President Trump


Granted, that second one will only seem relevant to someone who thinks ideas, ya' know, matter. To people who've decided America lives or dies based on some undefinable attitude (rather than an idea, as its Founders clearly believed), it probably won't make a lot of sense.

The first one, however, is a contradiction whether you align with the Founders or not.

someone should have held the applause sign up for them so they knew when to do it.
some awkward moments where he had to stand there and wait for it lol
his speech was nothing surprising,sadly.
Britney is my favorite

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
An extremist, one-sided perspective on an America that only exists in the minds of all the villains in Frank Capra movies. I don't see Trump ever getting reformed like they did. The comeuppance is still a possibility. Trump didn't look too happy at some of the prayers offered after his swearing in since they offered things which seem anathema to his policies.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
An extremist, one-sided perspective on an America that only exists in the minds of all the villains in Frank Capra movies. I don't see Trump ever getting reformed like they did. The comeuppance is still a possibility. Trump didn't look too happy at some of the prayers offered after his swearing in since they offered things which seem anathema to his policies.
Yeah, I think what alluding to is how dire he is about the state of the country. I agree, I can't tolerate it when he talks about us like we are a third world country. Nothing a big wall and super low corporate tax rate won't fix though.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Over the last 8 years, I've noticed that a free market and bailouts managed to go hand in hand. Isn't that a huge and expensive example of how a free market and protectionism can both coexist?
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Protests - it's amazing that the Left / PC camp, which claims to abhor violence, can't ever seem to conduct protests without them turning violent (over 90 anti-Trump protesters arrested in NYC so far for violence, assaults and vandalism).

This is definitely not the kind of protest that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. talked about (but then he was a Christian & civil rights activist, not a politically correct Leftist).

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Ok, my mistake.

“It’s time to drop the fantasy that a purely free market exists in the world of global trade,” Mr Hochberg told an American audience shortly after returning from Prague. “In the real world our private enterprises are pitted against an array of competitors that are often government-owned, government-protected, government-subsidised, government-sponsored or all of the above.”

Global Trade Alert (GTA), a monitoring service operated by the London-based Centre for Economic Policy Research, defines protectionism more broadly as anything that hurts another country’s commercial interests. It thus includes government bailouts of domestic companies, wage subsidies, export and VAT rebates, export credits and financing from state-owned banks.

I'm not sure what your point is: it says right there in the quote that they're defining protectionism as "anything that hurts another country’s commercial interests." And the reason they have to state that is because it's outside of the normal definition.

This is just funny - Bill caught by Hillary while checking out Ivanka this morning. (Can't say as I blame him - Ivanka looked stunning! Gotta be the hottest "first daughter" ever!)

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Bill caught by Hillary while checking out Ivanka this morning.
"I did not imagine sexual relations WITH THAT WOMAN" - Bill Clinton

Trouble with a capital "T"
I for one, am going to start learning Russian so that when Trump hands the USA over to Russia, I will still be able to order a vanilla latte, with a shot of Smirnoff....

I for one, am going to start learning Russian so that when Trump hands the USA over to Russia, I will still be able to order a vanilla latte....
Crapbake Kope?