Good movies, bad endings


Mass effect 3

yeah, I went there

Iron Man is a wonderful popcorn film. There's nothing wrong with pure entertainment as long as it's well made and sincere.

I don't consider great films with bad endings to be great films. If you can't sustain the film, then you've failed at part of the job. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenade's. I guess I'm questioning the entire concept of this thread.
Strangely I agree with you.
That's why the movies I mention here wont make my top lists, but might be definitely movies I would enjoy...

There should be a thread for Bad Movies, Good Endings.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The one that comes to mind that many people here I think agree with.

High Tension.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The one that comes to mind that many people here I think agree with.

High Tension.
With that movie it's almost like they intentionally set out to completely crush the audience with the stupidest most cliche out-of-nowhere ending they could come up with. I hate that movie for it.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Iron Man is a wonderful popcorn film. There's nothing wrong with pure entertainment as long as it's well made and sincere.

I don't consider great films with bad endings to be great films. If you can't sustain the film, then you've failed at part of the job. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenade's. I guess I'm questioning the entire concept of this thread.
Totally agree with you on Iron Man 1. Iron Man 2 however...........

Friends with benefits. That's be all about romance and comedy. But ending still bad.

Welcome to the human race...
Agreed, Spielberg's sentimentality completely changed the tone of the film.
Then again...

WARNING: "Minority Report" spoilers below
...there's always the interpretation that everything that happens after Cruise's character is arrested is actually a hallucination that he has in cryo-prison (as foreshadowed by the warden talking about how the prisoners' wildest dreams come true).

Iro doesn't post much, but when he's amazing.
Except in this case it's not amazing because I can't imagine Spielberg, as sappy as he is, could pretty much never make a film with such a pessimistic ending. Especially one like Minority Report where so much of it is popcorn, summer, action film fun.

Munich is the one film of his that is almost completely devoid of hope and/or schmaltz.

Don't those paragraphs contradict one another?
It's called the exception that proves the rule. Have you honestly ever seen a Spielberg action film with a downer ending? Hell, he has some of the most over-the-top deus ex machina scenes ever put to film; War of the Worlds and Raiders of the Lost Arc, for example, and you think he's capable of giving a false ending like that to Minority Report?

That's what makes Munich so great; it's Spielberg putting true frustration and anger on the screen.

Welcome to the human race...
It's called the exception that proves the rule. Have you honestly ever seen a Spielberg action film with a downer ending? Hell, he has some of the most over-the-top deus ex machina scenes ever put to film; War of the Worlds and Raiders of the Lost Arc, for example, and you think he's capable of giving a false ending like that to Minority Report?

That's what makes Munich so great; it's Spielberg putting true frustration and anger on the screen.
In his defence, the ending of Raiders was a very literal and thoroughly justified example of a "deus ex machina". I've never seen War of the Worlds or Munich, so I can't really comment on either of those. Besides, isn't calling it "the exception that proves the rule" basically acknowledging that he is at least capable of it? Of course he's not going to outright show that's how the film ends (what's wrong with a little ambiguity, especially in a film based around a concept like predicting and preventing murders?), but it's a valid interpretation nonetheless.

Now I Am Legend, on the other hand...

WARNING: "I Am Legend" spoilers below
Really, the idea of a "dying dream" is the only way I can really accept everything that happens in the third act - starting with the idea that Will Smith, stuck in a crashed jeep surrounded by vampires and losing consciousness, is suddenly rescued by a woman and her kid who just appeared out of nowhere and were capable of driving off the vampires and saving him. Then he finally succeeds in curing the vampires - admittedly possible, but awfully convenient - and sacrifices himself so the woman and kid can escape to find more people and help save the world - all through the magic of editing that doesn't show how most, if any, of this is plausible. Just...damn. Up until the third act, it was a decent enough genre movie, CGI monsters notwithstanding.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Yes I am Legend is a great example of a movie that really sucks you in enjoyment wise, then it just kinda fades away with an unsatisfying ending.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Maybe it was you Nausicaa that recommended the book I Am Legend to someone else so that made me want to go and read it, such a great book with an amazing ending. The Will Smith movie and the book have one thing in common and that is his name Robert Neville.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Just watched Martha Marcy May Marlene, I thought it was a decent movie and kept expecting stuff to happen that never did and the ending just completely sucked IMO.