Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


Welcome to the human race...
The thing about encores is that you're only supposed to do them once.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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Sadly, they seem to have lost the knack of casting unknowns for a series of movies that's trying to remove itself from the prequels.

The prequels were packed with known faces... but Star Wars, apart from Guinness and Cushing, the cast were unknown.
2 big names... over 3 movies.

Nobody had heard of Hamill, Fisher, Ford, Dee Williams, Daniels or Baker before Star Wars arrived.

Now it seems a case of "get as many big names in as possible so they can carry the film"
I think this was what hampered The Last Jedi.
Del Toro, Dern, Christie, Gleason, Serkis... they even had big names in small roles.

Now they're adding more heard-of actors and actresses.

I'm left wondering if Stallone, Li, Lundgren, Couture, Crews, Hemsworth, Banderas, Statham, Willis, Snipes, Grammer, Van Damme, Gibson and Schwarzenegger will appear as well?

This might just do nobody any good.
I think that’s stretching it. The primary cast, the focus of the trilogy, Ridley, Driver, Boyega and even Oscar Isaacs are best known for their respective characters here. Id be surprised if there’s a significant number of us that we’re looking forward to a Llewyn Davis/Al Cody reunion in TFA.

Dern and Del Toro, being the better known entities like Guinness and Cushing were slotted in aptly sized roles.

If not as Hux, Domhnall is still best known as Brendan’s son. Christie and Serkis are never actually seen in the flesh (well, unless you count that eyeball peak.)

Russell isn’t going draw crowds on a name alone, despite how good The Americans might be.

We've gone on holiday by mistake

Sadly, they seem to have lost the knack of casting unknowns for a series of movies that's trying to remove itself from the prequels.

The prequels were packed with known faces... but Star Wars, apart from Guinness and Cushing, the cast were unknown.
2 big names... over 3 movies.

Nobody had heard of Hamill, Fisher, Ford, Dee Williams, Daniels or Baker before Star Wars arrived.

Now it seems a case of "get as many big names in as possible so they can carry the film"
I think this was what hampered The Last Jedi.
Del Toro, Dern, Christie, Gleason, Serkis... they even had big names in small roles.

Now they're adding more heard-of actors and actresses.

I'm left wondering if Stallone, Li, Lundgren, Couture, Crews, Hemsworth, Banderas, Statham, Willis, Snipes, Grammer, Van Damme, Gibson and Schwarzenegger will appear as well?
Casting was way down the list of problems for TLJ. Apart from the character and casting of Rose I don't attribute any of the problems with TLJ to do with the cast at all.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I think that’s stretching it. The primary cast, the focus of the trilogy, Ridley, Driver, Boyega and even Oscar Isaacs are best known for their respective characters here. Id be surprised if there’s a significant number of us that we’re looking forward to a Llewyn Davis/Al Cody reunion in TFA.

Dern and Del Toro, being the better known entities like Guinness and Cushing were slotted in aptly sized roles.

If not as Hux, Domhnall is still best known as Brendan’s son. Christie and Serkis are never actually seen in the flesh (well, unless you count that eyeball peak.)

Russell isn’t going draw crowds on a name alone, despite how good The Americans might be.
I think Domhnall Gleason has grown out of his father's shadow to be fair and is now known as a top actor in his own right. Just a shame he is contractually obliged to play a ridiculous buffoon in these films, in fact that's s bit unfair on TFA because General Hux wasn't anywhere near as insufferable in that one.

I doubt we are getting Mara Jade unless she will show up in a another trilogy just no Lukes wife but another female Jedi. Or Mara is just a character name that has nothing to do with Mara Jade or a Jedi. My feeling is the new characters will be new resistence or new rebellion members. In Reys case i doubt she should have students since she was never trained by anyone. Now id be ok if a Jedi from Lukes academy did survive and has his own. I just dont think Russell who is rumored to be named Mara is gonna be a big character.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Apparently Lando (bill dee Williams) will be in episode 9. Will be interesting to see how they kill off this beloved character.

This series is such trash now I would get real pleasure from watching it and Disney fail. Just being honest

I guess i don t care anymore, disney just bought fox, cousin is trying to tie himself.down to another project so that he doesn t lose his job immediately, and i feel bad for this franchise as it is being turned into a teenage marketing saga

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Apparently Lando (bill dee Williams) will be in episode 9. Will be interesting to see how they kill off this beloved character.

This series is such trash now I would get real pleasure from watching it and Disney fail. Just being honest
That's whats happening isn't it, Solo makes a loss or barely scrapes even which is worse than I thought possible. Episode 9 could be just as bad.

Hellloooo Cindy - Scary Movie (2000)
Apparently Lando (bill dee Williams) will be in episode 9. Will be interesting to see how they kill off this beloved character.

This series is such trash now I would get real pleasure from watching it and Disney fail. Just being honest
That's whats happening isn't it, Solo makes a loss or barely scrapes even which is worse than I thought possible. Episode 9 could be just as bad.
Hopefully. I feel episode 9 will do alright numbers wise. Even if the movie is extremely poor which I’m confident it will be. I just think they’ll con enough of the public and really work on the hype machine - moreso than the actual movie. But here’s hoping that it’s a huge fail in terms of box office. That would make my heart smile.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
so a year and a half of this kind of thing huh
You know you are free to not click on Star Wars threads if the criticism is such a problem for you.

At the moment Star Wars is looking like the biggest **** up in movie history so that's gonna warrant a bit of discussion from time to time, especially on a forum, you know dedicated to movie discussion.

They won't make anymore $$$ until they get rid of *****, state Rian Johnston isn't getting his own trilogy and stop with all the SJW bull****. Rian Johnson continues to outright insult fans on his twitter, clearly a monumental ego.

New Star Wars = Amazing

Youuuuuuuu haters!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Welcome to the human race...
You know you are free to not click on Star Wars threads if the criticism is such a problem for you.

At the moment Star Wars is looking like the biggest **** up in movie history so that's gonna warrant a bit of discussion from time to time, especially on a forum, you know dedicated to movie discussion.

They won't make anymore $$$ until they get rid of *****, state Rian Johnston isn't getting his own trilogy and stop with all the SJW bull****. Rian Johnson continues to outright insult fans on his twitter, clearly a monumental ego.
Yeah, and you're free to drop out if the actual movies are such a problem that the best discussion you can generate for the next year-and-a-half is repeatedly throwing out insults and hoping the next movie (which, as noted, doesn't come out for a year-and-a-half) fails.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
There isn't much to discuss in terms of actual S(J)W movies obviously. However the fallout within Disney and Lucasfilm given the current situation is very interesting.

The only reason you drop into these threads is to insult me for complaining about SW, you can't actually defend what's happening so you insult fans, a bit like Rian Johnson.

I don't need to hope episode 9 will fail, it already has. My hope is that whatever they do after that is better.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I think that’s stretching it. The primary cast, the focus of the trilogy, Ridley, Driver, Boyega and even Oscar Isaacs are best known for their respective characters here. Id be surprised if there’s a significant number of us that we’re looking forward to a Llewyn Davis/Al Cody reunion in TFA.

Dern and Del Toro, being the better known entities like Guinness and Cushing were slotted in aptly sized roles.

If not as Hux, Domhnall is still best known as Brendan’s son. Christie and Serkis are never actually seen in the flesh (well, unless you count that eyeball peak.)

Russell isn’t going draw crowds on a name alone, despite how good The Americans might be.
Dern didn't bother me, but Del Toro was such a distraction that it took me out of the film. So far with TFA and TLJ, the only one to bother me was Del Toro.
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