American Horror Story on FX


On another note I thought Taissa Farmiga (Violet) was Vera's daughter, but is her sister. Huge age difference though. They look very much alike.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
Tate is Adelaide's brother/Constance's son?! Didn't see that coming at all.

Have a theory on Tate. The dead cheerleader told him, 'I should be 34 right now.' If that's true, then Tate should be around the same age, too, assuming that he has continued to live. So - I think that Tate killed himself after committing the mass murder. He's always wearing long sleeve shirts, perhaps he slit his wrists? Maybe he's stuck in some kind of purgatory, which explains why he can interact with the living, even outside of the Murder House property?
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

The Adventure Starts Here!
Okay, this is way late... but I am watching the first season of this show on Netflix right now. (And I mean RIGHT now... Episode 6 of the first season is on in the background.)

We've just found out about Tate's background/history. It's a great, fun show done very well, despite using every cliche in the book. They just carry everything to the logical extreme, and I'm enjoying the fun of it all.

Unsure how long the show will last, but so far it's great fun. Jessica Lange is brilliant, as usual, and everyone else is well cast. All the haunted house stories rolled into one.

It took me about 8 episodes before I started to engage with this. Had I not already had them recorded, I wouldn't have bothered carrying on. It was ok. Watched a couple of the second series and it's the same. The difference being, I don't have them recorded and can't be bothered to go through it again.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Season 2 is even better. Absolutely pillages horror tropes but does in such a ridiculous, yet horrific way- it works

The Adventure Starts Here!
Pyro, good to know! The second season isn't on Netflix yet, but I think since it's more current I might actually find it on the TV's OnDemand feature with Comcast/xfinity...

... once hubby leaves for work today.

I don't know why I watched the entire first season yesterday, except that it was so easy to sit and crochet while telling Netflix to simply play the next episode.... I think the good cast and just enough plot twists kept me engaged. Didn't see the twist with Violet coming at all, but of course it was so obvious, wasn't it?

The Adventure Starts Here!
Okay, so OnDemand has season two right now, but only starting with episode 7 and up, since they tend to scroll off older episodes of everything after a while.

Netflix doesn't have season two yet. Any clues where I can legally watch the first six episodes online?

I watched Season one.

Not bad at all. A few things that struck me as pretty lame about the writing.

Early on when the dad tried to fire the maid she said you can't fire me! I'll sue you, etc etc but they were having all these money problems. That didn't make any sense at all but no one brought it up.

The mom was desperate to get out of the house after people broke in an nearly killed her.. but then when she has martial problems she makes the dad move out of the house and she stays in it?!? What the hell is she staying there for instead of him. Really weak stuff.

Overall it was enjoyable.

Started on the Season Two

A Mad scientist, Ed-Gein style serial killer, alien abductions, and demonic possession all in one show LOL

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Season one was alright, a bit cheesy and some of the plot points were meh overall it was an alright watch, didn't see much of season two, but the idea was intriguing. Season 3 was good, I liked the witchcraft angle, it's probably my favourite season. Do not like season 4, the concept did nothing for me, I only saw a couple episodes of Hotel, but it was pretty good. Gonna wait until I can watch it all on demand.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Season Two now complete.
I like how they do happy or bittersweet endings for this show instead of dark endings.

Season two was a lot better than season 1. Instead of ghosts we had nearly everything and the kitchen sink. Can't forget to have a nurse ratchet in the asylum too. There's nothing terribly original or grounding breaking here, but it borrows for so many famous mythos at once that it's entertaining to see them all interact together.

Season Three hey it's chanel from scream queens! [looks up her name] emma roberts.
That sounds familiar. [looks up imdb]

Hmm I really liked her in scream queens but not so much in We're in the Millers.
She was the only character in screen queens i liked, i would fast forward to her parts and they were always entertaining.

Looks like she has found her voice.

Season Three kinda meh for me. i like witches but it wasn't nearly as good as season 2.

Saw the first episode of season 4 and I've moved on to a different show instead.
I got bored with american horror story.

This series always seemed off to me whenever I tried to watch an episode, with feelings that they are trying to hard to make it dramatic/scary/etc. Significant other convinced me to watch the first episode of the new Delicate season last night, and my impression remains the same. Kim K just makes it worse...