 Jack Nicholson
6 John Hurt
7 Anthony Hopkins
8 Peter O'Toole
9 Daniel Day Lewis
10 Dennis Hopper

1. Leonardo DiCaprio
2. Jack Nicholson
3. Daniel Day-Lewis
4. Robert De Niro
5. Al Pacino
6. Morgan Freeman
7. Anthony Hopkins
8. Christian Bale
9. Ryan Gosling
10. Denzel Washington

You are restricted to American actors? Because I have only seem american actors in these lists (though my list isn't that different either... ).

My favorite actors would include:

Klaus Kinski

Toshiro Mifune

Robert DeNiro

Clint Eastwood

Al Pacino

Jack Nicholson

Di Caprio

Nicolas Cage

Marlon Brando

James Stewart

1.Johnny Depp

2. Christoph Waltz

3.Leonardo DiCaprio

4. John Cusack

5. Ewan McGregor

6. Vincent Price

7. Heath Ledger

8. Joaquin Phoenix

9. Kevin Costner

10. Joseph Gordon-Levitt

no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

I have a hard time choosing my favorites, because most of my favorites have had horrible stints in their career, like Adam Sandler and Chevy Chase.

With that said, some others that I like are Jason Bateman, Steve Martin, Bill Murray, Will Ferrell, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Eddie Murphy, Viggo Mortensen, Russell Crowe, and Kiefer Sutherland.

1. Al Pacino
2. James Stewart
3. Marlon Brando
4. Robert DeNiro
5. Jack Nickolson
6. Dustin Hoffman
7. George C. Scott
8. Morgan Freeman
9. Daniel Day-Lewis
10. Denzel Washington

Schwarzenegger needs more votes!