Weirdest Movie You've Seen


Your friendly neighborhood film critic
Judging by our top 10 movies, I'm more of a mainstream movie lover, so Von Trier just wouldn't do it for me. Regarding Rosemary, I found it suspenseful and plain scary, it has a sick way of making the viewer anxious.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Just give Enter the Void a shot, that's the weirdest movie I have seen until I looked up what it was supposed to represent and what everything meant, but please watch the movie first.


Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
My answer for this one would have to be the Japanese B-movie Mutant Girls Squad. Imagine if there was an X-Men spinoff where the mutants with random, useless powers all got together and became their own team of crime-fighters.
Actually, there are some cool mutations in this movie such as one girl whose arms turn into metal with razor-sharp claws for fingers, and another whose skin turns into armor. But then there are these other mutations that make you go "why...?" There's a woman who has the power to make a chainsaw pop out of her butt. There's a woman with a conjoined sister whose face takes up her entire torso, with eyes where the nipples should be. There's even a woman whose superpower is making a big red dot appear on her face. Seriously, that's all she does, though I think this character was made out of some sense of patriotism, because it makes her face look like the flag of Japan. Oh yeah, and there's a nurse whose arms can change into tentacles. Because Japan!
Also these are not weird movies these are some of my favorites, these are masterpieces and nothing should be changed, gotta love Japan.

Also these are not weird movies these are some of my favorites, these are masterpieces and nothing should be changed, gotta love Japan.
I do love Japanese films and there are some true masterpieces from that country, but could you please explain how Mutant Girls Squad is not weird?

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
[quote=the samoan lawyer;914506]
Which I hated - Antichrist
Which I loved - Rosemary's Baby

I was the opposite, i loved Antichrist and just didnt get Rosemary's Baby.
I still havent seen Antichrist
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I've seen a lot of truly bazaar movies, so many, in-fact, that I couldn't possibly specify one in-particular. However, one movie that I recently watched that is strange, not the strangest, mind you, is an anime movie called Spirited Away.

There are some seriously weird movies out there.

Finished here. It's been fun.
I like David Lynch films, but I still can't for the life of me understand Lost Highway. I think i got the story of Mulholland dr. cracked but I can't do the same for Lost Highway though.
The film "Holy Motors" is very strange as there is no story to speak of

'Weird" is certainly subjective, so in retrospect (or spect):

a movie that made me tilt my head like a canine trying to figure out the sound they hear would be-

Heavy metal - the original.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Probably Being John Malkovich (1999)
I'd also rank it as among the weirdest movies I've seen, if not THE weirdest.

On the other hand, it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. Fingers crossed it scores highly on the MoFo 90s Countdown.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I was going to mention El Topo but was beaten to it. I haven't seen anyone mention The Reflecting Skin. That's a weird one.

First thing that comes to mind for me when I see that you've posted is "first movie that comes to mind".