Animated Film Tournament


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You know (don't know where else to share this), I just realized at my mom's eventual funeral I am most definitely going to be talking about the time I watched Lady and the Tramp with her in 2016. It seems obvious to me now, like it's meant to be. A very important moment in my life, a moment of strong personal growth.
Do you care to expand? If not that's OK.

Do you care to expand? If not that's OK.
Well I spent like last twenty minutes writing my speech in my head. I don't know why I did this. What do you want to know?

Oh whatever. I'll do my best raul.

I don't think it's unique to Disney films necessarily, could have been any but this is one of her fave movies. For one thing it's just an incredibly fond memory of a great bonding experience. My mom has this weird ability where she makes you think and feel better about everything completely unintentionally. But it's also the fact that I watched it just after seeing Sicario, a realistically brutal movie. The strong contrast between dark realism and feel-good make-believe is obvious, so it got me thinking. I'm obviously someone who loves the dark stuff, horror and whatnot, but I felt so positive about life after watching Lady and the Tramp that I kind of understood the importance of that kind of feel-good storytelling in a way I hadn't before.

That's not my speech btw.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
that's pretty cool, swan. I've done that, watch something very dark and then follow up with a light-hearted comedy or the like
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Round 1, Set 2

Charlotte's Web - Miss Vicky vs Rango - Cricket

Sword in the Stone - Cosmic vs Up - Raul

Over the Hedge - gbg vs Batman: Year One - CiCi
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Round 1, Set 2

The Wrong Trousers - Camo vs Howl's Moving Castle - CiCi
Aladdin - Raul vs Lady and the Tramp - Swan

Only two I can vote in, only seen one in each of the other matches

Just put in a request for Atlantis from the library so I'll be prepared when that comes up.

Speaking of requests, Camo - when you post the next set in the OP, can you please also put a note of the deadline for voting in that set?

Just put in a request for Atlantis from the library so I'll be prepared when that comes up.

Speaking of requests, Camo - when you post the next set in the OP, can you please also put a note of the deadline for voting in that set?
Yeah, no problem. I'll give exact times for set 3, set 2 is over sometime on 30th January.

Charlotte's Web - Miss Vicky vs Rango - Cricket
Sword in the Stone - Cosmic vs Up - Raul
Over the Hedge - gbg vs Batman: Year One - CiCi

Animal Farm - Cricket vs The Great Mouse Detective - Camo
Aladdin - Raul vs Lady and the Tramp - Swan

Sorry for asking this, i mean he/she pushed Great Mouse Detective into the lead Is Siddon an Alt though? I don't ask this i usually get annoyed when people do but their first post was in this thread and they only have 12 posts outside it with no avatar or anything. I've counted their votes so far so whatever but yah.

Sorry for asking this, i mean he/she pushed Great Mouse Detective into the lead Is Siddon an Alt though? I don't ask this i usually get annoyed when people do but their first post was in this thread and they only have 12 posts outside it with no avatar or anything. I've counted their votes so far so whatever but yah.
I thought I could vote not nominate, as for me being a sock puppet or something I did spend two hours filling out the lists part of my profile.

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Round 1 Set 2

Sword in the Stone - Cosmic vs Up - Raul
Over the Hedge - gbg vs Batman: Year One - CiCi
Animal Farm - Cricket vs The Great Mouse Detective - Camo
Aladdin - Raul vs Lady and the Tramp - Swan
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

There's about a day and three hours left in this set.

Siddon, it's cool i counted your votes. I do still find it weird that you joined the day this started and that your first post was in this thread but whatever must have been a coincidence.

I picked up Atlantis from the library today. I really need to get caught up on my 12th HOF watching, but I've been stressed out lately so I will probably watch this instead since I should have an easier time focusing on something animated.

There's about a day and three hours left in this set.

Siddon, it's cool i counted your votes. I do still find it weird that you joined the day this started and that your first post was in this thread but whatever must have been a coincidence.
It's not a coincidence, I sent you a PM that will hopefully clear up your issues.

The Nightmare Before Christmas - tat 5 vs Fritz the Cat - Swan 3

I also watched Fritz the Cat over the weekend...that was an unpleasant experience.