The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Welcome to the human race...
Well, considering since the MCU kicked off... every single large budget movie released has been a set up for Universes.
There's not been, I think, a single big budget movie released to be a singular movie on its own merit.
Everything has to be a franchise now and it's all because of the MCU.
Christopher Nolan's non-Batman films are all big-budget and self-contained, but perhaps he is the exception that proves the rule. In any case, I would argue that there is a difference between a film setting up its own sequel/franchise (which is what the industry has been doing for decades before the MCU existed) and a shared cinematic universe that is actually a collection of singular franchises that occasionally intersect with one another (i.e. Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor could all be franchises in their own right). Outside of the DCEU and Universal's "Dark Universe", I can't really think of any other instances where the intention was to kick-start a full-blown cinematic universe as opposed to just a regular self-contained franchise like, say, Transformers. If anything, what makes the MCU so distinct isn't the fact that its approach to franchise-building influenced imitators so much as the fact that it's basically the only one to really make that approach work (even the DCEU is notable for how everyone basically shunned its attempts at MCU-style world-building in favour of installments that were virtually self-contained like Wonder Woman or Aquaman).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

This could either mean that you have terrible taste in film, or that you've correctly predicted the Top 25. Which will it be???
Considering that my list starts with Who Killed Captain Alex at #25 and ends with Manos: The Hands of Fate at #1, it's obviously the latter

Of course, this also means that someone else voted for Who Killed Captain Alex, since it wasn't a "one-pointer", so I have back-up.
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Welcome to the human race...
Who Killed Captain Alex is definitely better than at least a couple of the films listed so far, that's for sure.

Who Killed Captain Alex is definitely better than at least a couple of the films listed so far, that's for sure.
I certainly have more respect for it than I have for other more known and "prestigious" films.

Outside of the DCEU and Universal's "Dark Universe", I can't really think of any other instances where the intention was to kick-start a full-blown cinematic universe
I don't think many came to fruition, probably because of the failure of those two, but there were lots of rumors of numerous "universes" here and there 5 or 10 years ago. There's also the "Wan-verse" (Conjuring, Annabelle, etc.) and the Monster-verse (Godzilla and King Kong).

Trouble with a capital "T"
Here's a question I was thinking about looking at my list. How many of your 25 have you only seen once? I have 3. I love to rewatch movies but there is so much left out there to see that many times I skip a rewatch for something new. I really value that initial watch too...Thoughts?
Zero. Every entry on my ballot is a bona fide seen-it-more-times-than-I-can-count favorite...
I think 4 times is the lowest amount I have rewatched something on my list. A lot over 10+ and some over 20+
There is one movie on my 25 list I watched only twice, the rest I've watched uncountable times...
Good question Sean...unlike most MoFos I don't usually rewatch a movie that I like, at least not a large number of times. I like exploring films I haven't seen and I'm not from the generation that grew up with a DVD player or even a VCR so I never grew up on rewatching favorite films.

Regarding my list, I've seen half of them more than once, but usually those were because they popped up in an HoF and so I've seen them twice. There's only one film on my list that I've seen a large number of times.

I have seen movies I actively dislike two or three times, even theatrically. With movies I love it is truly countless. In the last couple days I rewatched both Broadcast News and His Girl Friday. While there is no way to know how many times I have watched them beginning to end it would have to be at least thirty or forty for each. At least.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
Have seen both, but neither made my list. I like the Fellini for its influence and creativity, but it's not something I would put among my favorites or watch a lot. As a guy that likes Lynch, it has my utmost for influencing him to such a great extent.

Butch and Sundance is great stuff, but wasn't in consideration for my list.

Seen 15/20, with 1 film appearing from my list so far.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

A system of cells interlinked
I have seen movies I actively dislike two or three times, even theatrically. With movies I love it is truly countless. In the last couple days I rewatched both Broadcast News and His Girl Friday. While there is no way to know how many times I have watched them beginning to end it would have to be at least thirty or forty for each. At least.
Broadcast News is my favorite Brooks flick, and His Girl Friday is one of my wife's favorite comedies. Unsure how many times I have seen these films.

I have seen Melancholia twice, and I absolutely hate that film. I think.

****ing Von Trier!

I like exploring films I haven't seen.
So do I, but a lot of times I'll watch movies when I'm really tired or really stressed or am otherwise in no mood or condition to really focus on a film. This is when I'm most likely to just pick a movie that I've already seen enough that I don't need to focus and that I already know I love so it won't sour my mood any further.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
So do I, but a lot of times I'll watch movies when I'm really tired or really stressed or am otherwise in no mood or condition to really focus on a film. This is when I'm most likely to just pick a movie that I've already seen enough that I don't need to focus and that I already know I love so it won't sour my mood any further.
Same thing for me!

I watch films to entertain myself, so I often want the films to be great. And my favorites are great to me.

From what I've heard 8 1/2 is not the Fellini pic to start off with.

While it might be his best movie (even if not my personal favorite) it's a significantly plunge right into the heart of Fellini for a first time experience with him. It was actually what I watched first, in fact the very first classic foreign 'arty' film that I committed myself to watching. And it felt completely impenetrable. Didn't help that all of the white subtitles blended almost completely into the image, making it so I never had an idea what they were saying most of the time. But even as a visual experience it goes off on so many wild tangents, I think it might frustrate for any further viewings of his work, if one has any need to nail a films absolute meaning to the ground to appreciate it.

That said, I'm actually not sure what the best starting point would be, since his earlier and more accessible works (La Strada, Nights of Cabiria I Vitelloni) don't really hint much at what is to come. And transitional films, like Juliet of the Spirits, doesn't have even half the rep as 8 1/2 (even if it is a beautifully strange and easy watch). And La Dolce Vita, doesn't quite have the same level of surrealistic whimsy, even if I personally think it's better. The opening dream sequence maybe is kind of the best initiation into Fellini after all.

Yeah, just start with 8 1/2.

Generally, the times I watch films more than once without liking them much the first time, it's because it has a reputation and/or a pedigree, so I assume there's some aspect of it I'm missing or under appeciating. But that's about it.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I cannot conceive seeing something that much. I, maybe, have a couple movies that approach 10. Only one of those made my list, and almost didn't. Fatigue sets in watching something that much for me. I feel like I start to see the warts more than the stuff I love. More on that when they show. Don't want to to talk about stuff I know is coming.
At this point, I've know idea what's coming. Even the stuff I would think is coming I am wondering if that's the case.

Oh, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. That's just perfect art as entertainment. Two of the most magnetic leads of all time, a bicycle, guns and BJ Thomas. Count me in!