Cobpyth's Top 101 Favorite Feature Films

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Glad you enjoy Toy Story 3 so much. They definitely did a great job with it, and it was a fitting end to one of my favourite trilogies.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

I'm not too keen on Kill Bill, although I don't think it's bad and I'll probably try it again.

I haven't seen Sweet Smell of Success but put it on my watch list.

Rosemary's Baby is awesome.

Haven't seen any of the Toy Story movies; I don't think I will at this point.

I'm not too keen on Kill Bill, although I don't think it's bad and I'll probably try it again.
not keen on it? :O Rewatch it asap to fix this!
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Oh s*it Just hope he doesn't notice that slip up otherwise it will just continue to inflate his already massive ego
Clearly Daniel is completely obsessed with me, to such an extent that I'm the subject of his Freudian slips. I can't say I'm not flattered, but I'm not interested in you in that way, man.

Or am I?

Why is Kill Bill so low now?
That's not low!

More of a tightening of ratings than anything else, as I used to give too many films 4.5 or 5, anything with 4 would probably get on my top 100 currently.

But Vol. 1 is probably one of my least favourite Tarantino films, but that's because everything else is great. As a two part watch, Kill Bill can be one of my very favourite Tarantino films on the right day, depends on my mood

+ rep for The Sweet Smell Of Success. One of the very few 50's films that I really love. Curtis and Lancaster play their respective roles perfectly and the script and dialogue is barely a notch below the level of Chinatown and Citizen Kane. It really is that good.

I last saw Rosemary's Baby about a year or so ago and, while I liked it a lot more than I did previously, I still don't care much for it. I liked Toy Story 3 a lot better when they called it Toy Story 2, but the Toy Story trilogy really doesn't do anything for me.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

92. The Seventh Seal (1957)

This film is THE epitome of films that deal with existentialism. It takes place in the Middle Ages during the times when The Plague was afflicting Europe and it portrays a knight playing a metaphorical chess game with Death. He tries to understand how life possibly could have any meaning and questions the (higher) forces of our universe, while searching for truth in a time of unfairness and immense cruelty.

This description makes this film look like an extremely hard and serious movie to watch, but actually Bergman keeps it quite light in this one. It's a very easy movie to watch and I certainly recommend it to people who haven't seen any Bergman films yet.

A thoughtful, but easily watchable and lovely piece of classic cinema!

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

The Seventh Seal might be my second favourite Bergman behind Fanny and Alexander, a fantastic film for reasons you describe in how it deals with existentialism and vital questions regarding life and death, its one of the films that has made me think about such issues so strongly when watching, I thought it was extremely powerful in its tragic yet beautiful representation of such questions; aided of course by its striking images such as the one in the image you chose and the closing dance scene.

Finished here. It's been fun.
The Seventh Seal is really good, but I feel the humor and light tone in some scenes detracts from the film honestly. It just feels out of place in a film like this.

I haven't seen The Seventh Seal, and I really don't have any feeling as to if I would like it. I do know it's considered an all time great, and would like to at least give it a chance.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have only watched two Bergman films but have loved both. He is the next director I am going to dig into after I am finished with Hitchcock. Seventh Seal will be the first film I watch.

I found The Seventh Seal very interesting but at the same time I felt emotionally distant from it. So I would rate it around 65/100, several other Bergman films I rate much higher.

The Seventh Seal is really good, but I feel the humor and light tone in some scenes detracts from the film honestly. It just feels out of place in a film like this.
I don't agree, as I like comic moments in films that tackle serious themes. I'm the kind of person that is more put off by films that are too serious (not in all cases of course).
I'm a big fan of comic relief when it's tastefully done. I thought it worked very well in The Seventh Seal, but of course that's a matter of taste.

I haven't seen The Seventh Seal, but I'm really interested in it
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

91. Midnight in Paris (2011)

I LOVE Woody Allen. I LOVE Paris. I LOVE fantasizing about older times.

This film was practically made for me. It was the film that truly made me want to explore Allen's filmography, which basically turned out to be one of the greatest film treasures ever.
Everything worked here for me. The visuals are great, the story about the fantasizing writer in the most romantic city in the world is magical, Owen Wilson and Woody Allen's writing are a match made in heaven and the jokes and historical references are all awesome.

This is Allen's most recent masterpiece for me to date and I will keep revisiting it whenever I'm in the mood for some good old nostalgia and some classic Woody Allen dialogue.

Midnight in Paris is a wonderful film and one of my personal favorites of this decade so far. I strongly recommend it to people who haven't watched many Allen films yet. It's a good starter, in my opinion.


very nice pick with your #91

one of my favorites of the 2010s so far