MoFo's Religion


MoFo's Religion
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Cheers nebbit. I knew Synagogue, but not shul.

I am the Watcher in the Night
Wow, there's so much going on in this thread I'm not quite sure where to start.

Just a tiny little criticism, the term for a person who follows the religion of Islam is Muslim, not Islamic. Apart from that, I'm thinking of where to start with this discussion lol

planet news's Avatar
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1) That the rough essence of things we recognize should be treated as proof that some "other" thing exists around them. To which I say: it could just be a trick of the mind, and even if there is some "other," we have no reason to believe this essence allows for choice.
Why not? There's really no other way to even begin to conceive of free will without the 'gap' in existence I'm talking about. Free will needs a free 'space' where the subject can invent and create ex nihilo.

The classic argument is that free will is impossible because the interplay of objects exhausts being. If there is a 'little bit of being' on the fringes of objects, then that's precisely the way out of that deadlock.

You could invent this result just from trying to think of 'what kind of thing' free will would be. All without even examining how our predicates fail and so forth.

2) The fact that our attempt to categorize objects inevitably fails on close inspection, and therefore there is uncertainty about our categories and they could be some other way. To which I say: sure, but again, why not just imperfect minds? And why does imperfect categories imply choice?
I don't get it though. Why do you think that we fail and not objects? There are two ways of looking at things, sure. First is that objects are just an inadequate way of talking about being (though, not existence) [materialism]. Second is that our perception is inadequate. The latter can only be true by positing something outside of our perception. For example, Ideal Forms. That's how Plato does the One-effect. The materialist just asks, why bother? You can get the same thing as the Ideal Forms without positing them at all with just the supplement idea. That's good enough and it makes more sense. The main problem with Plato is questions like "what's a perfect table?" etc. It's too bulky to work. There'd have to be all these perfect forms for pretty much any kind of object ever. There's no reason to think that.

We can actually 'perceive' the supplement directly. We can actually in some sense 'see' the One-effect at work. That makes us very powerful. Like people who can see the Ideal Forms at work. But the actual 'seeing' of the One-effect is very banal. It's just predicates failing. Again, it's a form of radical empiricism.

But they can't be used as evidence for a specific conclusion, independent of anything else. Make sense?
Why? That doesn't follow at all. The fact that we're limited suggests there's something more. Whatever it actually is, you know that it is more. Knowing of the more is where freedom is.

If I don't have enough to accomplish the task (comprehending being), then being must be more than what I comprehend. It's that simple. The more isn't supernatural. It's just the 'fuzziness' of objects. Nevertheless, that's where freedom and creativity, heroism, etc. all lie.


(Part 1 of 2) A fascinating two-part series that explores the beginnings of modern religion and the origins of the Old Testament. This archaeological detective story tackles some of the biggest questions in biblical studies: Where did the ancient Israelites come from? Who wrote the Bible, when, and why? And how did the worship of one God - the foundation of modern Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - emerge? (From the US) (Documentary Series)

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
Atheist through and through
"The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware: joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware." -Henry Miller

Atheist through and through
It is up to you and people shouldn't convince either way.

May I ask? Do you believe in Ghosts, Karma, Palm reading and so forth? Was curious that's all.

Slimgee55's Avatar
Until we lose ourselves we have no hope of finding ourselves
Yeah I respect everyone's religion. I don't try to force my beliefs on people just like I don't like people to impose their beliefs on me.

I'm a big believer in energy and the power that it has. Einstein said "energy is neither created nor destroyed, it just changes forms". I wouldn't say I flat out believe in ghosts or karma but I do believe that those types of things can occur. Karma: if you're a negative person who does negative things you give off negative energy and therefore you attract negative energy (what goes around comes around). Ghosts: I believe there can be different energy forms but I don't think I'd ever fully believe in ghosts unless I had a personal dealing with one. Hope that made some what sense

How about you?

Karma Not really. Put it this way, I have done bad things and believe God gave me 2 chances..probably 3 really.

Ghosts Years ago! My mates Father believes is Ghosts very much so. He is not a weird guy either, no were near it. He reckons a few times a Ghost attacked s***! I don't believe in ghosts.

Einstein was a smart guy and also a Ladies Man

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
If free will is an illusion, we think we have it, but we don't, then we do have it, because if we think we have it, we do.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

If free will is an illusion, we think we have it, but we don't, then we do have it, because if we think we have it, we do.
I reckon when you were younger....many, many years ago You took crazy classes in College...I believe!

Keep on Rockin in the Free World

(Part 1 of 2) A fascinating two-part series that explores the beginnings of modern religion and the origins of the Old Testament. This archaeological detective story tackles some of the biggest questions in biblical studies: Where did the ancient Israelites come from? Who wrote the Bible, when, and why? And how did the worship of one God - the foundation of modern Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - emerge? (From the US) (Documentary Series)
The Cliff notes version is Sumeria.

Ancient Aliens basically.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

1) The "Prophecies" section can't be taken seriously because it disregards all the other prophecies that didn't come true, like, even in the first book. According to Genesis, Adam will die after eating the fruit but lives for another 900 years. It also says Cain will become a vagabond, except he ends up building a city and spawning. Also, in Kings, it says God puts a lying spirit in the mouth of his prophets, is that about Jesus too? Jesus also predicted the rapture within the lifetime of to whom he was preaching. ETCETERA

2) Science, I don't even know why I'm addressing this, but your link says "The Bible frequently refers to the great number of stars in the heavens....The Bible also says that each star is unique....The Bible describes the suspension of the Earth in space...The Bible describes the precision of movement in the universe." All of these things are visual from earth. How is it a prophecy when man wrote it down, looking up every day and night? Astronomy was a big practice. The rest is a bunch of other vague, poetic statements that Asians also claimed but they don't get credit for it I wonder why

3) How does proving the Bible existed say anything? It doesn't automatically make the crazy **** believable.

4) They use proof of historians, also known as quotes remarking at the undisputed death of jesus, but conveniently leave things out like how the word for virgin was also the word for young.

^^^ See avatar for religion

That post is gonna look really awkward a year from now when your avatar is, like, Alf or something.
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