Obama's Legacy


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
If you're baffled by why it would need to exist, imagine the kind of mental gymnastics necessary to actually vote against it.

Then ponder what it says about people who support this stuff that so many of them have managed never to hear about it.
I agree, its hard to imagine anyone going there. I consider myself pretty moderate especially compared to most who live in my area of the country. I handcuff myself though because I refuse to vote for anyone who is pro choice. It is an issue that I fear has become obsolete in this country but I feel like voting that way is the only recourse that pro life people have left.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
That's the life of an empire, don't ya know, especially a most hypocritical one. I don't really know what you're getting at in this thread tbh
I came; I saw; I posted. Our First Amendment rights are fading away. Emperor Nero has returned.

I came; I saw; I posted. Our First Amendment rights are fading away. Emperor Nero has returned.
I'm not disagreeing with the fact that America blows now, I'm just saying you have no rhyme or reason to your posting.

Who can read him with those boobs shaking in your face? Even I'm distracted.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Well, aren't you astute
I guess I don't understand what you're trying to say to me. I responded to the OP about Obama, who I disagree with on practically everything.

Okay: why not? What are their proposed alternatives, and why won't they work? I think I asked this once before but it never got a reply. You've defended Obama by suggesting Republican ideas would be worse several times, but it's never involved any actual discussion about what those ideas are or why they'd be bad. To this point it's been indistinguishable from what someone would say if they didn't know but simply opposed it sight unseen.
I'd rather you tell me what their solution and party stance is on health care is, since you're much more knowledgeable on the topic. But I already know that the party's stance (at least from what I've read) is that they're against universal health care, so I'm bound to disagree with them anyways. Perhaps you can convince me otherwise.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

I'd rather you tell me what their solution and party stance is on health care is, since you're much more knowledgeable on the topic. But I already know that the party's stance (at least from what I've read) is that they're against universal health care, so I'm bound to disagree with them anyways. Perhaps you can convince me otherwise.
Seriously? You say you don't think their ideas will work, and when I ask you why you say it's because it's not universal health care. So what you're saying is that you automatically doubt any idea that isn't universal health care even if you have no idea what it is. But kneejerk disagreement has no weight; dissent has to at least be informed to be worth anything.

Also, Obamacare isn't exactly universal, anyway.

Seriously? You say you don't think their ideas will work, and when I ask you why you say it's because it's not universal health care. So what you're saying is that you automatically doubt any idea that isn't universal health care even if you have no idea what it is. But kneejerk disagreement has no weight; dissent has to at least be informed to be worth anything.

Also, Obamacare isn't exactly universal, anyway.
Yes, because I believe that universal health care is the best possible system for a first world country, and if the party in question doesn't agree with it, I don't see how I would be able to agree with them. I'm not saying that Obamacare is doing great, because it's plain to see that there are several flaws with it, but I do think it was a step in the right direction. It's certainly not universal health care.

Anyways, I disagree with the Republican Party on several other topics as well, including abortion, marriage, and taxation. But do realize that I'm simply a 18-year old Canadian kid who is observing from the outside. Don't get so upset by my ramblings, as I wouldn't even be able to make a difference come election time.

I came; I saw; I posted. Our First Amendment rights are fading away. Emperor Nero has returned.
I don't think anyone here is telling you to shut up or that your opinion doesn't matter. As far as your stance on abortion, I respect that, I can see why you and many others think that way. I just happen to be on the opposite end of that debate.

But we do have the right to question your opinions, the same way that you have the right to state them. My main issue with your original statement is the fact that you compared Obama to figures like Stalin and Hitler.

Hitler killed an estimated 11 million people, around 20 million of Stalin's people died during his reign. So how could you possibly put those feats next to a president giving women the option of having an abortion? What about Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Hitler killed an estimated 11 million people, around 20 million of Stalin's people died during his reign.
The number is small compared with the 56+ million innocent lives put to death by abortion since Roe v. Wade.

So how could you possibly put those feats next to a president giving women the option of having an abortion?
Hitler did not consider the humanity of the Jews, like Obama who does not consider the humanity of the unborn. Obama, like Hitler, chooses to have them put to death, but those being killed have no choice.

It becomes clear when you begin to realize the humanity of the unborn child as all of us began our lives in this very same way.

I hope this answers your questions.

Responding to your first point, Roe V Wade occurred in 1973. It doesn't make sense to pin those "murders" on Obama himself.

This is obviously a matter of morality, whether an abortion is really murder or not.

There are three trimesters in pregnancy. Most abortions are performed in the first trimester, when the embryo is just beginning to form. Even in the 2nd trimester, the egg still does not have consciousness. Third trimester abortions are the most rare, and this is when things really start to get foggy. So for me, abortions done in the first 2 trimesters are not murder.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Even in the 2nd trimester, the egg still does not have consciousness.
By this time, a human being is called a fetus. Human life begins at conception as proven by science and continues developing throughout the entire life of the individual.

Do you suppose you might have objected if your mother had decided to have you aborted during your first weeks of development, or would it not have mattered to you? I'll bet you're happy to be alive.

Do you understand the procedure for performing an abortion? Do you suppose the doctor just pushes a button and it's all over? Have you ever seen an abortion performed?

You need to know what an abortion looks like and what it actually does in order to make an informed decision about the life being destroyed.

By this time, a human being is called a fetus. Human life begins at conception as proven by science and continues developing throughout the entire life of the individual.
Yes, scientifically, life begins once the sperm fertilizes the egg, but does the mother herself not have a right over her own body? In Canadian law, a fetus is not considered a person, so therefore, it does not have those rights that a woman is entitled to as a person. Giving a fetus the rights that you're talking about only takes away from the rights of the mother.

Do you suppose you might have objected if your mother had decided to have you aborted during your first weeks of development, or would it not have mattered to you? I'll bet you're happy to be alive.
Well, if she had an abortion in either of the first 2 trimesters, I wouldn't even have been aware that I was being aborted, so not really. Raising a child is a huge commitment, especially if the mother wasn't planning on it. If my mother didn't want to become one, no one should be able to force her to. And I certainly wouldn't want to be an orphan, either.

Do you understand the procedure for performing an abortion? Do you suppose the doctor just pushes a button and it's all over? Have you ever seen an abortion performed?

You need to know what an abortion looks like and what it actually does in order to make an informed decision about the life being destroyed.
I've seen some inside still shots of the procedure, and I know what a surgery entails, but that doesn't change my mind about it. I still see it as a life form that has no consciousness or any kind of awareness, therefore it can't be titled as murder.

Jeez, I don't know how this thread turned into an education about abortion? but if Obama's legacy is in any way linked to that, well, who am I to dispute it!

Jeez, I don't know how this thread turned into an education about abortion? but if Obama's legacy is in any way linked to that, well, who am I to dispute it!
It's really not, and it never would have crossed my mind, and after thinki- no it's still not.