MOFO Top 10: The 1980's


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Marriage of Maria Braun, Lola, In the Year of 13 Moons, Martha, The Stationmaster's Wife, The Merchant of Four Seasons, Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Lili Marleen, Mother Kusters Goes to Heaven, Veronika Voss, Despair, Fox and His Friends are among the better Fassbinders I've seen, but I'd start with the first two if they're readily available. Berlin Alexanderplatz would be his magnum opus but a huge investment of time, patience and perhaps money.

The Decalogue definately shouldn't count. It's a tv series, not a film. You could include the full cuts of A Short Film About Killing and A Short Film About Love though, as The Decalogue has shortened versions of both films.

The university library has a bunch, including The BRD trilogy and Berlin Alexanderplatz.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
rauldc14 was kind enough to grant me one revision. i promised to be extra good from now on and take my time before submitting a list.

anyway, that means that this

  1. Pretty in Pink
  2. Raging Bull
  3. The Big Chill
  4. Sophie's Choice
  5. The Shining
  6. Koyaanisqatsi: Life Out of Balance
  7. Stand By Me
  8. My Neighbor Totoro
  9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  10. Time Bandits
is rendered DISQUALIFIED and replaced with the following:
  1. Pretty in Pink
  2. The Big Chill
  3. Educating Rita
  4. Fanny och Alexander
  5. Raging Bull
  6. She's Having a Baby
  7. This is Spinal Tap
  8. My Neighbor Totoru
  9. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
  10. The Fly

lots of changes. explanations to come later.

The Decalogue definately shouldn't count. It's a tv series, not a film. You could include the full cuts of A Short Film About Killing and A Short Film About Love though, as The Decalogue has shortened versions of both films.
  1. Three Crowns Of The Sailor (1983)
  2. Peking Opera Blues (1986)
  3. The Shining (1980)
  4. Wings Of Desire (1987)
  5. The Draughtsman's Contract (1982)
  6. Possession (1981)
  7. The Terrorizers (1986)
  8. A Summer At Grandpa's (1984)
  9. Distant Voices, Still Lives (1988)
  10. The Winter War (1989)

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
1. Once Upon a Time in America (1984, Sergio Leonne)

2.Tootsie (1982, Sydney Pollack)

3.Rain Man (1988, Barry Levinson)

4. Reds (1981, Warren Beatty)

5 Blood Simple (1984, The Coen Brothers)

6. The Killing Fields (1984, Roland Joffe)

7. Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988, Robert Zemeckis)

8. A Fish Called Wanda (1988, Charles Chricton)

9. Body Heat (1981, Lawrence Kasdan)

10. Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982, Amy Heckerling)
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

3. Das Boot (Wolfgang Petersen, 1981)

Surprised to see that i'm the only one nominating this German classic. The 3 hour tension cuts like a knife....
Are you? Wow. I have to say I'm pretty surprised myself. A magnificent film.

An absolutely stunning film indeed. I cannot think of a better action film that this actually... And I decided to leave out The Decalogue, although its my fav Kieslowski, I just have to vote for the Edward Yang film.

And they are?
Will get back to you soon. Definitely changed Taiwanese cinema, just like how Kiarostami changed Iranian cinema, but there's a strong case that he did influence future aspiring filmmakers from Asia.