Old Movies


Reading your post that you are a 20 year kid who loves the 50's movies,I think you are extremely odd
I'm 19 and I love '20s flicks. Figures I'm the King of Oddity.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Dude.I watch movies to be entertained and most of the movies of 70's and 80's have aged badly.Reading your post that you are a 20 year kid who loves the 50's movies,I think you are extremely odd
What can I say here, except know your context. If you are in a film forum this situation is not in any way odd, it takes part of what defines most of this community.

Anyway. Whatever I could say about this thread has been already covered. I think that mark f in special nails the point I could add in this discussion. It is also a little strange -at the very least- to me to read someone labelling entire decades of art as something hard to watch.

Dude.I watch movies to be entertained and most of the movies of 70's and 80's have aged badly.Reading your post that you are a 20 year kid who loves the 50's movies,I think you are extremely odd
You are being extremely narrow-minded. I'm wondering what brought you to this forum with that attitude of mind.
The whole 20th century is full of great (entertaining) pieces of film art and it is just plain ignorant to label someone as "odd" from the moment he wants to discover more than just the last decade of it.

Damn...you've got to be kidding. Different times and genres open up your brain to different experiences in film. There have been great movies all the way back and if you stick to post 1998, it's like living in a big city and never going more than 5 blocks from home; you're missing a lot of the best.
That's a very good metaphor!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

From my minor movie watching experience,I learned that in every deacade you can find a great movie.I watched some older films and didn't like any of them,then just accidently decided to watch Gone With The Wind which I was sure to dislike yet I was blown away by it.You never know which movie might just strike you. ) And overall,I'm not a big fan of golden age cinema yet I still watch it because when you like movies,you just want to widen your knowledge once in a while.
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Reading your post that you are a 20 year kid who loves the 50's movies,I think you are extremely odd
Bring back neg rep for this guy!
TOP 100 | "Don't let the bastards grind you down!"

I find it odd for someone who watches films purely for entertainment to have problems with movies from the 80's. Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire Strikes Back, The Terminator, Beverly Hills Cop, and so many more are the very definition of fun at the movies!

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Dude.I watch movies to be entertained and most of the movies of 70's and 80's have aged badly.
The most entertaining movies ever made are by Buster Keaton in the 1920s though...

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Two sides of hyperbole, but I'd lean toward bluedeed.
I wasn't stating that as fact but indicating that entertainment value is also subjective.

Dude.I watch movies to be entertained and most of the movies of 70's and 80's have aged badly.Reading your post that you are a 20 year kid who loves the 50's movies,I think you are extremely odd
Judging that you seem to be in a small minority on this, I'd say you look like the ODD one out.

Maybe your the strange one and we're all sane, have you ever thought about it that way?

Did they mop this floor with Dr. Pepper?!
I've been a Hitchcock fan since I was twelve. Lifeboat (1944) was my favorite movie for a while there during my teens. I don't think it's too odd for young people to like older movies.

Edit: Just realized that I gave no reference as to my age. I was born in '83.

Most people(99.9%) will always prefer the movies they grew up.It isn't even debatable

I find it odd for someone who watches films purely for entertainment to have problems with movies from the 80's. Die Hard, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire Strikes Back, The Terminator, Beverly Hills Cop, and so many more are the very definition of fun at the movies!
The movies you mentioned are extremely entertaining but I was speaking on the decade as a whole.I will always find the 90's more entertaining because I grew up watching those movies.

Very few people will enjoy Hitchcock's movie nowdays.They would rather watch a crappy superhero movie like Thor because it appeals much more to the current generation

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Very few people will enjoy Hitchcock's movie nowdays.They would rather watch a crappy superhero movie like Thor because it appeals much more to the current generation
How? Is it zeitgeist? What makes these films appeal to our generation more than previous decades of film besides awareness and access?

Most people(99.9%) will always prefer the movies they grew up. It isn't even debatable
Your statistic is insanely debatable. This thread wouldn't have continued. Sure the majority of "people" may be high but it's not relevant whether or not "people" like old movies, rather moviegoers.

The movies you mentioned are extremely entertaining but I was speaking on the decade as a whole.I will always find the 90's more entertaining because I grew up watching those movies.
That's fine if you want to base your enjoyment by that standard but it doesn't apply universally. Everything is circumstantial. Get used to it.

Most people(99.9%) will always prefer the movies they grew up.It isn't even debatable

The movies you mentioned are extremely entertaining but I was speaking on the decade as a whole.I will always find the 90's more entertaining because I grew up watching those movies.

Very few people will enjoy Hitchcock's movie nowdays.They would rather watch a crappy superhero movie like Thor because it appeals much more to the current generation
Nothing wrong with preferring the 90's, they had some great movies. But the movies I mentioned are large part of what defined the 80's. That decade continued what started in 1975 when Jaws hit it big, the era of the summer blockbuster, and it continued well into the 90's. Still seems odd to me. But what ever.

Also, when you call a guy odd for liking movies from the 50's you come off as a d!ck.

What makes these films appeal to our generation more than previous decades of film besides awareness and access?
What makes you think people in 2013 prefer Hitchcock's films over Wolverine or Iron Man?

You need to specify which "people" before it even matters who prefers what.
"People" means "General Audiences".

"People" means "General Audiences".
In that case, who cares, because general audiences don't really care about movies. That's why they're general. If something is shiny or farts, it's good enough.