Computer Repair n Tips


I can only speak for windows but on windows 10 i have 32 gb ram, 3.1ghz, two 7200 rpm hdd, two 250 gb ssd, a separate 4gb graphics card in the high 9’s,,,,,used to be powerful but EVERYTHING slows down after about a year or less. Ive ditched the usual shady antivirus hoggers, ive TRIED disabling cortana

My only guess is that.. even with beefy specs,,, you need windows 7. You need to customize and ostracize the enery hogging bloatware.

They make these things to get infected, bogged down etc...

You need a dedicated pc to run a powersoak application exclusively, with NO unathorized sidecar addone that like to sneak in there

The Adventure Starts Here!
I can only speak for windows but on windows 10 i have 32 gb ram, 3.1ghz, two 7200 rpm hdd, two 250 gb ssd, a separate 4gb graphics card in the high 9’s,,,,,used to be powerful but EVERYTHING slows down after about a year or less. Ive ditched the usual shady antivirus hoggers, ive TRIED disabling cortana

My only guess is that.. even with beefy specs,,, you need windows 7. You need to customize and ostracize the enery hogging bloatware.

They make these things to get infected, bogged down etc...

You need a dedicated pc to run a powersoak application exclusively, with NO unathorized sidecar addone that like to sneak in there
The 8-yr-old computer I had before this monstrosity had Win10 on it (I upgraded as soon as they offered it). Never had any issues and had less RAM than this new computer. I even took the graphics card from the old computer and put it into the new one (it was slightly better than the one that came in the new computer!), and it still freezes up.

I've managed to disable Cortana. What a waste of memory.

And I've gotten rid of every extraneous bit of bloatware and everything else that wanted to start up with the computer. I'm pretty savvy about that stuff, and I have an engineer husband who helps me put parts together... and I'm good friends with a computer forensics nerd who tests all sorts of new computer parts and clues me in.

So, I bought a computer with the right THEORETICAL specs to do the job... but it's just not working right. I fear I got a lemon or something, and I honestly DO NOT want to undo everything, put in the original parts and send this thing back. I'd rather just buy a brand new second computer for gaming.

I just am also a cheapie and don't want to spend a fortune. Desktop or laptop -- doesn't really matter, whatever is cheaper and WORKS.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I would imagine a desktop is considerably cheaper than a similarly spec'd laptop. You willing to buy in parts? That's gotta be frustrating having so much trouble in less than a year in. =/
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

I can only speak for windows but on windows 10 i have 32 gb ram, 3.1ghz, two 7200 rpm hdd, two 250 gb ssd, a separate 4gb graphics card in the high 9’s,,,,,used to be powerful but EVERYTHING slows down after about a year or less. Ive ditched the usual shady antivirus hoggers, ive TRIED disabling cortana

My only guess is that.. even with beefy specs,,, you need windows 7. You need to customize and ostracize the enery hogging bloatware.

They make these things to get infected, bogged down etc...

You need a dedicated pc to run a powersoak application exclusively, with NO unathorized sidecar addone that like to sneak in there
The 8-yr-old computer I had before this monstrosity had Win10 on it (I upgraded as soon as they offered it). Never had any issues and had less RAM than this new computer. I even took the graphics card from the old computer and put it into the new one (it was slightly better than the one that came in the new computer!), and it still freezes up.

I've managed to disable Cortana. What a waste of memory.

And I've gotten rid of every extraneous bit of bloatware and everything else that wanted to start up with the computer. I'm pretty savvy about that stuff, and I have an engineer husband who helps me put parts together... and I'm good friends with a computer forensics nerd who tests all sorts of new computer parts and clues me in.

So, I bought a computer with the right THEORETICAL specs to do the job... but it's just not working right. I fear I got a lemon or something, and I honestly DO NOT want to undo everything, put in the original parts and send this thing back. I'd rather just buy a brand new second computer for gaming.

I just am also a cheapie and don't want to spend a fortune. Desktop or laptop -- doesn't really matter, whatever is cheaper and WORKS.
I feel for you. Computers are very sketchy

A system of cells interlinked
Win 7 over Win 10?

That's crazy talk!

@Austruck - When the YT video crashes the machine, does it skip/stutter at all first, especially the sound?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The People's Republic of Clogher
I can only speak for windows but on windows 10 i have 32 gb ram, 3.1ghz, two 7200 rpm hdd, two 250 gb ssd, a separate 4gb graphics card in the high 9’s,,,,,used to be powerful but EVERYTHING slows down after about a year or less. Ive ditched the usual shady antivirus hoggers, ive TRIED disabling cortana

My only guess is that.. even with beefy specs,,, you need windows 7. You need to customize and ostracize the enery hogging bloatware.

They make these things to get infected, bogged down etc...

You need a dedicated pc to run a powersoak application exclusively, with NO unathorized sidecar addone that like to sneak in there
There's something very wrong if you're experiencing that. W10 has a much lighter footprint than W7. It's an excellent OS now, much better than 7.

@Austruck - I'm sounding like a broken record at this point (do people under 40 even know what that's referencing? ) but you've got to bite the bullet and ship that PC back from whence it came. There sounds like there's something fundamentally wrong with it.

For a new PC - Quad core CPU, 16GB RAM and a 1060 or equivalent GPU and you're going to be good for a decent number of years, at least at 1080p.

EDIT - I know a few people who run 1050ti cards and they love them - Should be slightly cheaper than a 1060. I wouldn't bother with the new 2000 series Nvidia cards unless you're obsessed with Ray Tracing. The only good thing I've seen with Ray Traced lighting is Quake 2.

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Win 7 over Win 10?

That's crazy talk!

@Austruck - When the YT video crashes the machine, does it skip/stutter at all first, especially the sound?

For my needs absolutely. Editing. Win 7 is much more intuitive and able to be de bloated without being a full time IT guy, which im not, and not interested in. I figured the same would apply to another graphic cpubintensive purpose such as gaming.

A system of cells interlinked
For my needs absolutely. Editing. Win 7 is much more intuitive and able to be de bloated without being a full time IT guy, which im not, and not interested in. I figured the same would apply to another graphic cpubintensive purpose such as gaming.

What do you mean by bloated? A fresh install of WIN 10 on a clean drive (you do build your machines with a fresh, clean drive, I hope) leaves with exactly zero bloat.

You ready? You look ready.
What do you mean by bloated? A fresh install of WIN 10 on a clean drive (you do build your machines with a fresh, clean drive, I hope) leaves with exactly zero bloat.
Yeah, I wouldn't say zero bloat. But it isn't bad enough to affect performance.

You just have to remember to remove all those stupid ass Live Tiles and their corresponding programs (Candy Crush...ugh? WHY?!)
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

A system of cells interlinked
Yeah, I wouldn't say zero bloat. But it isn't bad enough to affect performance.

You just have to remember to remove all those stupid ass Live Tiles and their corresponding programs (Candy Crush...ugh? WHY?!)

Ah OK - you that stuff is kind of annoying, but I just spent 5 minutes or so getting rid of it all. Cortana is a pain in the ass too, until you kick it to the curb.

You ready? You look ready.
I think the biggest problem with Windows 10 is their update process. If you are on the Home edition you have no choice over which update channel you are in so you could get hit with a new build that breaks a whole lot of ****. It has gotten a lot better, but oh geez, Win10 is the WORST thing I have encountered since working inside a domain environment.

Seems like every major update brings with it new and exciting features that are half baked and broken beyond repair. But yeah, Win7 over Win10? That's just crazy talk. Win10 is the way to go today. Unless you like getting hacked.

I dont have time to be a full time IT person, nor do I build my own, unfortunately. I can only specify specs and win 10, in my experience, is garbage. Ive only been hacked when I used to keep antvirus arounnd. In 5 years, and may websites later. No debilitating virus or hacks.
This is windows 7 for me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I dont have time to be a full time IT person, nor do I build my own, unfortunately. I can only specify specs and win 10, in my experience, is garbage. Ive only been hacked when I used to keep antvirus arounnd. In 5 years, and may websites later. No debilitating virus or hacks.
This is Windows 7 for me.
I have Windows 7 tweaked and love it. I can't comment on Windows 10 except to say when I wanted a new computer because the old XP version was slow I avoided Windows 10 as it wouldn't work with my older version of Photoshop.

I've been totally happy with W7 and I've disabled any Windows services and features that I don't need and avoid bloatware and the like. I never even come close to maxing out my ram which is only 8gb. Now maybe if I played advanced computer games I would need more but I don't do games.

I dont have time to be a full time IT person, nor do I build my own, unfortunately. I can only specify specs and win 10, in my experience, is garbage. Ive only been hacked when I used to keep antvirus arounnd. In 5 years, and may websites later. No debilitating virus or hacks.
This is Windows 7 for me.
I have Windows 7 tweaked and love it. I can't comment on Windows 10 except to say when I wanted a new computer because the old XP version was slow I avoided Windows 10 as it wouldn't work with my older version of Photoshop.

I've been totally happy with W7 and I've disabled any Windows services and features that I don't need and avoid bloatware and the like. I never even come close to maxing out my ram which is only 8gb. Now maybe if I played advanced computer games I would need more but I don't do games.
Same in a way. I dont do games but i do use intensivs effect engines. A lot of my specialty software isnt utilized by w10. So for that alone, its not for me. The coders cant be thinking of everyone thats for sure. Plus the 10 platform disabled fraps aero functiin so..doh! Or fraps did with 10. Either way, it has its hands toi far up the ole system skirt and i cant get down with that. Not for what i use it for, anyway.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Well, in January 2020 you will have no choice. So better get down with someone's hands in your system skirt.
Nah, not worried. I remember Microsoft telling EVERYONE that when support for XP ended it would be open season by every hacker on the planet. Then the bloggers all wrote the same stuff and before long even the news media had people convinced their XP systems would be hacked after support ended. They made it out like the coming of the apocalypse. And like the Y2K scare, it never happened.

Hackers are going to create nasties for the most used systems, they're not going to focus their efforts on OS that are hardly used anymore. Not only that but I don't believe that Microsoft makes OS's so bad that they need to be patched every month or else all hell well break lose. By the end of an OS life it should be more than well patched. IMO Microsoft support patches is more about gathering telemetry info than about fixing serious problems.

Getting hacked is more about people using iffy things like Adobe Flash, leaving ports open, not using adequate firewalls, malware and virus protection and not using their noodles when surfing the web.

Yes I know support for W7 is ending soon, and I don't care! On that day I will disable the services: Windows Update, Cryptographic Services & Background Intelligent Transfer Service...saving me system resources. And if someday the internet changes enough that W7 won't work, well then I'll just use my Linux Mint