
You can't win an argument just by being right!
Is that Yods that made the comment about the whole movie seeming like a dream because of what comes out of the subconscious during the night? Really interesting and makes sense. Really need a rewatch after this.
for now, pausing to make more tea. Great speakers, you three!!!

After putting it on the in the background, I also thought of this:

WARNING: "EWS plot spoilers" spoilers below
Combining a couple of FW's points in the podcast, in particular that he observed the film being the beginning of the end of the Harford marriage and how the film affected Tom & Nicole's marriage: it seems like the final lines of the movie also transition T&N back into real life. Shooting for that long could have really felt like slipping into a dream, and that they may have felt like they were going back into their lives again. And honestly, they probably were anticipating having sex without the specter of the film above them, to have sex that might have been finally context free (but the context may have pursued them, causing the sort of real life rift that FW alluded to).

And is this true?

@False Writer both for being so helpful and involved with MoTM, and for doing such a fine job, particularly considering it was his first ever podcast.
If so, you seemed really comfortable, that's rare on a first time (I've been on a lot and I tend to nervously ramble still).

You can't win an argument just by being right!

My lecter seal of approval.

You can always tell when Yods gets excited!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
My only nitpick is using the embedded podcast you cant pause it to go and grab another brew. It takes you back to the beginning. Just a nitpick, though. Wasnt too hard to find where I was up to.

One question just for fun - how much was left on the cutting room floor? You guys can talk under wet cement and you maintained the energy all the way through.

My only nitpick is using the embedded podcast you cant pause it to go and grab another brew. It takes you back to the beginning. Just a nitpick, though. Wasnt too hard to find where I was up to.
Hmmm, I think that means it's not entirely loaded yet. It's kind of a bare bones embedded player, though, yeah. I should replace it and/or just start uploading them to YouTube.

One question just for fun - how much was left on the cutting room floor? You guys can talk under wet cement and you maintained the energy all the way through.
It's hard to say; the total recording is something like 2 hours, IE: double what's in there, but a good 10+ minutes up front was technical setup, and there were a few tangents that we knew even at the time weren't going to be in the finished product. So I'm gonna say 20-something minutes, at most.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
No need to change Yoda. Just an observation more than anything else. I knew exactly at what point I paused which was the dream comment so not hard to scroll forward a few times . I found that all very interesting especially wondering if Kubrick really wanted to split up the then power couple which I've heard before, or if he specifically chose a couple rumoured at that time to have problems

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Can't wait, I always enjoy these casts. I listen in the car though and pocketcasts is always a couple days behind these going up for some reason.

After putting it on the in the background, I also thought of this:

WARNING: "EWS plot spoilers" spoilers below
Combining a couple of FW's points in the podcast, in particular that he observed the film being the beginning of the end of the Harford marriage and how the film affected Tom & Nicole's marriage: it seems like the final lines of the movie also transition T&N back into real life. Shooting for that long could have really felt like slipping into a dream, and that they may have felt like they were going back into their lives again. And honestly, they probably were anticipating having sex without the specter of the film above them, to have sex that might have been finally context free (but the context may have pursued them, causing the sort of real life rift that FW alluded to).

And is this true?

If so, you seemed really comfortable, that's rare on a first time (I've been on a lot and I tend to nervously ramble still).
WARNING: "Eyes Wide Shut" spoilers below
Ah yeah I actually forgot about how long it took to film this. Being a married couple that has to be in a movie like this for 15 months must have taken a toll on their psyche.

Also yeah Slappy it was my first ever podcast. I'm about to give it a listen but it's hard to believe that I sounded comfortable. I'm not real sure how I sounded on the outside but I was a nervous wreck on the inside, especially in the beginning!

My lecter seal of approval.

You can always tell when Yods gets excited!
Thanks for listening Dani!

Enjoyed it. Well done guys.
Thank you US! I'm looking forward to your turn next month!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You sounded great, FW. Not the least bit nervous. You three bounced off each other so well. Nice accents, too.

That was really fun. I appreciate all the work you guys put into it.

Just listened to it last night and I was pretty shocked Yoda that the verdict part was completely cut out, I guess it was for the best though for the pacing, since the part you stopped on was a pretty good end point.

By the way, fantastic job on the editing! It all flowed really well which you need for a podcast at that length.

As far as self-critiquing, I guess I did okay for a first-timer, I was still nowhere near the level of you and Slappy though, you guys were the life of the podcast! Oh, and remind me if I ever do one again to get a new mic!

Just listened to it last night and I was pretty shocked Yoda that the verdict part was completely cut out, I guess it was for the best though for the pacing, since the part you stopped on was a pretty good end point.
Yeah, I really didn't want to remove that, and the ending was obvious once I heard it. The main problem was none of us remembered the ratings were a thing until we'd basically already finished. With infinite time and patience I probably would've tried to find some small spot earlier to slide that into, though that kind of thing is always a lot harder than just tightening something up.

Anyway, still a learning process. I'll probably never have a list of preset topics or anything, because it's better when the conversation flows naturally, but I'll try to inflict a tiny bit more structure on the next few.

As far as self-critiquing, I guess I did okay for a first-timer, I was still nowhere near the level of you and Slappy though, you guys were the life of the podcast! Oh, and remind me if I ever do one again to get a new mic!
You did a good job. Slappy and I have done a handful of these already, and have even been co-casters for SpyParty games before, and there's just no substitute for plain old experience for getting on the same rhythm as someone else. That just takes some time, and there's no shortcut for it. But I thought you got more comfortable as it went on, too, which is always a good sign.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
and remind me if I ever do one again to get a new mic!
I was wondering who had the pesky mic. It just made a couple of clangs, FW. Wasn't bad. Just sounded a bit like a Brian Reitzel score for a few seconds.

such a great scene that one at the club , great music aswell, one of the best movies i ve seen from the 90s

Just a little bit of May remaining (at least in the US) Make sure to give the podcast a listen before it goes out of style!

Bump, because of this recent article, not just because it's about the film, but because we're always talking about, in our podcasts, how we can't tell whether a movie is interesting or if it's just prompting us to think of interesting things (and whether the difference is real, or matters):

Eyes Wide Shut is one of my favorite movies. Ever. Seen it many times. Absolutely love it.

Was amazed that Kubrick filmed all the Manhattan “outdoor” scenes on a set. Staggeringly clever &, as a former New Yorker, I would never have guessed this.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

it s a very atmospheric film, certainly in my top 10 all time favorite films, and the ball section is such a erie and brimming with atmosphere of masonic nature and rituals..

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I finally saw the movie. I have a question about the plot.
WARNING: "spoiler" spoilers below
Would they really be following the character around and sending him threatening messages? I mean so the guy witnessed a strange orgy with costumes, big deal.

Especially since no on there can be recognized by him. The fact that they would go through all this trouble to put surveillance on him and sending him threats, just seems kind of silly and frivolous over a situation that was not worth it, wasn't it?