Borat to play Queens Freddie Mercury



Could be a colloquial term you aren't familiar with...
I have deciphered the meaning
and I understand and share the despair

THE FREDDIE MERCURY BIOPIC - Jeremy Kapone & Queen live in Paris 1979 BONSIOUR PARIS

Jeremy Kapone & Queen live in Paris 1979 as the star of "Mercury The Great" is revealed.

The Freddie Mercury Biopic - Mercury The Great

This is Jeremy Kapone It is not Freddie Mercury except for his body
Its Jeremy kapone's head!! i stuck a cap on it
that is just%$^#$##
am i going insane??
i cannot believe it!
Can you see what i see?
lol i would love to post this on the Queen forums (IDIOTS ALL THEM)
i told them i told them!!!
i won
i won
Well no
GOD WON actually
(They knew i was right all along.)
carry on
carry on as if nothing really matters.
every single one of them
every single one
not one stood by me not one.

The Freddie Mercury Biopic - Jeremy Kapone in Leather BIG SPENDER

Hey Big Spender !

Pictured - Jeremy Kapone In Freddie’s Leathers

Actor Jeremy Kapone NOT SACHA BARON COHEN as Freddie Mercury in The Freddie Mercury Biopic
Click image for larger version

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I say give the guy a try!
What do you mean?
let him audition?
I mean that is usally what you do in these situations isnt it?
I mean the director usually auditions people, or a director wants a specific person
But in this case, Borat has been announced without a director even being involved!



Jeremy Kapone is Freddie Mercury Not Sacha Baron Cohen
The Freddie Mercury Biopic: Can sacha baron cohen seriously dramatically act? The Freddie Mercury Biopic- Can Sacha Baron Cohen seriously dramatically act?

Jeremy got Freddie Mercury’s eyes
Jeremy Kapone’s Eyes.
He’s got Freddie Mercury Eyes

Sacha Has Sacha eyes
Sacha Baron Cohen’s Eyes
Sacha’s got Sacha Baron Cohen’s eyes

Sacha Baron Cohen is said to star as Freddie Mercury in an upcoming Biopic on the Queen singer’s Life story.
Can Sacha Baron Cohen seriously dramatically act?
Can Sacha competently handle such a role?
If one thinks of the great biopics of the past, they have featured relatively unknown actors, granted, but who are known to be able to dramatically act to a high standard.
For such a big role, that is essential , isn’t it?
Also such stars of such movies always have some special something that a director has seen in them that makes them suitable and perfect for the role of a famous person. This includes how they look, obviously, but a director isn’t just looking at just any people in the street, and seeing resemblance, he is looking at people he knows have a competent dramatic acting ability.
Surely this goes without saying?
As far as i can tell, Sacha Baron Cohen has not once displayed any ability to convincingly act out a serious dramatic part.
A good director knows that his options have to open and his instincts have to be at work when finding someone suitable for a role, this is especially so if the movie happens to be the life story of a real person, a biopic.
In a biopic , believability and accuracy and detail are surely more paramount than ever?
All this can only be achieved with a seriously good actor,who has the potential to become great, with such an opportunity, if the script is competent and does the life story justice, never mind one with a believable resemblance.
And surely a thorough period of casting is called for, to make sure you have the right person. And, is that not, the only sane route?
After all how much money is at stake? Who’s reputations?
who’s memory?

How much money is at stake on a Hollywood movie?
My observations appear quite sensible, to me at least.
With this in mind, I have endeavored to try and find a proven actor, who is competent enough , young enough, and can credibly look both like a young and older Freddie Mercury, in much the same way as Robert Downey Jnr , played charlie Chaplin from the age of 18 to 90 something, i believe i have found an actor who can play Freddie Mercury from his late teens to 20′s to early 30′s ( the period needed if the movie is to cover the formative years through to the end of his live concert career, as has been said by the Producer, Graham King.)
The name of the actor i have found is Jeremy Kapone.

Jeremy is a half inch taller than the Real man, Yet will fit with the other cast members, all of whose heights are almost exactly as the real Queen, and who look like them.

The actors found for other parts are:
Jake Abel for Roger Taylor, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt for the role of John Deacon.

Sadly, I should think one of them could possibly not act though, however he stands as much chance as Sacha Baron Cohen in my opinion, as he to is a comic.
Dominic Harris a dead ringer for Brian May, just shy of Sacha’s height, but a good 6′ 3 at least i should think.

I have found 36 actors in all, for the various roles that should be included, if the story is truly going to be a thorough detailed true depiction of Freddie Mercury’s life, as the word biopic suggests.
But most crucially, I have Kapone for the lead.
Here is a video showing all 36 of the cast

Again I ask, is there any evidence Sacha Baron Cohen can dramatically act to a suitable standard?
The Freddie Mercury Biopic – Director Sir Richard Attenborough
Here is a very in-depth and apt interview on how Sir Richard Attenborough
made probably the greatest ever Biopic, Chaplin, and what the actor chosen to play him
brought to the role.

Likewise, in agreement with Sir Richard Attenborough’s description of Robert Downey’s becoming Chaplin, I believe Jeremy Kapone can become Freddie Mercury, and I have no doubts about it. He can and will.
So with this interview in mind, with all it’s detail of how a great biopic is made, I expect no less of the Freddie Mercury Biopic, for the difficulties they faced with Chaplin are very similar to the ones with Freddie Mercury .
I believe I have found the right man who can make Mercury as great as Chaplin.
All that is needed now is for those with the power to simply use what i have found.
I do hope I am not alone in my capacity to grasp that the portrayal of such a unique man
as Freddie Mercury, who was a man of such contrasts and extremes, a very private man, with a very complicated personal life and journey, a man who like Chaplin was a immigrant, who became a genius musical composer, created such a powerful and recognizable image, was of unequaled talent as both a singer and stage performer.
I really do hope I am not alone in grasping that such a man needs a very special and talented actor, to truly become Mercury.
An actor who is able to truly give a valid telling of his life story in a believable, moving , powerful and credible way, an actor who can truly reveal the fullness of the personality, both public and private.
Freddie Mercury was himself an actor.
And he really needs a true actor to play his part.
was Freddie so successful at hiding himself, that now people do not realize he was probably the greatest actor ever?
This maybe a revelation to many, but isn’t it obvious?
Everyone wants to know about the real Private man, but Freddie’s whole thing was his act, nobody except very few saw that real man.
Now I hope we all have an opportunity to have an honest detailed and true look at the man.
I believe Jeremy Kapone is just about the only one who could realistically enable that.
This very difficulty of the uniqueness of Freddie Mercury
This is the very reason people have unthinkingly jumped on the Sacha Baron Cohen mistake, but what a grave mistake indeed!
It is as if we , and I mean everyone, have been tricked!
and the trick is this:
Cohen has no chance of portraying the real Freddie, only an embarrassing comedy turn and parody of the stage Freddie, and that is the trick.
But even that will look ridiculous.
what an amazing opportunity missed, how tragic it would be for cinema to forever lose out on capturing the epic grandeur of such a powerful performer, who’s stage performance and voice lifted the whole world.
Don’t be fooled, we want to see the real man, both on stage and off.
Don’t give up this opportunity just for the sake of a fashionable petty joke
Here is a video showing Jeremy Kapone in contrast to Sacha Baron Cohen
as Mercury. it also features Sacha’s singing voice.

The Freddie Mercury Biopic – Sacha Baron Cohen Sings Queen

I am not asking for much I merely want someone capable of drinking a cup of tea convincingly.

That is how dire the situation of Cohen is.

I am making the point
Cohen cannot act , he cannot convince.
He just a cannot, unless he is trying overtly and very hard, to hide by the use of the absurd.

when he is still , his eyes are like those of a rabbit caught in headlights,
he is exposed as a non actor.

Sacha Baron Cohen is a ham, he can only do panto type roles.

Was Freddie’s stage performance, acclaimed as it was , merely the result of someone akin and equal to that of Cohen’s talents, a panto actor that he is?
was Freddie’s private mind that of a the depth of a panto character?
why does everyone think he can be treated with such casual dismissal? and contempt, that his life is so callously dismissed and its depth worthy of such an actor, who has no skill and no depth, he would be fitting to someone so shallow?
Is it really because you don’t see him as a real person but only as a stooge?
A suitable vehicle for a clown actors chance to clown to the utmost outrage?

Since when do biopics so actively and so obviously risk to denigrate, and dismiss, the person-hood of the people they are meant to be in honor of?
by having a dramatic disaster ape them. ?
However funny , popular and clever, Sacha may be, and however good he is at being camp, my first priority is Freddie Mercury as he means far more to me that anything Sacha has or can, ever.
If Freddie’s great stage craft and skill as a musical mind , and his image is so easily dismissed as to be so easily summed up that it is equated portray-able by a pantomime actor such as Sacha, then why bother making a biopic about his life in the first place?
As such a joke of a human being, surely is far too one dimensional to be of interest to anyone.
Mercury requires a masterful performance,
not a disaster performer of buffoonery.
I thought Queen were ambitious
I want to see The Power, The Majesty, The Glory of The KING of ROCK!
“The bigger the better; in everything.” ― Freddie Mercury
Kapone is Mercury

Jeremy Kapone as Freddie Mercury

This is a bizarre obsession.

Okay, you think this other guy would be better. What's the point of saying it over and over?
I am not just saying it, i am arguing against cohen being in the role with valid actual thought out arguments and points, reasons why he isnt right, and Jeremy Kapone is right.
Everybody else is just saying IT, without reasons for it being right or thinking about it , at all.

Is this the studio days of hollywood FOR HIRE directors
When directors were just hired by big wigs to shoot films with contracted stars?
that is not Directing, that is being hired, its not film-making, its nothing but prostitution! and produces JUNK!

and as to this being a strange obsession!
Your Obsession with Batman and super heroes in general cannot be matched.
Nor can your obsession with movies in general.
My obsession is about a movie of the life of a real super hero and trying to make sure it is not made into a disaster.
I wish Cohen had been announced as the new Batman, then i could watch your obsessional opposition to that.
And I dont waste my time negative or positiving posts i like or dislike
that is childish.
I just ignore them or read them.

  • Jeremy Kapone’s Head on Freddie’s Body

and as to this being a strange obsession!
Your Obsession with Batman and super heroes in general cannot be matched.
This is strangely familiar. Because I wrote a single essay about it, I suppose?

Nor can your obsession with movies in general.
This is a movie forum.

My obsession is about a movie of the life of a real super hero and trying to make sure it is not made into a disaster.
Freddie Mercury was not a real life superhero, he was a singer. An awesome singer, but only a singer. And you have absolutely no sway over the production of this film. You can rant all you want about it, but you're not going to change it. Perhaps thinking you can explains your behavior.

I wish Cohen had been announced as the new Batman, then i could watch your obsessional opposition to that.
This is where you're confused, I think. If he was announced as playing some role I thought he was awful for, I wouldn't do anything even close to what you're doing right now. I'd issue my opinion, and that'd be it.

I'm not calling this an "obsession" because you feel strongly. I'm calling this an obsession because you keep repeating yourself and going on and on, forever, with almost no one talking to you about it. You're not saying new things. You're just saying the same things over and over, and you're littering every post with weird formatting, bold fonts, and capital letters.

It's ridiculous. Chill out.

And if you try to drag this Freddie Mercury stuff into one more thread one more time, those temporary bans you keep getting will be permanent. You say people should just not read it if they don't like it--and that's why you get to keep posting it, as obsessive and weird as it is. But that doesn't really work as a response when you keep posting it in other places, presumably because you've realized nobody's listening to it in here. So this is your last warning.

I wonder what a psycho-analyst would say about his ramblings.

Thesis worth of material right there

I like his latest insinuations that SBC has HIS OWN eyes but this other guy has somehow acquired Mercury's actual eyes and is wearing them