The Fifth Hall of Fame


Chappie doesn't like the real world
It seems that everyone but Pussy liked Boys Don't Cry, and that's really all I could've hoped for. A big reason why I nominated it is because it didn't get a sniff at the 90's list, so I wanted to get it out there a little more.
I didn't realize that. It should have.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Musicals just don't seem to do very well in general halls of fame because there are quite a few people that just don't like musicals.

Musicals just don't seem to do very well in general halls of fame because there are quite a few people that just don't like musicals.
Yeah, it seems often you either love or hate musicals. You know what I think I'm gonna make a thread and see if people are up for it, at least to see if we get a decent amount of people.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know what I would nominate if I participated... I right?

I don't always like the songs in a musical. But I know they will be over in 3 minutes and then back to the movie.

Let the night air cool you off
I don't know if I would have time for this and the big hall of fame, but if I don't join this somebody nominate The Umbrellas of Cherbourg for me.

The spellcheck for Cherbourg is Cheeseburger apparently. The Umbrellas of Cheeseburger would make an awesome musical.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ha! your right, The Umbrellas of Cheeseburger!...crazy spell check.

You have time,you guys are always talking about expanding your horizons and delving into musicals is a good way to do that.

I'm totally going to nominate Repo! The Genetic Opera.

Just kidding. I hate that movie. Actually, gbgoodies is probably going to like my nomination.