Schwarzenegger, Stallone or Willis?


Dude, Demolition Man is a ridiculously fun movie. I actually own it, and not through some clerical error. Both Stallone and Ah-nuld tried their hand at quasi-self-aware action flicks (Ah-nuld's was Last Action Hero, which was explicitly self-aware), and I think both were pretty successful.

"What're you doing?"
"Breaking the law."


I like all of them, but im going with willis on this one

I haven't seen it in forever, but I loved Last Action Hero when I was a kid.

Demolition Man, though... slooooow. And Wesley Snipes - though I should be much kinder to Noxeema Jackson - badass villain, but caught in a bad movie.

And seriously, Otho, get back to Beetlejuice.

And I thought that voice that was giving everybody fines for breaking morality laws was beyond repetitive and annoying. Yoda, now that I think about it, I'm not surprised you love the movie -- the rep system here, as well as bleeping out cuss words and various other forms of censorship, is kinda like that Demolition Man morality system. I guess that makes me Sylvester Stallone's character in that movie *gasp*.

Ah, but the movie's all about how terrible that is. So if I love it because of that, that means I secretly want someone to rebel against the rep system and the no swearing rule. That deep down, I yearn for it.

Either that or I just think the three seashells are hysterical.

I rewatched Junior recently and laughed myself silly at Arnold having a goof on his macho screen persona.
You laughed at Junior?!?! I'm sorry, but I have to turn my back on you now.

So there you have winner is....

drum roll...

Kurt Russell...channelling his best John Wayne and Clint Eastwood impersonations, as Jack Burton and Snake Plissken respectively.

And BOO PW for bringing that dicksplat into the conversation in the first place.

As for my faves:

Willis - Die Hard
Sly - First Blood
Arnie - Commando

Ah, but the movie's all about how terrible that is. So if I love it because of that, that means I secretly want someone to rebel against the rep system and the no swearing rule. That deep down, I yearn for it.

I have to go with Willis who is amuch better actor than the other two and I'm more into action realism.
I did love First Blood and also admire Stalone for creating the Rocky character.
Arnold has by far achieved the most in life. The guy is the ultimate competitor having triumphed in three seperate arenas, although as Governor of California, the triumph was only in getting there.
What I can't understand is how does a guy like that have such a sucky taste in women?

He doesn't have sucky taste in women, he'll just touch/grope/**** anything around him. There's a big difference.
That's the point. He doesn't know how to discern between what he gropes hence, he has no taste.

Willis is pretty bad ass. That whole hard core look on his face yet he's not super buff like Stallone or Arnold. Like the everyday man.