MoFo Forum Upgrade


Also can no one post images? I have to type it out.
What, like this?

Working fine for this mullet head.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Quick question: Where did your top 10 list and your 'Lists' go? It's been replaced by 'Join Date' and 'Location', so are we gonna get it back?

I'm sure we will, Yoda just did the upgrade last night and was up very late. He'll start putting all the little perks that makes MoFo, Mofo when he gets back on. Probably after he has copious amounts of coffee...

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
Quick question: Where did your top 10 list and your 'Lists' go? It's been replaced by 'Join Date' and 'Location', so are we gonna get it back?

AAAHHH!! All my favorite top ten movies are gone!!! NNOOOOO!!!

What we have no thing for photos now either? I had some on here. I mean photos we uploaded on to the site and saved them. We can put them to private or not.

Well one good thing, only if I did it right is we have a friend requests now!
Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

PW's right; everyone chill. Nothing is even remotely lost. Unfortunately I had to wait until it was pretty late to avoid disrupting too many users, which means I started a bit before 2:00 AM and finished around 6:00 AM. I'm making some coffee now and will plow through a lot of these problems today.

More updates will follow. But yeah, don't sweat it; 99% of this is completely temporary.

You disrupted me, I demand a full apology written on a chocolate pudding and delivered fresh and pipping hot in person..... I'll be waiting Mister