Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


I think this is a pretty terrible choice. I didn't like "Man of Steel," so I'm not looking forward to a Batman v. new Superman movie, especially if it's by the same creative team as the previous movie. I think Affleck is quite a good director, but he isn't really a good actor, and I don't think he fits the character at all. I could see him being okay as Bruce Wayne, but I can't see him as Batman. He lacks the menacing and intimidating qualities that the role requires. They should have made a Dark Knight Returns" movie thirty years ago and casted Clint Eastwood, but at 83, he's too old to play the part now. I don't even understand why they are rebooting Batman so quickly. This decision seems motivated more by financial gain than creative inspiration, and usually when financial gain is the primary motivation when making a film, the product being produced suffers.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
I have been drinking Colt 45, and I still do not like it!
I don't like Colt 45 either, Lando be damned.

I still think Affleck is a decent choice. Plus maybe they could get him to direct a Batman solo movie? Cause that I'd want to see.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

I am now interested in this movie, only because Ben Affleck will be in it. I'm very interested to see how he does. I hope he does very well.

Eh, I'm not too worried about Affleck being cast as Batman.* Lots of casting decisions seem like bad ideas to start with but end working out great like RDJ as Tony Stark and Ledger's Joker. Worst case scenario is Affleck sucks in the role and he's replaced by someone else by the time the Justice League movie rolls around. Rhodey and Bruce Banner were both recast in the space of a couple of years so unless Affleck is signed on for a multiple movie contract then we'll probably see something similar occur if Affleck doesn't work out as Bats.

What I'm wondering about is how Batman is supposed to stand a chance against Superman. Sure Batman is a rich genius with lots of gadgets and a master martial artist but Supes is invulnerable to damn near everything, shoots lasers, flies, and has something like a 100+ ton strength level. Heck, in TDK Bats had trouble fighting off dogs so how is supposed to beat Superman?

*Mainly because I'm not all that interested in the movie. :P

I don't like Colt 45 either, Lando be damned.

I still think Affleck is a decent choice. Plus maybe they could get him to direct a Batman solo movie? Cause that I'd want to see.
Ben I say can pull of Bruce Wayne. But Bruce Wayne is a mask for Batman, and I still need to be convinced of that. Even though I do like him as an actor.

What I'm wondering about is how Batman is supposed to stand a chance against Superman. Sure Batman is a rich genius with lots of gadgets and a master martial artist but Supes is invulnerable to damn near everything, shoots lasers, flies, and has something like a 100+ ton strength level. Heck, in TDK Bats had trouble fighting off dogs so how is supposed to beat Superman?
Apparently, Superman has never beaten Batman any time that they've fought in the comics. Batman's intelligence is far superior to that of Superman, so he probably has some tricks up his sleeve. Besides, as soon as Batman finds Supe's weakness, kryptonite, the fight gets a lot more interesting.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

i hear that all the process of this project has changed even the hero

Yeah, I think MOS strayed away from an actual Superman a bit too much, especially in the high action fight scenes. If Zod throws Superman threw a building, there's not much you can do, he is a villain who doesn't care about humans. But the reverse happens as well, and I think Snyder shouldn't have done that.

I think it was close to being a great modern take, but just a few poor decisions held it back. Maybe Batfleck can humanize him lol

On the outside looking in.
In all honesty, the biggest thing that is bugging me about this movie is it is a sequel to the awful Man of Steel movie with the same creative crew.
You're sooo right! Maybe we'll luck out and they'll cancel this movie the same way they cancelled the sequel to SUPERMAN RETURNS...
"Yes, citizen, there is no cause for alarm -- you may return to your harpsichord."

You're sooo right! Maybe we'll luck out and they'll cancel this movie the same way they cancelled the sequel to SUPERMAN RETURNS...
Maybe, but Warner Brothers is trying their damnest to outdo Marvel Studios, and since Man of Steel was regrettably a hit, I am not banking on this idea. I myself will probably end up waiting to watch it on DVD. Not unless Affleck pulls a Heath Ledger and blows my mind in a future trailer.

In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by Nausicaä
People need to get a life or make petitions for actual important things in our lives.

There's plenty of legitimate wrong in the world. A petition like this is so unbelievably stupid and tone deaf. Every single person who signs just doesn't realize how good they have it. If you want to get irate over something, find something that actually matters.

Heck, forget the misplaced outrage part: even if you think the outrage is justified it's still pointless. It's not going to get the part recast.

even if you think the outrage is justified it's still pointless. It's not going to get the part recast.
Are you sure?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

We've gone on holiday by mistake
For me it's irrelevant because I won't be seeing it based on the fact that MOS sucked so hard, NOT whomever is donning the batsuit.

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
If nothing else Warner Bros. have certainly gotten themselves a sh*tload of free publicity by casting Affleck. At least we'll be rid of Bale's "I gargle with broken glass and marbles" Batman voice.

Assuming Warner Bros. are planning on following Marvel's Phase 1 setup the Batman vs. Superman movie will probably end up being similar to Iron Man 2; e.g. a movie that focuses more on setting up the big team-up film rather than just trying to work as a solo movie. If that's the case the movie will probably be relatively lackluster regardless of how well or badly Affleck does. (I like IM2 well enough but it's definitely weaker than the first one.)