Anyone surf MoFo with a mobile device? If so, I could use your help


So, apparently this whole "mobile" Internet thing the kids are into isn't going away anytime soon. And MoFo isn't a terribly adaptive site, and is kind of a pain to use on smaller devices. So, to that end, I've whipped up a modified, scaled-down version for mobile devices.

If any of you like to browse MoFo on a mobile device, even occasionally, or have one and would like to give it a go, please reply here and I'll drop you a PM, and I can give you access.

This shouldn't take long or require too much effort of anyone. I'll send you a message, have you click on a few links, give some rough feedback on how things looked and worked on your end (with any thoughts--completely optional--you have about improving it), and that should be it. If there's any troubleshooting, I'll probably just ask you to click on a link or two and tell me what it shows you.

Thanks, MoFos.

I tried, once. Was told needed to download an app to view the site though.
Technically speaking that prompt should have been only telling you you could download an app. If it says otherwise, that's not cool.

Regardless, I turned that thing off. Still usable, just doesn't prompt people any more. This is a different thing than that.

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I tried on my phone a couple times but to be honest I'd rather log on with a computer. It's better.

I go on using my phone all the time. It's not that difficult to use, but if it can be made easier, that'd be great
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Anyone notice any difference yet? The code should be detecting the mobile device and showing you the mobile style automatically now. Let me know if that's happening for any of you.

Most the time I'm on here I'm on my IPhone. Only thing I could think of that's make it easie is let you attach images that our saved on your phone
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Anyone notice any difference yet? The code should be detecting the mobile device and showing you the mobile style automatically now. Let me know if that's happening for any of you.
Hasnt happened for me…

Hmmm, odd. Are you seeing a "Switch to Mobile Style" link above the banner ad, to the far right of where the Twitter link is right now, at least?

Technically speaking that prompt should have been only telling you you could download an app. If it says otherwise, that's not cool.

Regardless, I turned that thing off. Still usable, just doesn't prompt people any more. This is a different thing than that.
At the time, it was that or nothing so never tried again. Of course, I may just not have been trying hard enough

Hmmm, odd. Are you seeing a "Switch to Mobile Style" link above the banner ad, to the far right of where the Twitter link is right now, at least?
No I don't see one

Okay, can you guys try again? Here's what I'm hoping for:

1) That when you visit on a mobile browser, it automatically switches the style.
2) Barring that, that the link mentioned before should now be showing up.

Any responses on this would be highly appreciated.

Now it appears in mobile automatically but when I click view full site it just sends me back to the mobile version