Game of Thrones Season 3


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Bit late to the party on this season.

Second episode was a lot better. First time since first season, not had any gripes at deviations and cuts. Margeary and Joff are nailing the intricacies of their minor characters but Littlefinger is completely off still. Heard a theory that Ros will take Jeyne Pool's role, can see that working in a lot of ways.

Was sceptical on Thoros but Dennis Pennis nailed it, be interesting to see how they portray his following of the Red God and 'powers'.

Didn't like the Reeds too much in the book but they were both great, wonder if and when Rickon and Osha will go separately.

Happy they're making amends for cutting Ramsay from S2, even if it is at the expense of one the best POV/twists of Dance and probably the series.

Fist of First Men is really only gripe so far, considering how they led into it.

Also, A LOT of foreshadowing with throw away lines keep yelping at but then have to cover for non-reader viewers

Having not started the fifth book yet, it's pretty surreal to go from knowing what's going to happen in a given scene to suddenly having no idea. Might have to start reading it sooner than I'd planned to sate my curiosity.

Gonna enjoy seeing non-readers reaction at that reveal, as they're seemingly building it up quite a bit now
They're gonna be like ...who?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Having not started the fifth book yet, it's pretty surreal to go from knowing what's going to happen in a given scene to suddenly having no idea. Might have to start reading it sooner than I'd planned to sate my curiosity.
Same here. Wasn't going to swing right into book 5 (I'm about 80% done with A Feast for Crows), but I think I'll have to. That Theon stuff had me scratching my head because I was sure we hadn't heard from him in quite a while in the books. Glad to read here that it wasn't just me.

My problem now is that I watch these new episodes and I forget all the stuff that hasn't happened yet... that I already know about. That's new for me, although I'm SO glad I'm now reading ahead of the series. Much prefer my exciting reveals to happen while reading rather than watching.

And Dex... that Facebook post was absolutely hilarious. But of course, hapax is above all that unfunny humor, I see. Whatever. I'm not. I laughed out loud and wished it was a longer post!

The Adventure Starts Here!
Also, I'm unsure how anyone just watching and not reading can keep all the new folks straight. Then again, Edmure called Robb "nephew" so that helped, and Catelyn called Blackfish "uncle" so that helped....

But honestly, I think I'd be fairly lost if I weren't reading the books. Everyone has grey-green or grey-blue eyes and everyone wears boiled leather jerkins and Myrish lace and everyone japes... and the men have apples in their throats so that Martin doesn't use an anachronism.

Oh wait, that's the books. Never mind.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World

This site was brought to my attention :

Adjust your scope as to episodes watched and books read as fits.

The Adventure Starts Here!
By the way, with this most recent episode, I loved the scene where Pycelle, Littlefinger, Varys, Cersei and Tyrion meet with Tywin in his meeting room, and they all play Musical Chairs to get the best seat. Watching Cersei pick up a chair and move it around the table to sit next to her father was hysterical, but even better was watching Tyrion draaaaaaag the last chair to the far end of the table and sit there opposite his father.

So much of the casting is perfect that I'm enjoying this season for its little moments more so than the larger ones (most of which haven't happened yet). It may have started a bit slow, but ending with Jaime's missteps trying to connive his way out of his chains gave me that giddy feeling that it's going to start being a GREAT season.

One thing, and I'm probably the only one who feels this way: Did anyone else feel the end-music over the credits (the hard-metal-sounding version of "The Bear" song from the books) was almost anachronistic? The feel may have been right, but hearing electric guitars was just ... wrong. Jolts you out of the world right at a moment when you're trying to absorb what just happened to end the episode.

My two cents.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Also, I'm unsure how anyone just watching and not reading can keep all the new folks straight. Then again, Edmure called Robb "nephew" so that helped, and Catelyn called Blackfish "uncle" so that helped....

But honestly, I think I'd be fairly lost if I weren't reading the books. Everyone has grey-green or grey-blue eyes and everyone wears boiled leather jerkins and Myrish lace and everyone japes... and the men have apples in their throats so that Martin doesn't use an anachronism.

Oh wait, that's the books. Never mind.

This site was brought to my attention :

Adjust your scope as to episodes watched and books read as fits.
Further to that, coming across these nuggets (i believe they are supplements to the DVD release) on YT have helped quite bit for me personally.

Kate Stark/Jon Snow


Davos Seaworth

The First People

Rhaegar Targaryen's Avatar
Prince of Dragonstone
I think the hound Sanza thing is kind of a beauty and the beast thing. He def has a thing for her but knows he'll never have her so that's where the meanest comes in. That and he's incapable of showing emotion. As for Arya she hated him for killing the butcher's boy and she made no secret of it. Just because he has a soft spot for Sanza doesn't mean it extends to Arya.

So what about Dani and trading the dragon. My money is on her burning that ******* to ashes. Pretty sure she understands every word he's saying too. The slave girl says "all men must die" in that language and Dani repeats it in English I believe.

The chair scene was pretty damn good too. This show is unbelievably good and just keeps getting better.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I dont pick up that vibe at all. I dont think the hound has a "thing" for Sanza in the slightest.

One of the biggest omissions in Season 2 was Sansa and The Hound. He's endeared inside but bemused mostly to her belief / naivety in all knights being honourable and brave. Which is where Arya contrasts. The Hound is a fantastic sub-character, if not the best. Hope they make of for it this season with Arya.

Speaking of which, must be Hound v Lightning Lord this week!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
By the way, with this most recent episode, I loved the scene where Pycelle, Littlefinger, Varys, Cersei and Tyrion meet with Tywin in his meeting room, and they all play Musical Chairs to get the best seat. Watching Cersei pick up a chair and move it around the table to sit next to her father was hysterical, but even better was watching Tyrion draaaaaaag the last chair to the far end of the table and sit there opposite his father.

So much of the casting is perfect that I'm enjoying this season for its little moments more so than the larger ones (most of which haven't happened yet). It may have started a bit slow, but ending with Jaime's missteps trying to connive his way out of his chains gave me that giddy feeling that it's going to start being a GREAT season.

One thing, and I'm probably the only one who feels this way: Did anyone else feel the end-music over the credits (the hard-metal-sounding version of "The Bear" song from the books) was almost anachronistic? The feel may have been right, but hearing electric guitars was just ... wrong. Jolts you out of the world right at a moment when you're trying to absorb what just happened to end the episode.

My two cents.
The music was jarring and it took me a minute to figure out what song it was. I did enjoy it after a few seconds though. Really good episode. Thus far I am enjoying the television show more than I did the first half of the third book. That is the first time I can say that in this series. Although I enjoyed the first two seasons I thought they paled in comparison to the novels. I hope they keep it up because although I love the second half of Storm of Swords, I really did not enjoy A Feast of Crows at all.