Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Group Watch

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I just watched Capernaum. That was depressive and hard to watch at times. It felt very realistic, almost documentary like, and it explains when you find out who the actors are. Almost shed a tear there, and that is quite uncommon for me even with tough flicks.

Good recommendation @cricket

The next host is...


NOTE: The reason I removed the names on the prior page is that those people all nominated two films in this thread, while WrinkledMind, who posted his thoughts after my 24 hour reminder, has only nominated one film in this thread.

I liked Marshland but didn't quite love it. I'll post some thoughts about it later.

Despite me being a bit mixed on it, it's a film I would definitely recommend as I could see a lot of people really liking it.

Decent movie, wouldn't object to this making the countdown even if it's not quite in the running for my personal ballot. Probably won't rewatch it for this as it's not that long ago I saw it.

Watched is last month. Thought it was an excellent True Detective like thriller. Good looking, strong performances, and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I put it on my list of contenders for my ballot but it won't quite make it. I almost nominated it instead of Capernaum.

La Isla Minima is on my list.

Also, if you are a fan of True Detective Season One, you will most probably love this cause it gives similar vibes.
I didn't even read this post before I posted my thoughts.

Just finished Marshland, and I really enjoyed it. A lot like the first season of True Detective.

EDIT: Didn't read cricket's and WrinkledMind's posts before writing that...jk

In all sincerity, I'd say I liked this more than True Detective as, while the detectives in both the show and this film occasionally involve themselves in corrupt behavior, True Detective got unfittingly and weirdly
WARNING: spoilers below
at the end. The ending to this film, by comparison, felt far more appropriate to the story. As a result, I imagine this film will linger with me more. Though it's unlikely it will make my ballot, I still really enjoyed it.

Just finished Marshland, and I really enjoyed it. A lot like the first season of True Detective.

EDIT: Didn't read cricket's and WrinkledMind's posts before writing that...jk

In all sincerity, I'd say I liked this more than True Detective as, while the detectives in both the show and this film occasionally involve themselves in corrupt behavior, True Detective got unfittingly and weirdly
WARNING: spoilers below
at the end. The ending to this film, by comparison, felt far more appropriate to the story. As a result, I imagine this film will linger with me more. Though it's unlikely it will make my ballot, I still really enjoyed it.

Same thoughts dude.
I always say that this movie is a better version of TD first season, because of exactly that reason.

Well made film, but not my kind of movie.

Marshland (La isla mínima) (Alberto Rodríguez, 2014)

From a more objective standpoint, this is a good movie. It looks great and has strong performances, but I just wasn't invested in it at all. I didn't care about the investigators. I didn't care about the victims, I didn't care about the case. I was completely detached from everything. Ultimately this is a movie that I respect but don't like.

Current candidates to host the next round...


You guys have about 24 more hours to watch the film.

NOTE: Both Takoma11 and mistique have only nominated one film so far, so they're the only candidates right now.

I would like to add a few more thoughts, though I'm not up for a full-on review right now, since my earlier thoughts were so brief.

I really like it when films center a mystery or thriller in the context of a specific historical period. Even if you don't fully know the history, it gives another layer to what is happening. I think that del Toro does this really successfully in The Devil's Backbone, for example. Like wise The Secret in Their Eyes.

So I appreciated the idea of these two detectives coming together, having come from basically different sides of Franco-era Spain.

Where I ended up feeling very conflicted is in where the film leaves things. I quite like the idea that, not fully knowing each other, these two men were able to solve a crime and do some good for someone. I am incredibly torn on not letting us see more of how things would play out between the two partners once they know more of the extent of their history.

On paper, this movie ticks all of the boxes in terms of what I'd expect to enjoy in a crime/thriller. I was pretty surprised that my response to it was a bit lackluster. I just never quite clicked with the characters enough for the final reveals to land heavily.

I had rated the movie a 7 on IMDb. I think that my actual rating is probably somewhere between

Like I wrote before, though, this is an easy movie to recommend to anyone who is a crime/thriller fan. Another movie in the same vein that I liked a bit more was Mystery Road.

Mystery Road….is that the Australian film? I’ve heard of it, assuming by that is the correct one
Yes, and it then got adapted into a TV show (which I have not seen).