Rauldc14's 2nd Top 100

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
wow, you must really love morgan freeman. that's three films with him in it so far in your top 8, and i'm pretty sure at least one more is coming.
He really is a legend in my opinion. He seems to be the master of the supporting role.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Seems like we have a lot of favorites in common.
We do that. When we gonna bless everyone with a Shawshank commentary?

Someone else who loves Million Dollar Baby. I feel like I get crap every time I say I love that movie.
As you should.

+rep for Unforgiven, which is brilliant and on my own 100. I like Casablanca, but it's not a favourite. Not seen Gone Baby Gone and, well, I think you're aware of my feelings on MDB.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I like Million Dollar Baby and think that Casablanca and Unforgiven are great films. I haven't seen Gone Baby Gone, but will do sometime for the HOF.

I love Gone Baby Gone & Casablanca
Like Unforgiven
Dislike MDB
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Alas, my final 4

4. Mystic River

As you have already seen in my list, I'm a huge Eastwood fan. This is my favorite of his, and this is arguably his best directing work ever. He made Dennis Lehane's novel come to life, and executed the film brilliantly. There is top notch performances from nearly every single cast member. Particularly brilliant were Sean Penn and Tim Robbins, both giving the greatest performances of their careers. (Well, in Robbins case, a high tie.) But also spectacular performances from Bacon, Fishburne, Linney, and Gay Harden. Simply a film that everyone should love as it embraces everything a film should be about and then some. One of the most heartwrenching beginnings to a film ever, and the photograph scene in itself is one of the most powerful scenes of all time.

3. Rear Window

Hitchcock is the man, and this is his masterpiece. With only one setting to the entire film, Hitchcock makes us feel as if we are cooped up in James Stewart's characters apartment as well, and it works oh so splendidly. The suspense of this film is unmatched by any other film. The story is original and ingenious. And Grace Kelly gives us a great performance as well. But back to James Stewart, who completely captures our attention with his performance. His character may physically do nothing in this film (pretty much), but yet his character is oh so interesting. Thank you Hitchcock for creating this masterpiece. This is not only the film that introduced me to Mr. Alfred Hitchcock, it also is practically the film that introduced me to taking a chance on films that were pre-1990. And I'm so glad I've done that.

2. Man on Fire

I went back and forth as to whether or not this should continue it's reign at #1 on my list. It settled for #2 this time, but it could be easily interchangeable with #1. For starters, I love the score and the story. The story may be a bit farfetched but it doesn't matter one bit to me. Denzel Washington is an extreme badass in this film and this is the performance of a lifetime. He's had many sensational performances throughout his career, but this is my ultimate favorite. Tony Scott was a brilliant director and this is undoubtedly his masterpiece. Action packed film from beginning to end. And a truly sad ending, but so fitting to the film in itself. It is always going to be a favorite of mine.

1. Shawshank Redemption

My new "favorite" film of all time. I can practically recite the film. I love the performances from the two leads and I love the way that their friendship grows throughout the film. Morgan Freeman could have taken the oscar home for this, but he was stuck in a very tough year. Same goes for Tim Robbins, but they are both 2 of the best performances of all time. As a whole, the movie excels at literally everything: acting, directing, scores, dialogue, cinematography, on and on and on. So in a words: the film is perfect and is what all future films should strive to be. Just seems like every scene is pure gold to me.

So there you have it, my 2nd top 100.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
All four of these are in my 100 and of course Shawshank is also my fave ever. Best 100 list I have seen on here so far. Well done.

I like Shawshank. I hesitate to say I love it, simply because it's been such a long time since I last saw it and, while it was a film I really liked and was a 100 favourite in the late 90's, I don't know that I ever loved it.

Congrats on finishing you list, Rauldc. I'll have to go through them both now and see whether I think this one's better or not.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I like Shawshank. I hesitate to say I love it, simply because it's been such a long time since I last saw it and, while it was a film I really liked and was a 100 favourite in the late 90's, I don't know that I ever loved it.

Congrats on finishing you list, Rauldc. I'll have to go through them both now and see whether I think this one's better or not.
I'd be interested in how many. Films you approved of this time. I do think it is slightly more than the last.

A classy and traditional list, and I mean that as a compliment. I really enjoyed it
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Awesome list; I love 3 of the last 4, the one omission being Man on Fire. It was a disappointment for me, although I thought it was decent. I thought it was quite slow and I normally don't care for movies like this that have children in major roles. I feel almost the exact same way about Leon. I love Scott's Top Gun, Crimson Tide, and True Romance, but he started to lose me a little with this and Domino-I didn't care much for the way those were filmed. Denzel was great though like always, he elevates anything he's in.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
By the way, I saw these films after my list was made and they just may be top 100 worthy: Gravity, The Purple Rose of Cairo, After Hours, Witness for the Prosecution, and The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence.