The Top MoFos Countdown 4ever - The List


re93animator. I know the name. I think I remember the person. But not vividly.

Oh damn, so is this the first time that not everyone who got points made the list? I seem to remember people making it with 1 or 2 points.
There were quite a few that didn't make it, yeah. But some of these people made it on with only 1 vote.

Blix's pix isn't working.

Nevermind, I see it now. Bringing Up Baby.

Blix is the first user I haven't heard of before. I take it from the pic they're a fan of Bringing Up Baby?
Yeah that image is their profile banner. Not really familiar with that MoFo.

Blix is the first user I haven't heard of before.
It's the mysterious woman (or maybe mysterious man) with this avatar:

Attached Images

Powdered Water is the Russell Wilson fan who got his finger cut off by a lawnmower. He lives in Seattle (I think).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Powdered Water is the Russell Wilson fan who got his finger cut off by a lawnmower. He lives in Seattle (I think).
He was a good sport about the missing finger jokes.

You people and your popularity contests!
I'm going back over to IMDB to troll their message boards while there's still time.
Sounds like fun. I should go and do some hardcore trolling myself. Just to try it before I can't anymore, ya know? So what if I get banned?