Hillary Clinton: Woman Enough


Then let's ban alcohol. It kills people, too. There's no good going on with alcohol being legal, either. Your need to get drunk and have a good time is no different than people who own guns and go shooting for fun. Or just having them to collect in their homes. We need guns so good people who wanna protect themselves and their family and their home can do so.
Most people are able to enjoy alcohol without hurting themselfs or others.
if people want to protect themself they can start with getting an alarm system. theres no need for guns.

we follow the gun debate over here on the news in amusement,sorry to say. its kinda ridiculous.

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Citizen Kane is his favorite film, though.

I knew it was his favorite movie ever, never saw that clip - thanks..

I actually think Trump does understand the movie, that money isolates you, and that it's an empty life without happiness. I think rosebud stood for innocence, before his life changed, a time when things were easier, when fun (sled) was the feeling worth living for, instead of currency.. Trump notes how further and further apart he and his wife become as he gets "richer" (wish they would have used a better video clip)..

To me, Trump and Hillary are almost the same person, just a different gender.

Alot more people drink and more often,you need to take that into account.but then again your alcohol rules are different then ours-so i`d agree that your rules should be strickter.we would never go to a bar then drive home-you`d loose your liscence and get in jail.

If thats why people should have guns then you need to ask yourselfs why people are breaking in to other peoples homes and hurting them. then work towards fixing that. guns arnt gonna fix anything-they obviously just the problem worse.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
To me, Trump and Hillary are almost the same person, just a different gender.
Voters have had about 25 years to build up their hatred for Hillary. They've only had about one year to hate Trump.
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That's a very dangerous combination of words in a political discussion.
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So a man comes into a house and stabs a woman to death. She didn't have a gun.

A man comes into a house, a woman has a gun on her, he comes to stab her, she shoots him in the forehead and he dies.

What's the better scenario here?

And how are we gonna fix crazy people from breaking into homes and hurting others? You can't. It'll always happen.
the best scenerio is finding out why he was breaking in.

Mental illness? then you need to review the health system-are people
getting the help they need?

Money? why was he needing money to the point he would break into someone else house and hurt them for it. Are there not enough jobs,are people not getting the right education,are people out of jobs not getting the right support?

Revenge? has there been history where he was not getting the help he needed from a public service?

what you are talking about-guns- is talking around the actual issue.
you need to find out WHY people need to defend themselfs and fix it.

also theres been several cases where people have shot others they thought were intruders but werent. But my main point is as above.
the problem will never be solved by throwing guns into the mix.

the best scenerio is finding out why he was breaking in.

Mental illness? then you need to review the health system-are people
getting the help they need?

Money? why was he needing money to the point he would break into someone else house and hurt them for it. Are there not enough jobs,are people not getting the right education,are people out of jobs not getting the right support?

Revenge? has there been history where he was not getting the help he needed from a public service?

what you are talking about-guns- is talking around the actual issue.
you need to find out WHY people need to defend themselfs and fix it.

also theres been several cases where people have shot others they thought were intruders but werent. But my main point is as above.
the problem will never be solved by throwing guns into the mix.
Based on your logic, guns aren't the problem, either. So in arguing against the necessity of guns, you've simultaneously argued against the long-term efficacy of gun control.

This is without getting into the implication that things like mental illness, envy, or poverty can necessarily be solved. They can certainly be exacerbated or alleviated, but they're not going to be eliminated. You will never "fix" people, and the best remedy for people being broken which the world has ever known is to give them as much freedom as possible. And any attempt to roll back those freedoms should be held to the highest possible standard of evidence; a standard that gun control arguments basically never come close to meeting.

So a man comes into a house and stabs a woman to death. She didn't have a gun.

A man comes into a house, a woman has a gun on her, he comes to stab her, she shoots him in the forehead and he dies.

What's the better scenario here?
You gotta realize that's a flawed argument, SC. You could rationalize a device that spits out aerosolized anthrax with that argument.

Why not? Anthrax fights are a popular sport in Kazakhstan.

Are we talking about aerosol anthrax? NO.

This is all you ever do with your stupid arguments -- exchange something in them for something else. Something we're not even dealing with.
It's an analogy, SC. If your principal is infallible, then it shouldn't break under the extremes.

Originally Posted by Sexy Celebrity
Everything with you is interchangeable. Even your own gender.
*laughs* Good grief, you and Camo can't get over that can you?

Based on your logic, guns aren't the problem, either. So in arguing against the necessity of guns, you've simultaneously argued against the long-term efficacy of gun control.

This is without getting into the implication that things like mental illness, envy, or poverty can necessarily be solved. They can certainly be exacerbated or alleviated, but they're not going to be eliminated. You will never "fix" people, and the best remedy for people being broken which the world has ever known is to give them as much freedom as possible. And any attempt to roll back those freedoms should be held to the highest possible standard of evidence; a standard that gun control arguments basically never come close to meeting.
People kill people,we know that. Guns make it possible for people kill people alot easier-would the same people who shot others be able to kill someone with a knife? you have a better chance defending yourself and surviving an attack without a gun.would the person whos attacking be able to do it without a gun? its a lot more "guts" to shove knife into someones stomach up close than to shoot someone from a distance.

Meanwhile - the woman he killed is dead for eternity.
It probably won't stop every crazy out there.
Won't stop every crazy person. There are other reasons people do these things. I doubt the man who killed Christina Grimmie last night shot her while signing autographs 'cause he needed money.
We KNOW why people need to defend themselves -- to keep themselves from being killed by psychos who want to take their innocent lives. Doesn't need fixed!
If you can say people drink alcohol innocently, then people are also innocently defending themselves with guns if someone's trying to kill them.
That can happen sometimes.
I'm not convinced of that.
the dead person will continue to be dead just like any other person who was killed,but you can then prevent others from suffering the same fate.
when did i say money was the reason he shot her?
im saying you need to figure out WHY-and in some situation money is why. you need to figure out why then build on that.

are people going to be less crazy? actually,yes maybe with proper help-or atleast less violent and if not then that person should not be out on the streets where he is a danger to the public.
if a person shoots someone because of a mental illness then you need to
find out why nobody was helping him,doctors,surroundings,work/boss or school.
when should this have been discovered? could it have been discovered (if hes older) at school? should his parents have been suspicious of his behaviour? who is responsible-is there not enough information about these issues out there,are the doctors not equipped to handle it or discover it,is it too difficult to get help?

i could obviously go on and on, i dont feel like you guys are taking into account what im actually saying,but insted talking around it.

Originally Posted by Topsy
i could obviously go on and on, i dont feel like you guys are taking into account what im actually saying,but insted talking around it.

Please stop aggitating with that nonsense. It doesnt contribute anything and only makes someone feel isolated to a group, and communication becomes strained.

Topsy in regards to United States no longer "having guns" its really unrealistic at this point. Im pretty sure the USA leads the world in gun production, and weve been producing those guns and injecting them into the public the past 200 years. To disarm the nation would be something like Civil War 2. I do know that we need to control them more though, even at the cost of some of our precious freedom.

Please stop aggitating with that nonsense. It doesnt contribute anything and only makes someone feel isolated to a group, and communication becomes strained.

Originally Posted by Topsy
i could obviously go on and on, i dont feel like you guys are taking into account what im actually saying,but insted talking around it.
It's tough to take this seriously when your post opens with "its a lot more 'guts' to shove knife into someone" and Yoda has addressed you on point.

Originally Posted by TONGO
Please stop aggitating with that nonsense. It doesnt contribute anything and only makes someone feel isolated to a group, and communication becomes strained.
That sounds kind of like a criticism of how I post.

And that's sounds kind of ironic.


That sounds kind of like a criticism of how I post.

And that's sounds kind of ironic.

No it was a plain criticism on how you post. Not every disagreement or conversation has to be fueled on by those type constant antics.

As far as it actually happening,i have no doubt that it wont. theres too much money in it and there will be too much of a
backlash from people
Im just saying that it should as in regard to the gp,and why i think so
we dont have guns here,and we dont need them (because reasons above).if someone here likes guns and want to fire them-then they nedd to go get a liscence and register at a shooting hall.

No it was a plain criticism on how you post.
Oh, so does that mean I can post this?:

You better not have any more to say to me, or about me TONGO, OR ANYONE AT THE FORUM,
I seem to recall a rather similarly caustic PM when I criticized someone else's posts...

Something along the lines of... "contributing"...

A little on the nose. And a little passive aggressive. (O_O )

Trouble with a capital "T"
Gun control might need it's own thread...but as it was brought up I will address it.

Topsy, I know you're not in the USA, so you may or may not already know this:

The reason the U.S. Constitution grants it's citizens the right to bear arms is not for home defense and not for gun collecting or sporting events.

The reason is... in case our government because tyrannical the citizens of America will have the means to rise up in armed revolt and overthrow the government.

The right to bear arms, is a balance of power, that keeps our government from straying from the freedoms and liberties we set forth in our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

The reason the U.S. Constitution grants it's citizens the right to bear arms is not for home defense and not for gun collecting or sporting events.

The reason is... in case our government because tyrannical the citizens of America will have the means to rise up in armed revolt and overthrow the government.

The right to bear arms, is a balance of power, that keeps our government from straying from the freedoms and liberties we set forth in our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

So the idea is you disarm the population, militarize the local police, and become an evil empire.